Transcript is auto-generated.
ll right good morning good morning
everyone we had a bit of a
technical glitch to get started
jeff told us a great story about his
boat and we're gonna have to
redo another day yeah let's do that
another time all right let's dive right
so we're gonna dive in here we are
triangle mountain motors good morning
from victoria
uh let's see what's our question here um
this is a good question that we actually
did a video about recently jeff my
battery compartment has a fuel line
running through it
uh for electronic purposes would it make
the engine
is there a reason for spark proof fuses
yeah that's a really good question um
especially it depends what type of fuel
right we have to talk about there's
certain fuels that are
more likely to be combustible than
so gasoline is the one that we worry
about the most
and that's the one that doesn't take a
lot to ignite right diesel
you know hear the stories you can throw
a match a diesel and it won't start
that's why we
my understanding is you that's why some
of us have those glow plugs
increase the temperature so it's
actually hard to cause
diesel to catch on fire but gasoline we
know a lot easier
if your boat has gasoline sort of fuel
lines well first of all you've got to
make sure that none of your electrical
wiring is
following those fuel lines and i've seen
that on electrical audits so that's the
first thing is making sure your fuel
lines are completely running separate
paths than your electrical circuits
second if you've got gasoline on board
make sure that wherever that gasoline
especially where the gasoline fittings
are so any type of fittings right
between fuel filter and something else
it's rare that a hose will just simply
you know
have an opening but a fitting right a
hand off between one thing and another
between a fuel filter or fuel pump or
whatever it is
that's what we worry about so in those
compartments wherever you have
fittings on your uh pipes that are
feeding fuel to your engine make sure
that everything in those compartments
are ignition protected
and so the fusing should be ignition
protected you don't want the fuse to
blow and cause
a spark which causes an explosion so
that's a great question
uh really i to be honest too many of us
just sort of discount a gasoline engine
room and
don't take it as seriously as we should
nothing wrong with have a
gasoline-powered boat a lot of us do
but when we do we should take extra
precaution to make sure that we don't
have a kaboom
on our boats so great question all right
we have another question here from
mark can i use a lithium battery as a
starter battery
well mark uh we don't recommend
using a lithium battery as a starting
battery i think it's definitely doable
there are reasons why we don't
do it that way we'll have lithium for
and then we'll have an agm battery for
engine start
and then we'll probably put in a battery
isolator between the alternator
and the both batteries the agm and the
the alternator will chronically under
the starting battery but we'll fix that
either with a solar controller
or a battery charger that is just
connected to the agm battery so
when doing lithium there's definitely
arguments for having a lithium
battery bank for your house and then
having a flooded
or agm lead acid battery for your engine
start or even thrusters
so divide and conquer um when you're
doing lithium
he has sort of a second part question he
has a five kilowatt generator
can it fully power a 3000 watt 120 amp
inverter charger
the answer is absolutely yes uh no doubt
five kilowatts is tons of power
and a 3 000 watt inverter charger with a
120 amp
charger is going to draw about i'd say
probably 23 25 amps
at ac and your generator your 5 kilowatt
generator can probably
output probably 40 amps continuous no
so yeah you can definitely run that
large charger as part of the inverter
charger from that generator
giving an example i had a boat owner
that we just did a testimonial for he
had a 5 kilowatt generator and we were
350 amps 350 amps at 12 volts dc
from a 5 kilowatt generator he had
basically we had put on board
three uh inverter chargers in parallel
well actually
two chargers that are 100 amp each and
one inverter charger that's 150 amp
so we were able to do that off kill 5
kilowatt so 120 is no problem
no problem at all all right question
from victor
hey jeff uh is an engine room a suitable
place to mount an
mppt controller on a typical sailboat
that's a good question uh victor um you
sailboat engine rooms are really quite
an inhospitable place
um if we could shrink ourselves down and
actually be in that space when
the engine is running we would be
bashing the door to get out
why would we do that is it's because
it's insanely hot in those spaces
there is no engine room on a sailboat
not the little sailboats that most of us
of course i bet you know 100 footer
would have an engine room but most of us
the cell bulldogs don't have a real
engine room
and that engine room is too small and
there's not enough air
uh you know especially not air itself
for breathing but
exchange of air to cool down that space
an mppt controller is a piece of
like an external regulator for an
alternator i would avoid
putting those in the really confined
space of a of a sailboat engine room
and i would do that because just
sometimes that space can get
really smoking hot and it's hard on the
electronics so
try if you can to find another place and
do not put it in that tiny little engine
don't do it all right do we have some
people joining us from france
maybe a good morning
hi chris writes i honestly wish i had
found your channel before buying the
used boat
i had a bunch of electrical
and i'm absolutely not comfortable on it
so thank you
uh here's a good question can you put an
alternator regulator on an older
alternator or should i upgrade
the alternator oh that's a great
question um
it's funny yesterday we had feedback
from a youtube
um subscriber telling me to maybe
flush out a little bit more the details
on an external regulator with an
so first of all let's remember this um
all of us in our cars in our boats all
of us have
regulators on our alternators it's
absolutely essential an alternator
without a regulator
is incomplete it won't work so all of us
have the regulators and the job of the
regulator is
to basically control the voltage right
so that we never overcharge
a battery that is connected to the
alternator and generally that outputs
about 14
4 out on a 12-volt battery double that
for uh 24 and some boats have 32 volt
um you know starters alternators again
but let's for you know comparison let's
call it 12.
