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I'm Jeff Cote with Pacific yacht systems some of you might know us some of you might not we specialize on electronics and electrical systems on boats that's what we do and today the purpose of this conversation or this presentation is route to introduce the popular electronic products that were released either at the end of 2015 but are being released now this is the latest and greatest art products within the Marine segment we write the tech talk articles and Pacific yachting and a part of that we also do the electronics review which is happening and being printed for next month's pacific yachting this is kind of a taste of what we're going to be discussing in that article so we do a write up every year and for the first time this year we're just giving people at the Boat Show a little bit of apprehension of why are we focusing on those products during our article here's kind of the agenda we're gonna be looking at all the different type of choices that you have out there a time of an intro in terms of electronics choices a quick overview on different types of products that you can have on boat electronics products this is not going to be electrical it's gonna be strictly electronics and then we're gonna look at 15 new products for 2016 and I'm going to open the floor for a question and answer it as well when you are deciding on electronic products you should always ask yourself not every product is suited for everyone and it's really important that you don't necessarily look at what's happening left or right it's really about what's important for you some people are gonna go in the inside passage you're gonna go up to all the way to Alaska and other ones are just going to do the gulf island so always make sure when you're thinking about what you want to do aboard your boat that you don't necessarily copy boat to the left or to the right because there's really a product really tailored for everyone and it's there's no one best product for everyone okay so there's a little bit of thought process that has to happen there you know the other point that I always says is you know very rarely do you get on a boat and you rip everything out there's a lot of integration and retrofitting that you can do on an electronics and so you can start with what you have and add on and you can you know I mean yeah of course green starting green starting fresh on everything is easy but it's expensive so take that into consideration when you're doing your choosing your products and the other big question that you can think about is especially now there's a bigger trend is everything's gleaning towards multifunctional displays right and having an or versus an all which is an all-in-one and then you can also then have people that are saying no I just want a sound or I just want a radar but that's harder and harder to do these days because manufacturers are aggregating multiple functionalities on one display so you're gonna have one display and all in one display which is called an MFD now that's gonna do radar sound or chartplotter AIS and you're gonna have all these different layers on that one it's like a TV TV is in CNN it's not ABC it's not CBC it's a display what you see on that display is for you to decide okay even on the bigger boat sometimes what we've stopped seeing is we've got clients that have multifunctional displays on a bridge and they'll just say that display can do everything but I only want it to be a sounder that display can do anything but I'll never change it off nav and same thing so they're basically locking a channel on that display and saying that's my sounder that's my char plotter that's my radar but realistically if another captain came on board another boat owner they could simply do whatever they want because the displays can do any okay so that approach that we had in the past where we had a device or a display per sensor is slowly eroding and it's harder and harder to find just a radar display they still are out there but it's much harder to do that and the other question is are you gonna have single helm or dual helm that's another factor when you're deciding products lastly you know you're going to go button touchscreen or you're going to go hybrid some manufacturers give you the option of doing both and that's something to think about the other thing that I want to talk about is that when you're making a decision on which product that we're going to be talking about is are you going to be focusing on a product that's feature-rich right that has can do everything like for example think of the difference between Apple and Microsoft or Android and app and iPhone Android phones are better phones than Apple they are it's not nobody debates it they have everything is better about an app an Android phone other than simplicity right apples phones are not the best phones they say their best but they're not everyone agrees that they're Hardware everything about them is worse than every other phone pretty much other than one thing they're simple to use right and so that's a trade-off to that you've got to think about when you're choosing what's important to you right do I want something I can do everything or am I an owner that's gonna do very little and I just want it to be easy to use I did a presentation on at the beginning of the Boat Show on boating apps some people are certainly leaning that way I have my hesitations as a primary display but that's certainly out there or integrating and having it as an add-on and then looking obviously at electrical and then certain brands have certain proprietary products that no other brands have and that's something to always think about you know before I go in again I just want to say these are types of products that are out there and each brand has its advantages like Garmin is really effectively kind of like Apple Raymarine is Raymarine Simrad are kind of similar they're more function rich and they're a little bit harder to use but that doesn't mean they're not good an Android phone can be amazing is you can do a lot more with them and a Garmin is simpler same price points but it really depends on are you really gonna get involve your chartplotter you just want to look at the screen and not really touch anything veruno is commercial-grade we see it on a lot of trawlers bigger boats right so price point is much higher and I before you buy a four mineral product and there's nothing wrong with Faru no have a look at the manual it's it's a small Bible it's it's intense it's really intense and so for an owner that really is not into it it really isn't that intuitive but the flipside is it's the best it's it's gonna work it's never gonna it's commercial grade you're gonna pay premium