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[Music] hi Jeff Cote here with Pacific yacht systems I'm going to talk next about marine stereos basically you hear we've got one of our favorites which is the fusion deck right here what I like about this deck and is that it's not hard to use what that means is look at the buttons in the and just the interface of the unit it's not complicated it's not one of those car kids stereos that have a hundred dials that you need to dial in that are barely hard to touch and you can't figure what you're doing this stereo is easy to operate even in hard or big seas it's intuitive you can integrate via bluetooth your iPhone you can either even connect it through an iPod jack you can do it through a stereo jack and what I like about it too is it understands actually that both have multiple zones so the big thing is it actually gonna have up to three and some of them can have two four zones so you could have your soul on you could have your a few could have your fly bridge you can have all these different areas that have different sound controls and you can even decide where the sound is going to come out of so that's a really popular product with a lot of boaters it has a built in amplifier which is nice but if you want we also do a lot of systems that have need more speakers we put external amplifiers and yeah it's just straightforward to use I think the biggest roadblock with a lot of stereos is how am I going to figure out how to use this I just want it to work and that's what Fusion delivers good sound easy to use so if you've got any further questions or reach out to us and thanks for watching you