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thank you for joining us today we are
continuing our conversation with maya
and aladino on their sailing magic
carpet adventure
you had mentioned that uh in your
previous vote you had an ac panel with
the reverse polarity light
uh can you explain to others why you
think that's an important feature
i think you'd be better at this
i can i'm fine from my understanding
it's just because a lot of the or not a
lot but some of the docs
went to had reversed polarity like their
wiring was just done incorrectly so so
to to put it simply from my
understanding it's just some devices can
handle it some devices burn out so if
you plug in something with reverse
polarity you might burn that device
or yeah so
reverse polarity uh maya brought a good
point happens actually a lot more often
than we'd all like
uh reverse polarity is where the hot and
the neutral are uh basically swapped
right uh so
what that means is
you know it's a little bit like you know
imagine if you had a front door in the
back door and in a home and you always
would come through the front door and
always leave through the back door right
it's almost like there's an entry and
there's an exit and you can never leave
through the entry you always have to
leave through the exit
now you could um and this is where it
gets dangerous you could power an ac
circuit on the
through the exits
go through the load and then leave the
load and go through what used to be the
entry at your exit
and that's really what reverse polarity
is it's someone um at the dock
has actually swapped the hot for the
neutral and the neutral for the hot
you know it's
a little bit
more important than just some loads
might burn out
it gets a lot more serious than that um
there's risk of electrocution uh with
reverse polarity
because um
what happens is um
you never
once first of all multiple things once
once you energize the neutrals think
about how we do certain things even with
the positive or the dc side right when
you think about energizing any circuit
it could be a water pump a hot water
heater it doesn't matter
what you're doing is you're effectively
stopping current from going into the
before it gets to the device you're
actually starting it at the source
right and so
you start at the source you're not
letting any current go through any of
the device
and really in most cases
especially on an ac panel what we're
doing is besides the main breaker we're
only turning we only have one circuit
breaker right so we're stopping the
entry of current
before it even gets onto the circuit
now if you've got a reverse polarity and
the hot is uh now a neutral and the
neutral is a hot what you're actually
doing your panel is energized but now
all your ac loads
actually have current they don't have
current but they have voltage in them
right they're all energized right the
only thing is there's no current going
through because you're stopping them
from actually exiting
by getting back but it's actually coming
through the device
so all devices where you would think
that would be disenter de-energized
because the breaker is off wouldn't
actually the whole circuit would be
energized what you're doing is you're
stopping the current from
it's almost there
and then just you turn the breaker on
and now so now if you were going to
let's say play with a hot water heater
right and your you know breaker is off
and you're like oh it's all fine it
doesn't matter there's no current to the
well what you don't realize is there's
no current that yes there's no current
flowing through the device but the whole
device is energized
right so if you're there
the neutral would be the hot and so the
whole thing would be there just waiting
for the current to be let through at the
panel so that's one reason why reverse
polarity is really important and
definitely all new panels have reverse
polarity lights
that's one thing and the other issue too
is what happens is
and this is
pretty important is that unfortunately
on land
in many installations uh
what some people do is they do a and
they're not supposed to do this but they
do this because they just don't know
they're doing a connection between the
ac neutral and the ac ground
thinking that both of them should be
tied together on the boat
and the moment they do that and this is
something that is probably on five
maybe a little not production votes but
votes after they've left the factory get
you know obviously modified and updated
and changed and worked on
about probably five percent of the votes
that we do electrical audits what
happens there which is interesting is
that you end up having the
neutral and the ground tied together
and they shouldn't and if they are and
you have a reverse polarity then your
battery your engine uh everything your
chain plates everything that was
grounded is now energized with 120. oh
yeah so two little errors make a big
error and so that's why reverse polarity
is a big now you won't have that problem
because you're not going to make that
second simple mistake right but making
the first simple mistake does happen
not all the time but here where we are
i'd say maybe five percent ten percent
of the docs that i connect to when i'm
traveling around will have reverse
and that's fine
you know as long as you're not you know
you shouldn't but if things work and
that's why you know there's not a big
issue that comes out of it where it gets
really bad is if you're playing around
with your ac system and you have reverse
polarity you might get yourself in
danger and then if you've got an error
on your boat where someone shouldn't
have done it but they did and they tied
your ac neutral to your ac ground
um you could be in a lot of trouble
totally uncomfortable and it's a pretty
simple solution to it though so
check your reverse polarity and by the
way it's simple you know i i didn't
understand that it's literally a light
an led light that's at 120 volts uh that
is between your ground and your neutral
and as we know uh if two things are at
zero uh you know you connect a light to
a negative post and a negative post
the light's not gonna work you connect
you connect the light to something
that's zero
and something suddenly that has voltage
the light will be bright or dimly bright
and that's basically what a reversible
area light is is only basically a light
that is should never be turned on and if
it is it means that effectively your
neutral is energized
and it shouldn't
so there you go
also the first polarity um
fans run backwards right that's what
happens yeah yeah because that happened
to us in the netherlands oh i said and
our heater was running backwards
that's bad yeah exactly we were getting
concerned that that was dangerous
because it like it wasn't cooling
properly and stuff then it just would
get hotter exactly yeah
it's amazing little things matter yeah
yeah stay tuned for our next episode
with the crew of sailing magic carpet
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