for it but it's not meant for people that don't like reading manuals it's just not Lawrence has got a good reputation on smaller boats they're going up and they're great with fish finders really good price point Simrad has a big resurgence and they're tied into also B and G so when you're gonna be choosing a sharp lauder think about all these different things and by the way this presentation is online on our website and you can access it at our media page and there's a tab in their presentations virtual presentations 2016 and all of that presentation is on a PDF so if you want to look at it no it's it's gonna come after the presentation oh really okay well let me look okay all right I'll look into that thank you one of the points I just want to bring is generally with a screen honestly I know it's more money but very rarely does an owner regret going with a bigger screen very rarely so if you're close or you're on the edge and you're undecided and you're hesitating between an 8 and a 10 inch and it can fit a 10 and the price difference is 2 $300 and you're really uncertain you probably would lean spending more money because very few people change their electronics more frequently than every 10 years and a lot of them go into 15 years so that decision that you make today is minimum of 10 year decision realistically and probably a 15 year decision nobody's changing electronics every three years I mean it happens but that's like one client every 2 years that I see that has new electronic he's like ah screw it let's just do it all over again that nobody does that so whatever decision you make make sure it's the right one for you because you're probably not gonna do it again for a long time all right so we'll talk about the first product first product is big fan is for uno the TZ touch it's definitely TZ touch for some of you familiar what they've done is x 0 before in the past what used to happen with char plotters or MFDs is there used to be a lot of lag meaning you would do an action and the reaction to that action would take a lot of time so for uno what they came out in a few years ago is the concept of time zero meaning when you do an action there's a reaction there's a feedback right away you zoom out the screen zooms out you zoom in it zooms in everything is immediate so they really spend a lot of money on the processor so that you wouldn't be pressing zoom in and you'd have to wait three seconds for it to zoom in the other big thing about it is they're also really interesting is they do a lot of more kind of animation looking to their vector charts so they'll make the charts look really interesting and it's gonna look almost 3d ish it's almost like you clearly are in an airplane at a certain site and you can see the buildings you they're really making it now for some of us that's a good thing for other ones it isn't so it's up to you to decide but they have all these enhancements that they do with the cartography to make it better and it also works for uno BOTS noble tech and so on some boats what they'll do is they'll match a noble tech navigation system on a computer with a TZ touch and you can integrate okay we find that most owners that do for uno are generally trawlers certainly popular Grand Banks ocean Alexander's North Ovens people that generally want to look like they have a ship generally is what they do because if you look in the harbor it's all furrow no like real boats like the real big ships have for uno so generally the owners of those boats want to feel like they have a ship and so for them it's not a question necessarily of what they want it's the look of the boat for uno fits that mold okay so a lot of people choose for uno because that's what everyone expects to see on that type of boat nothing wrong with it all of our high-end clients like we did Shaw's boat on a 75 Donzi we did the Charles family's boat we did we're doing a 145 right now everyone's choosing for uno I mean it's it's commercial grade there's nothing wrong with it except it's expensive and it's hard to use but it's gonna be reliable okay you won't change that for 20 years and and a lot of fishermen have for who knows stuff that's 30 years old 40 years old and they still swear by it right and they're like there's a whole business in refurbishing old for uno equipment nobody throws it away like you've got an old for uno somebody wants it that's the type of brand loyalty that you have with four uno okay BMG is a product that was or a product line that was bought by navajo navajo is an umbrella company that owns Simrad B&G and lawrence the advantage of having an umbrella company that owns multiple product lines is that the designers for that company is shared and innovation is shared along different product lines so what's interesting about B and G for some of you that are sailors is that you'll have advantage of getting broadband radar which is only available within Navajo and broadband radar is a it's a big deal it's been out for about five years but its radar that's really good at close quarters like if you light up broadband in the river in captain's Cove and you're in not captain we got captain's Cove and you're going down and Ladner you can actually see individual pilings ten feet from your boat down the river you can see a broomstick at the at the bow of your boat so it's great for close target acquisition traditional radar is one eighth of a nautical mile is kind of the scale this goes to four times that 1/32 so if you're using it for anchoring or for you know close quarter navigation broadband a radar makes a lot of sense and the other advantage too is that you can have it for it's got the power draw is about forty percent of a traditional radar so we have sailors that are going to Vic Maui and so they'll lean towards B and G or Simrad because their power requirements are limited to can't run the engine under propulsion there's in a race so that would be a product and the B and G Vulcan is an entry level and it's not priced more than any other product like if you look across the product line Garmin Bree marine it's at the same price point it used to be double everything like literally double we did a swan 75 this summer we did everything on the boat and originally the equipment was B and G and it was literally huge amount of money like stupid like oh well over a hundred thousand for the atronics probably hundred fifty and when we swapped it out to the eub ng it was literally less than half the original price so they brought down the price point on B and G to have it completely comparable to other products so if you're a sailor it might make sense to consider B and G because you're not actually paying double the price it's like buying a Mercedes for the price of a Toyota so it's