so you've got an in every alternator has
a regulator
you can definitely definitely have bring
an alternator to an x
to an alternator shop and have them
remove the internal regulator
and give you what's called an external
field so they'll show you a post on the
alter you'll say okay you want to
connect your
external field to that and that's where
then you bring in an external regulator
and the external regulator drives the
alternator via this
field post it's a little bit like the
way i think about it is the way that we
drive our cars
think about the actuator for the gas
right we're moving the pedal maybe an
right and by moving that pedal an inch
we go from zero
to full speed right and so the external
regulator does the same thing on the
alternator by applying what's called a
field voltage on that post
it drives the alternator from zero
output to max output
and the job of the external regulator is
to do a better job of the internal
regulator because it's way more money
and it can do a three-stage charging so
in short
you can absolutely get an old alternator
modified to be external field by
removing the internal regulator
and installing an external regulator
on it and we've got a whole section by
the way on our website just on that
topic i've got
conversations just on that and don't
forget for some of you that are geeking
out and want more
subscribe to our channel to hear more
about those things all right
all right has a good question here adam
says i learned a lot and couldn't have
done most of it without you so thank you
all right thank you um the owner before
me put in a
non-marine inverter in my sailboat
are there pitfalls with this oh
yes yes yes absolutely um
non-marine inverters
will actually most of them will do
what's called
a ground to neutral tie always
in the inverter which by the way is
catastrophic on a boat
because unlike the non-marine world
our boats if you ever do a ground
to ac neutral tie
you are one step away from death and
the other thing that you would need to
be a complete perfect disaster
would be reverse polarity so if you have
reverse polarity on your boat which
could happen when you plug in the marina
so that's where the ground and the new
where the hot and the neutral are
inverted so now your hot's not hot but
the neutral is hot
and if you do a ground tie ac neutral
ground tie
then basically since your your neutral
is hot and it shouldn't be because
that's reverse polarity
and you did a ground tie between your
neutral and your ground
now your engine block is 120 or 220
uh you're literally pumping into the
water 120 or 220 volts
your sink is energized your chain plates
are energized your keel whatever bonding
bonding system of your boat all of it is
energized and this is actually how
people die
especially in fresh water or marinas
that are saltwater with a fresh water
so yes a non-marine inverter
needs to get out of your boat as soon as
humanly possible
there is no justification to having an
inverter that does an ac neutral to
ground tie and get that thing out of
your boat yeah so that was a good
question adam all the way from sweden oh
thank you
and now we have a question uh brad from
what is your take on direct dc
good and or bad yeah
it's a great question um and they're
becoming more and more popular right
so the concept is if you're going to
create power
why go through the route of an ac
assuming you don't have one on board
right so i'm assuming you have a choice
because a lot of us as power boarders
are going to have already a generator on
board and we're not advocating here that
you change your ac generator to dc
that's not the point
given a choice now you're designing a
boat you don't have a generator should
you do an ac generator or a dc
generator it's a valid question if
you're not running a larger large ac
loads on your boat you don't have a
garbage compactor you don't have an ac
water maker you don't have a lot of
these large
ac loads maybe no air conditioning why
would you create
a form of energy alternating current
when you're really not using it and
you're just going to retake that energy
and convert it back to dc via
chargers why not skip the middleman
great question and a lot of people
absolutely especially boats that are
inverted based boats right where all the
ac loads can run through an inverter
it does make sense to have a high output
generator that's outputting 200 250 300
amps at 12 volts to recharge a battery
bank that can take it you need a battery
bank that can take it
and have that power just go directly
from generator battery without having to
go through
a charger so i don't think it's crazy at
all to go with a dc
generator the challenge is most of us
already have generators on our boats the
ones that
are going to have one already do so it's
it's a question that applies
only to very few of us that actually are
contemplating generators and don't have
but yes absolutely worth considering all
uh franklin would like to know what is
the cheapest
ais transponder or what do you recommend
yeah so i don't frankly good questions i
don't ever
as a philosophy i don't know if i got
that from my dad um
but i don't ever i figure that the least
is probably one of the worst values uh
sort of the way i look at those
questions i tell people you know wendy's
is probably the cheapest meal you can
buy here in canada
but it's by far not the best value right
you you can go
spend a couple more dollars on your meal
and not have to spend four for a meal
and you'll get way better value if you
spend a few more dollars
so least expensive is not always the
best it was in the rural
world of ais so ais stands for automatic
identification systems it's a way for
ship to ship or ship to shore to
communicate with one another without
actually having
anybody in the middle right so it's
actually made point to point
um i would recommend if you were budget
conscious so not the cheapest but let's
use the word budget conscious and a lot
