[Music] hi Jeff Cote with Pacific yacht systems here we're going to talk about Wi-Fi antennas what's a Wi-Fi antenna well basically it's a way for a boater to connect to Wi-Fi hotspots in and around your boat so you might be in a marina and where you are in the marina might be at the outside finger and you might have really poor reception on your laptop or your iPhone or any device that have Wi-Fi connectivity back to a hot spot at a marina or it might even be a coffee shop that decides to give free Wi-Fi here in the Pacific Northwest there's a lot of carriers that are now actually giving free Wi-Fi and so you know being in the city or in urban areas this is a really good and convenient way for you to stay in touch press apps work remotely getting weather updates giving updates on Facebook whatever you might fancy but it's ultimately it's a way for you to connect to the internet you'll notice that you know you generally want to install one of these antennas either you're gonna see them on radar masks you're gonna see them railings on the back of a boat you're gonna see them on arches there they're actually meant to be out in the weather their IP so there's actually going to be an Ethernet cable from here back to either the device or what we often do is we actually install a router and that router then propagates Wi-Fi throughout the boat you actually end up logging in via an app simply through a browser to this device and you can actually choose which Wi-Fi hotspot you want to interconnect to so it's really convenient straightforward to use and it basically gives you free internet when you're in a semi urban or rural area where there's actually wife spots around your boat if you've got any further questions about Wi-Fi antennas I'll reach out to Pacific Gas systems and thanks for watching