something you should consider if you're buying a chartplotter on a sailboat alright here we talk a little bit about you know what is a sounder or sonar fish finder these are words that are used interchangeably to talk about similar things right a lot of devices now have it integrated so you can have fish finding capabilities image of the bottom and it's built in back only five years ago a lot of it had to be done on a black box separately so you have to actually have a black box and then that black box would connect your MFD now a lot of them actually have it built in within the display and then different types of through halls you know in Hall in Hall true Hall in Hall transom mount chirp I've wrote a lot about articles about that and it's super popular this year and then some new products are actually having forward-looking sonar so you can actually in front of your boat so that could be handy if you're doing outside Vancouver Island or you're going to places they're a little sketchy and you want to know if there's a rock ahead of you at little speed of course and you're trying to find an entrance somewhere or shoal this might allow you to do that so Garmin came out with a product line that is really interesting it's not it's there middle of the range product line so you know $1000 kind of thing and what they've done is they're doing this down view sign side view so this actually doing 3d imaging of the bottom as you're going forward so for people that are like gunk holing this will actually show you everything of your boat its scanning everything sideways up to 300 feet slow speeds but you're anchoring so it's fine and as you move forward you're actually imaging the whole bottom around you so you can find Shoals rocks ledges people use it for bait ball for fishing and it's pretty crazy and the really good one I like it's for people that cruise in the same areas that aren't well charted but you're there repeatedly it actually measures the depth under your boat all the time obviously and it's data logging that and it's creating your own charts on top of your charts to give you your own data so you'll be populating this area so if you're going to an area all the time fishing for example on the south side of Liske ET or south side of therm mb and the charts are limited value they're good but they're not great and you want extra type of data this is actually as you're always there it's gonna give you more and more soundings and you'll add like way more details for the bottom so that you can be better at fishing so it does that just built into the unit the other thing government was the first to do which they do is auto guidance so if you want to go from A to B what this device does easily is it's like well how am I gonna what's my route I want to leave Vancouver I'm in False Creek and I want to go to Sylvia Baker I want to go to secret Cove I want to go to Montague it's gonna show you a route a safe route on how to get from A to B and then if you have an autopilot that's tied to it you could have your autopilot follow the route obviously buyer beware I mean you can't blame Garmin there's a huge disclaimer it's a suggestion up to you to follow the route if not I mean I use it to figure out the distance between A's and B's I would always look at her out before I followed it even the ones I create I double-check you should double-check it because if there's an error you can land on the rocks literally right so but it's nice and convenient to know how to get between a and B you quickly the other product that might be interesting for some of you that have tenders or smaller boats especially if you're putting crap traps is having a handheld sonar so if you're doing crab traps and you're putting them or trying to figure out where you're going this might be a it's a little handheld sonar you just put over the water and you can know what the depth of with the depth is all right I talked a little bit earlier about radar so these are the difference between pulse radar and broadband radar and you can see a little bit what the differences are people that go offshore that really want to see far are not gonna put broadband radar because the the top-end range is not as good as a pulse so it's not for everyone but it certainly has its benefits in being a very low power consumption Raymarine came out with this quantum radar and what's what's interesting about it is actually it's transmitting the signal from the radar to the MFD over Wi-Fi for some of you that have sailboats or depending on the build of your power boat running a cable from a radar to ahem can be extremely time-consuming on a sailboat if you're putting it on the mast like it's not a four-hour job you know if you're routing that cable down the masts through the bilges all the way back up through the binnacle into a nap pod that could take easily two days of work it could be three days of work just running the cable in the masts might be a showstopper you might not even be able to do it so what's interesting about that is as long as you have power the radar is gonna be transmitting the information from the radar to the chartplotter over Wi-Fi and it's also a chirp radar so pretty interesting for owners that have limited options or crazy routing between a and B on the boat so this is gonna make the installation a lot easier and simpler to do that and that's new for uno last year came up with a wireless radar as well we installed one on a clients boat and it only shows up on an iPad so they're you know the client didn't want to spend a lot of money but he wanted radar so he's got our radar just connect power do it you download an app you log in to literally the radar and you see the radar on your iPad so I mean it's not for everyone but someone that wants a low-cost radar solution on a boat that they don't think they need radar but they got caught in fog once and they'll never forget that might be a good way to kind of alleviate your fear of being stuck in radar again okay Sam rad came out with this unbelievable broadband radar the halo one and its really good it's for bigger ships you know trawlers and maybe 40-foot up probably an open array is not something you would see typically on a boat smaller than 40 unless it's a black Cove or a Hinkley it's just it's just proportionate to the size of the boat but if you're going offshore some owners like to go fishing or outside Vancouver Island you know they're maybe gonna go down the coast this type of radar is definitely a radar to consider but only available if you have cimarron to onboard Simrad is gaining a lot of market share like like unbelievable amount of market share and it's very similar to Raytheon which is Raymarine they're really head-to-head it's like BMW Mercedes you know you could