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hello everyone and welcome to
boatingtechtalk.com god it feels good
all right everyone so here we've got a
fellow boater asking us
a question straightforward question very
few words but
my god i was actually concentrating just
before trying to think about my answer
jeff this question from neil what is
stray current corrosion
and what should i do to protect my boat
simple question
well said to the point that's why i'm
answering it by the way
it's easy but the answer is so tough
right so first of all straight current
really only for most of us remember all
rules have exceptions but for the most
of us 99
99 what we're concerned about is
the moment we connect our boats to shore
power so straight current corrosion is
not something we're really worried about
when we're actually on the water
somewhere other than a marina but when
we come into marina and we plug into
the other boat beside us is also plugged
into the marina and every boat around us
is plugged in and the one thing we have
in common
is that the ac grounding wire that green
wire that is part of the shore power
is connected to a single point on the
somewhere at the power source now that
it's very possible that some boats have
really bad paths back to ground
for whatever reasons an accident
happened it was badly wired
and that boat it's very possible will
actually come
aboard another boat to go back to shore
and so that's basically one of the
biggest concerns that we all have as
boat owners is that we're actually
all together in a marina and you could
have inadvertently a boater beside you
a good neighbor someone who cares and
loves about their boat as much as you do
that is actually accidentally using your
boat's electrical system
to go back to shore right effectively
all the boats that are in the water are
part of a cell they're all trying to
equalize each other out
and so what we end up doing when we're
connected to shore power is to either
a galvanic isolator or an isolation
transformer to protect our boats from
other boats that might have a mishap on
their boats
only will it happen again at a marina
and it's essential
especially if you value your money and
you have a lot of underwater metals like
the propellers and some propellers are
extremely expensive the propeller shaft
can be extremely expensive
and then all these underwater metals
like through halls
you know your rudders all those things
need to be protected
and if your boat is well protected with
zings but the other boat beside you
it's very possible that your boat will
and your zincs on your boat will
actually not only protect your boat
but will help protect the other boat as
well so that's a fear that we all have
and it's real
i we get involved in those calls all the
time to do surveys
so the best way to handle that is an
isolation transformer or a galvanic
great question neil and thanks for
thanks for watching this video also we
appreciate the feedback
if you've got further questions or ideas
on content post them down below
remember sharing is caring and that's
how we all learn
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