be sold on one completely but arguably they're similar there's pros and cons of each they're both in the same ballpark and some people swear by one or the other and there's advantages to each one but Simrad is definitely a player in the market right now and a lot of owners that are choosing completely new electronics are considering Simrad okay as opposed to doing before ubiquitous was Raymarine everywhere some people now are like okay well if I'm not gonna do Raymarine what else am I gonna do and Simrad and Garmin are the two main choices but Cimarron is definitely a big player a is what's a is a is stands for automatic identification system and what that translates to from a boater perspective is sending boat data navigation data and information about the boat to other boats over VHF frequencies so it's boat to boat you don't need any other repeaters so if the whole world fell apart and there was boats out at sea the whole land could be gone the boats can actually start talking to one another directly over VHF frequencies sending data so that's really handy for owners that are going to Vic Maui for example commercial boats are transmitting their location their position all the time if you have an AIS receiver on your boat you're gonna see a freighter bearing down on you leaving LAX going to Tokyo you're gonna actually see it before you could ever see it with your radar because VHF frequencies travel much further than the radar can see because of the curvature of the earth or your eyes can see and in local waters what that translates to is that you can actually see a collision course between two boats that are very far away now it's obvious to be on a collision course sailboat the sailboats going six knots I mean it's if you hit another sailboat at six knots in the Strait of Georgia and you're a sailboat there's gonna be a lot of explaining to do it's gonna be awkward I mean they're coming at each other dead slow like at one point it's hard to justify why you'd hit another boat but if the boats coming in to you you know at 20 knots or 30 knots and you're doing six knots and it's a freighter right and they can't change course can't adjust anything like they can't stop they can't they're going right well what's interesting in bait is is you'll have your a ice on your boat is gonna tell you you're on a collision course you better slow down or speed up past the freighter because the two of you are gonna hit and one of them isn't moving so it's really up to you to adjust and that's what a is is really useful for you can also choose to receive only see other boats only or you can choose to transmit your boat position and course on ground speed on ground boat name all this other information to other boats to see as well so you can be a one-way street you just hear or you can talk and hear and you can go silence so in case you're wondering well I want to talk but only sometimes and sometimes I want to go boating and I don't want anyone to know all my Club members to know that I'm voting and I want to just be by myself in a bait I don't want to be bothered you can go silent so it's not like always on you can choose to turn it on or off it's very popular it's any navigation system that we do now everyone's gonna choose an AIS receiver I don't think I've ever done one without one because it's like a VHF radio you can buy it for about two three hundred dollars so if people are doing a radar they're certainly gonna be considering any is yes is a fraction of a radar and it offers not similar but it offers significant benefits to a boater so it's it's worth thinking about when you're changing you're doing electronics on your boat part no that's a good question question is there a brand name for a is and AIS is actually across all brands a standard horizon has really good VHF radios that have a is built in I think it's a matrix 20 to 50 an amazing product for like three hundred and fifty dollars you can have a VHF radio phenomenal radio with a Class V receiver so it's you know pretty fairly priced because AB low end VHF radio is about 250 200 so now you're getting a VHF radio with a is for another 100 150 dollars in boat units that's a fraction of a boat unit for pretty significant benefits and every company Garmin raymarine for uno simrad I don't know if Florence does it but V and G oh my god like site X and then like this product Vesper I mean everyone is in that space everyone because everyone's gonna eventually have one and this product is interesting it's built out of New Zealand there's a distributor the national distributor for it is actually in the boat show across our booth it's not something you typically see in the shelf at Steveston but what's amazing about it is the integration and how low-power draw it is so if you're a boater a power border or a cell border that has very limited ability and you want to leave something on all the time this Vesper is really good and it also can integrate with actually iPads there's also one model that actually has this built-in screen so we've got an owner that's doing the Vic Maui and what they're doing is they're gonna have they're not gonna need their chartplotter in the middle I mean a chartplotter is not gonna show you anything other than GPS coordinates from Vic to Maui I mean what are you gonna do like there's nothing to look at it's just water so you can't leave that running because it's 2 to 3 amps all the time you just need to know where you are and you just need a GPS for that and so it's not a chartplotter but it shows you your GPS and it's also shown transmitting your position and receiving position of other ships around you so it's something that you can leave on 24/7 they'll turn the radar at night and that's useful but they don't really care about their chartplotter a chartplotter functionality is not something they're gonna be looking at it's just blue it's gonna be blue for a long time so the Vesper is a really nice product and it's a good price point I did one on a north oven the client was you didn't want to have too much integration didn't want to have all his eggs in one basket and he ended up doing a Vesper on board just because it's something you just can leave on and never worry about what the power draw is it's really tiny and New Zealand does good electronics there they're a big sailing community over there it got a lot of traction there and I've been putting them for about five years on boats now all right when you're thinking about an auto pilot really you're gonna be looking at about three different parts that make up an auto pilot you've got a control so that's gonna be like the display at the bottom you've got a brain so that's the processor box that's where all the decisions are happening and then the Brawn is you know the drive system so it could be a linear drive on a sailboat for example connect it to a quadrant and it's moving the rudder or it could be a hydraulic pump right on a lot of power boats they have hydraulics so it's a hydraulic pump or it could be a chain drive system so whatever it there's multiple ways of driving a boat in terms of running the steering and that would be the Brawn what's interesting with auto pilots now is that some of them per owner or an Garmin have the ability of not needing to be disabled to take the helm if for example some auto pilots if you take the helm and you don't press standby you could turn the helm hard over as fast as you can humanly do it to port and the autopilot hydraulic pump is going to be pumping the fluid in the exact same speed that you're doing it to counteract your flow so it's literally like you're downstairs and there's someone that's mirroring your actions at the exact same speed that you're doing it at the same time follow you like literally left and right so it's kind of a little crazy right it's just like having a cruise control in your car that you actually have to press a button to press the brake so now that's actually most auto pods are like that so people just have to know that if you want to take the controller to helm you have to go on standby some auto pilots have the ability of having what's called a shadow drive and they have a sensor that feels that if ever they're sensing movement from the helm they know that the owner is not doing it by accident and then they'll go on standby for that moment as long as you're feeling some sort of fluid moving from the helm which means the owners rotating the helm for whatever reason and the moment that the helm is let go they'll be on that stand by course asking you do you want to go back to your original course so if you're going on a boat that's going 20 knots and you've got a dead ahead ahead of you it takes a certain amount of practice to know to press standby and then turn the wheel over or if you know you've got the practice but maybe you've got a guest on board that doesn't really understand that hardover card over and then nothing happens because they didn't disable the autopilot so it's something you can think about and the other thing too that's really popular with an autopilot is the fact that people want to end up doing the autopilot the autopilot falling a route that's really popular because in our waters you actually never go where you're heading you're like what but you never go where you're heading like you'll never ever go to where you're heading in a straight line there's always a current acting on you other than your propulsion now of course if you're if you've got a boat that's going 44 knots the force is acting on you are minimal and probably negligible and you're not gonna feel them right because it's too current you're going 44 knots you're gonna be a little bit off-course but with an autopilot what it does is you can actually follow our track and the track is really from train tracks and means they're gonna you're gonna go from A to B and I don't care how the vessel is going from A to B it's never gonna go pointed where it is because there's other forces on your boat other than propulsion so you might be going a to be like this but you're gonna stay on that line from A to B and that's what following going to a waypoint allows you to do on an autopilot when you point to your direction on an autopilot and you just go to a compass heading you could actually be going here and you point there but if you're doing a straight of Georgia and there's an AB you're actually going to be literally going like this alright if you want to go your destination and if you're just pointing to a direction and you don't change you're like oh yeah that's where I want to go I can see it and there's a current you're just simply gonna go like this right because they don't know what forces are acting upon you unless you connect it to a GPS and autopilot don't have GPS the chartplotter has a GPS so that's why it's really important to integrate the two otherwise you're just pointing in a direction and generally if you just point to where you go you're always gonna do an arc or if it's a really long passage you might go like this like this back so you're burning more fuel because you're going a longer distance to get from A to B that's why an autopilot makes sense and how they get integrate into your chartplotter few years ago there was a lot of auto pilots that had remote wired remote controllers I say that right but you'd have to plug it in you'd walk around your boat and there'd be a cord and you'd walk around your boat and you'd have a 30-foot feather back to the come some little socket on the wall and that was all there was over time rema reen came out with a product in about 2005 with a wireless controller which is really handy and I have one on my boat and I loved it so you can just literally be on your fore deck and you can be dodging left right you can do whatever you want it's like actually being at your helm except you got to be quick though right like if you want to slow down the engine or if you hear a buzzer on the engine overheating alarm you're not gonna do anything you're not controlling your boat other than steering it right everything killing the engine stopping the engine revving the engine going in Reverse all that has to still happen at the hell but you can actually effectively steer your boat through your hand which might be useful for putting fenders on the boat if you're coming into an anchorage right you you're gonna come to a marina you're alone you can either drift potentially or you can go at slow speed one or two knots and go out and have the wireless control you know on your side on a lanyard and you can be dodging stuff as you're going dead slow to the dock so it's something to consider and for a while they're the only people that have that solution was Ray marine and I had one of my clients that was it for him he was always boating by himself and that was a big deal for him to be able to you know have a remote control as he's going from the lower health of the bottom how what if something happens and he's that he needs to just dodge something he's always concede he couldn't have a second set of hands and that was one of the decisions why he stay with Raymarine never went with Simrad because he didn't have a wireless control that little while is controlled it's almost it's tiny so you can literally have it around your neck right on a lanyard it's almost like a pass and if something happens and you're like oh my god and you're not at the helm you should but if you're not then you can dodge I talked about earlier about the concept of this company out of the UK called digital yacht digital yacht is really the integrator of all things electronic on a boat that's kind of what they're going for so trying to integrate enemy a enemies you're 2,000 0 183 C talk all these products to start talking to one another and then taking all that information and relaying it to third-party apps but what it does is is taking all that data and then it's wirelessly communicating to any type of iPad iPhone device and you can have a device that's showing you it's basically becoming instrument repeaters right without the instruments right so back in the day you'd have for example sailors racers would have literally an instrument on the masts you'd have one on the bulkhead you'd have one at the helm you might I've got owners that have an instrument in their cabin you know you're trying to you have one down below on the nav table right ideally I mean who doesn't want to know what depth and wind speed is pretty much any given time I mean it's not like it's pretty useful even an anchor right what's my depth with my wind speed those two things are kind of tied together if you've got a high wind your depth might change so people would put instrument repeaters everywhere so what they're doing now is they're actually taking that data and actually allowing you to have it maybe there's a new product that just came out like this is my dream product Garmin came out with a SmartWatch that actually gives you all that data on your watch so you could actually have a watch and you could be like oh what's the tide and shows you the tide oh what's the what's my wind speed right now what's the depth you can have that all early and you can even garments even crazier you can run your autopilot from your watch sick awesome anyways what this thing does is it's a little bit for people that don't want to have a SmartWatch but want to have an instrument repeater maybe in their cabin and they're a little bit worried it's a sketchy Anchorage and they want to know what's my wind speed right as it's hauling at night what's my depth we're really swinging it doesn't feel safe it happens by the way and if it hasn't happened to you it will unless you don't boat it's gonna happen and that would be a good way to have suddenly an instrument repeater down in the salon at nine o'clock at night when it's hauling 35 knots and you're like wow it really feels like it's windy like what's the wind doing what's my depth and on this one look at it even does a chart plotter so you could actually follow your track right it's it's just showing it's it's about information everywhere anywhere right that's what it is as opposed to being stuck in certain places the other thing that I want to talk about is this new product that came out from Shakespeare a lot of people want communications on their boats that is a cell booster it's pretty pricey it's like $2,000 so it's that's just for the hardware but it allows for owners that really want to have multiple users use a cell phone at the same time to be boosted right and it's for owners that go and most also different types of networks that travel a lot they might be going to the states might be going to different places that might be something to consider but again it's it's it's quite pricey and it's we've seen it being done on bigger boats like our boats that have a lot of guests on board that need data is where that comes into play because then the data is not shared from your data plan it's their data plan that's using it so for some owners that don't really have all these guests on board there are other solutions that are probably preferable to that from a cost perspective but this might make sense for owners that really have a lot of friends on board or their kids they're friends kids and everyone's using data and everyone's complaining they don't have enough and they want better communication this would be a way to have high upfront costs but no ongoing costs standard arisin has been doing VHF radios I mean that's their business that's what they do this radio and they've been getting better and better it's quite look at it one meter so if you know for a tender one not I always tell owners that it's a VHF radio is not a replacement for a permanently mounted VHF aboard your boat some owners say oh my VHF stopped working I'm not gonna bother fixing the antenna I'm just gonna have a hand out my handheld works yes a handle works in close proximity to other places but if you want to have the reach generally you're going to need a bigger antenna then a little antenna that you're holding at sea level so I always encourage owners to consider having a stand-alone handheld VHF for the tender for emergency purposes ditch bag and whatnot and that's a really good radio and still having a permanently mounted VHF on board to be able to reach faraway places when you're in the Strait of Georgia right your handheld has limited wattage like it's one water five watt the fixed mounts can up to be 25 watts so you've got way better reach and we better reception the higher the antenna is the further you can go cameras are something that are staying a lot of traction on boats as the boats are getting bigger and this would not be a problem in the 70s as those are getting bigger people don't have eyes everywhere and so some owners are gonna be on their flybridge and the engine room is literally another layer and then another layer right it's not unusual 45-foot boat that's pretty common so what they'll do is they'll install an infrared camera in the engine room and if everybody get an alarm they'll suddenly see the alarm and they'll be like Oh without actually opening the hatch the engine room or going through a little cubby door they've got smoke or something they'll actually be able to see in the engine room in pitch darkness with those cameras I've got owners that do cameras for towing a Dean they're on a you know 47 88 Bay liner and they've got a split and they can't really look at where they're in the pilothouse it's kind of they really can't see but they're towing a dinghy and so what they'll do is they'll have a reverse fisheye camera looking back and so as they're towing their dinghy behind them they can actually see it other owners have a spouse on board and when they're getting off the boat they can't see if when somewhere they're docking who got off the boat are they off are they armed so they'll have a camera that looks along the dock and off the after it because the boat is just again too big to be able to see everything some people have grandkids in the salon down below you're in the pilot house and you want to know that you're alone always on the pile house and you want to know that everyone that's a lot is still on board so these are the type of uses that people drive to having cameras people end up putting also navigation thermal vision cameras still pricy I mean if it was cheap everyone would have one especially allows you know for nighttime or maybe dusk or low-light situations but very expensive and the other thing too that we wrote an article in P why I think two months ago and I've been doing that on some owners some owners just want to see their boat because they miss it as simple as that I have owners that literally log in and they're working in all these places there unfortunately not able to see their boat every day and I wish I could but some of us can't and so what they'll do is they're actually gonna log in and in times of probably duress at the office they're gonna look at their bow they're gonna be like Oh feel better now everything looks fine it's all there she's good and you leave and come back so a lot of people are using the security cameras not really because their concern of security it's more kind of a feel good my boats there everything looks good and you can actually have those cameras if you've got a Wi-Fi connectivity in your marina or Wi-Fi onboard you can actually look at the inside of your boat on your phone so and they're not priced that expensively so it's not a navigation thing it's kind of more security if you've got a break-in and some I had one owner that for example had break-ins in his boat he was being harassed and so he went on a holiday before the holiday he's like I absolutely need to have a camera on my boat because and I need a recorder because somebody's been breaking into my boat and I want to know who it is and so we put a camera kind of hid it and if there was a video recorder and it's a service you can buy and it keeps up to 30 days of video so I mean that's unusual it's not it's the first time I had that request but that would be something else so Raymarine is owned by FLIR and they came out with they're trying to bring the thermal-imaging cameras at a better price point and this is their latest venture into that it can be really interesting to for and I've seen it on other boats thermal imaging you'll spot someone in the water with thermal imaging like your eyes could never see it I mean they're gonna stand out like a sore thumb in the water right there there their temperature even though they're in the water it's completely different than the surrounding water you can see deadheads again with a thermal-imaging camera because the dead head is actually not at the same temperature as the water so they'll actually have it sinks so if you have a Man Overboard you press Man Overboard when someone falls off the vessel as you're moving away from that location the camera is gonna lock in to that location and keep pointing at that location without you actually having to figure out where that location is so on bigger boats certainly it's a popular option all this is expensive but it's a security thing on top of night vision or coming at dusk it's my dream to have one of these cameras for simply the fact that I could leave in the winter time is supposed to come leave the Anchorage at 2 I can leave at 5 you know and if I kind of know it's the area it's local knowledge and it's a two-hour you know motoring on a sailboat I could come in at dusk and not just use radar because radar sees things but it doesn't see deadheads right it doesn't see a kayaker or and there's some people that are in canoes without lights at like 6:00 p.m. I've seen it so I wouldn't see that so that would be nice and so you would see that with a thermal-imaging camera these are different screenshots of what you can see you see how people stand out right or the outboards on a basically detecting heat this is the nest camera that I was talking about in the article in Pacific yachting reasonable price point you can buy them anywhere this is not a Marine camera but it's starting to be used in Marina applications for those boat owners that may be their boat is in Sydney and they live on the iid live in Calgary right not everyone lives close to their boat and this might be a good way for you to check on the boat I had one of my technicians Scott was scared silly when the client was literally in Argentina logged into the boat and said hi to Scott from the camera and tell them oh yeah by the way I also forgot to tell Jeff you know can you look at this and Scott's like what the hell is happening so the owner logged in seeing Scott work on his boat you know they're familiar with each other and he's like I'm just simply gonna bypass Jeff and I'm just gonna tell Scott and Scott had no idea that his cameras it was on the board he's doing his own thing working on the electronics and the Kleins giving him feedback like that's awesome and there's nothing wrong with it you know the owner one he loves his boat that's okay just wants to make sure that everything's the way that he wants it to be so that's something you can do with that camera there's a lot of integration with entertainment system so some boats might not have the space to have or they'll be at the helm and they want to control music at the helm they have a limited helm their helm is not that big they can't have a deck there they don't want to have a deck down below because they're never down below they want to change music I've been at the helm so what people are building our building black boxes that are integratable to displays and I was telling you about the Garmin watch it just came out like literally three days ago you can control the fusion system from your watch so you're like next change the volume on your watch I mean that's change the zones I'll put the music louder in the back change this song change the this is all possible by black boxes and I've done some boats that are you know 25 feet and the owners you know all those of the hem and there's simply no need for him to have another display he'll just it operate the radio from the chartplotter so you can do that so you can operate the chartplotter you can operate the stereo system directly from the chartplotter and all manufacturers are enabling that Florence is an example of the sonic op it's a it's a refinement of a product line but it's been around and Garmin does it Sam rad does it Raymarine does it I don't think for uno does it they're slower they just they take their time they're Japanese they do it their way they'll eventually maybe cave in in like 20 years but don't hold your breath but every other one every other manufacturer is doing it and it's something that might work out like for example on my boat my radio is down below but sometimes you might want to lower the music because things have changed dramatically suddenly right before it was benign this is a good song but suddenly the winds hauled up or something's happen and the music needs to disappear instantly well that would be easy to be you're at the helm you go boom off right without having to leave the hell you might not because most of the time you've got the luxury of doing everything but sometimes you don't have the luxury of doing anything it's just that type of critical moment that we don't want to happen but sometimes happens and that would be the advantage of being able to have a black box integrated to all your displace so you can you wouldn't have to run a wire to your upper helm to control the music you could just simply install it down below because running a wire from A to B is always expensive or time-consuming either way you either pay with time or money but either way it's not easy and the last product is another product related to security I've seen a sad there's been a few little break-ins recently and some owners are a little bit worried about that but the biggest thing that I see for these applications here in BC is for the owners that can't go to their boat every day or every week and they end up doing is having for example a few sensors on board what would those sensors be and what are things that you would check if you just came down to your boat let me know if I've got a high bilge alarm that's a let me know I got a high built right that's pretty a good thing that everyone would want to know at any every time that ever happens I lost for example I've got a low voltage situation so that means your charger kicked off you lost AC something's wrong what the cause of that problem is you don't know or the origin but you want to know if your batteries are empty or they're low bad you might want to know for example I have a little bad low temperature in the boat it's now below seven degrees Celsius right because now that's an indication of things might freeze and a lot of us don't actually winterizer boats you might want to say motion detector I've sensed motion but the first few sensors I talked about aren't really related to a break-in they're most related to I can't go to my boat every day and I want to know if something happens to my boat those three incidents that it's related to me on an iPhone and it could be related to a local multiple people it could be related to your son a friend a fellow boater at the marina like my boat's in secret cove it could be relate to whatever I couldn't have it to the marina manager and say by the way if I've got a high bilge alarm you know do you mind going check you know he's got the keys and so that's what it is it's really remote monitoring of your boat and it does it through cell phone so you have to buy the hardware around three four hundred dollars and then you have to buy a yearly plan which includes a cell phone connectivity and it sends you basically updates on an app on your phone so it's not for everyone but it's interesting for owners that are again they live in Alberta my boat's on the Sunshine Coast I live here I don't see my boat like I'm not gonna see my boat for four weeks right now I've got back-to-back I'm doing Seattle all these different things and then so you're not on your boat for a long period of time and so this would be a way to make sure that my vote is fine temperature water battery voltage which are really things that I care about so that's a device that does that all right in conclusion basically I always try to emphasize you know it's your choice do your own research don't copy what someone else is necessarily doing because they might not be doing what you want to be doing try the equipment out a lot wrote ons is up there there's a bunch of different I mean there's harbor chandlery there's Steveston there's Rotom there's Stryker try the equipment out there not all equipment is made for everyone some people are more designed or better suited for other ones you know left-brain right-brain talk to the experts there's tons of people I mean there's people there might be people that install the equipment there's people that sell the equipment and there's there's a lot of blogs online on top of it there's a lot of resource and the reason I say all these things is because realistically you're not going to be changing that equipment for 10 to 15 years and that's a long commitment if your decision was in the right one and yeah so I'm gonna open the floor we've got a few minutes for questions does anybody have any questions no yes go ahead yeah you're yeah yeah it's a that is more of a tool it's a thermal-imaging camera on your iPhone and it's used to let's say if you can look at your electrical panel you can scan for hot points it's not used for distance you know you can't use it for navigation but it's used for like a home inspectors you know looking for a hot spot on your engine or a cold spot on your engine like you know is the is my coolant being distributed evenly in my boat looking at your ease exchanger looking at the hoses on your boat on your engine sort of stuff like that your fridge you can look at your fridge look for leaks it's really close quarters it's more for the renovation general contractor it's not it's yeah it's very affordable it's a couple hundred dollars but it's because it can use for FLIR any thermal imaging is there's a huge cut you can just buy a camera in the States and buy it here and bring in here like literally this would be like there there's rules it could be military-grade and so you can't they can't sell to all countries including Canada there's certain product lines that just simply can't come across the border it's illegal so that that's why and that product simply isn't allowed for exporting now any other questions yes yeah yeah absolutely yeah I enjoy tablets from Samsung yeah before the only downside with those tablets the only downside is if they're an app is gonna come out the apps are always going to come out with iPhone iPad first and the reason is is that iPad and iPhone owners spend more money on apps than everyone else so if you're an app designer and I have all my classmates that are and you want to make money you're gonna target iPad iPhone owners because are these people that are willing to spend a lot more money so they do that first and then they'll do Android because Android even though there's as many devices out there those people don't spend as much money on stuff as people within the iPad iPhone Apple family so you just have to always wait that's the only downside but that all of the big stuff are out there all right I think I'm gonna let you guys go because there's a presenter in the back and I think it's their turn all right thank you everyone you
Seminar: Basic Marine Electrical
How To: Marine Electrical Seminar
How To: Marine Electrical Seminar - Fuses & Cricuit Breakers - Episode 17