of voters are absolutely everyone is to
be honest even the billionaires are
budget conscious
i would recommend as a starting point
the amtrak
um in terms of what you get for what you
it's probably unbelievable value now
there are products out there like vesper
that are actually more money but there
are more features
i think both products have about the
same value you're just going to have a
no-frills product it's probably the
and then if you want to have more sort
of features and it makes sense
look at what vesper gives you and you
can consider vesper
vespers from new zealand amtrak i
believe is from the uk
both great products both different price
points but i would say comparable value
good value yeah so we have a question
here 39 foot sailboat
replacing the old battery with fireflies
is there a consideration with the
yeah well good question so whenever
you're changing your batteries period
whenever you're doing
anything on your boat absolutely the
the way that this boater is thinking
about is like what are the implications
what should i worry about we should
always do that you know assuming that
something's just gonna work it's gonna
lead you down a path of a lot of
so when you're putting fireflies on your
boat or a new battery bank
um there's different rules so first of
all the question would be do we have
another charger on board or not like are
you going to be going offshore and just
sailing and the only means of recharging
your battery
is strictly strictly running an
alternator that's a completely different
scenario than a weekend warrior
that has an alternator but also has a
battery charger
and the battery charger is going to take
care of the boat the whole week and the
alternator is just to maintain batteries
it really depends on what we're doing
with the boat hence why it's never
easy so let's run a scenario where most
of us
for example do have a battery charger uh
on this instance 39 foot boat we've got
an alternator so what i would do
is the good news is an alternator with
an internal regulator outputs about
14 for and luckily the firefly actually
wants that
as a charging voltage not the whole time
but that's what the absorption and bulk
voltage will be
so good news the alternator stock
alternators output what the firefly want
now it's not going to be perfect and if
that was the only thing you had was just
an alternator then i would recommend
installing an external regulator on that
right to make sure that that alternator
is smarter and recharges the battery
and the other thing if the alternator
was the only device on your boat
then i would make sure that the
alternator can charge the battery bank
at a
minimum of 20 percent of its capacity as
a charge rate
so for instance on that boat if they had
four group 31 batteries
they're about 116 amp hours each 110 so
let's call it 440 amp hours
at 12 volts your charge rate should be
of 440. so 20 of 440 is 88 amps
88 amps should be the minimum charge
rate so your alternator should be about
probably about 120 at least
with an external regulator and then you
can hit about 90 amp as a charge rate
so that's what you would do if you only
had an alternator now if you've got a
charger and you're using your alternate
only to go to a destination but
eventually you'll get back
then it's okay you know the alternator
will do what it can
and make sure that your charger is at
least 20
of the battery capacity as a charge rate
so you should have a large charger or a
large inverter charger
right that can pump at least 90 amps and
generally you're going to do that with a
2000 watt inverter charger right that
has 2000 watt of inverter 100 amp of
or you can even go bigger but that's how
you would make sure that your battery
bank is charged at the right rate of
and you can do it with an alternator or
even better an external regulator on a
higher output alternator
all right here we have a question from
in seattle she's doing a complete
electrical refit and she was basing it
on firefly batteries
but she's thinking now maybe lithium
all right so pros and cons you know
there's there is no such thing
as a perfect solution for everyone if
there would be we would have found it
right we're all we're all trying to
crack this sort of puzzle
right so the first news is there is no
such thing on a boat as a perfect
regardless even if you include take away
even if you had a billion dollars to
spend on your boat you had a million
you have a hundred thousand you have ten
thousand all of us
are making compromises every choice has
pros and cons and there is
very very very rarely a perfect device
so generally the reasons for lithium why
people would consider lithium is going
to be space
right lithium comes in a smaller battery
size for the same amount
of energy density so that won't be one
thing you want a larger battery bank
but you don't have space for it lithium
is perfect
jeff another thing i'm worried about
weight i don't have that much weight i
need to have more energy
but i don't want to carry that much lead
i'd like to have
higher energy density again lithium is
another one jeff i don't want my voltage
to sag i want to have i'm running loads
really have a hard time as the voltage
sags that we would find through lead
acid because as lead acid batteries
get lower and lower on the discharge
their voltage drops but lithium doesn't
do that it's
it's always steady and then it crashes
so that's another thing too some people
my loads are too sensitive and i want my
voltage to always be steady another one
too is
lithium would be jeff i'm going to be
going offshore and i'm planning to go
offshore for five to ten years and i'm
going to be using my boat every day
all the time so how do you do that well
lithium is a really good contender why
because you get the cycles
all right that's that's pretty good
another thing too with lithium is its
ability to basically take whatever you
throw at it
so if you have a large inverter a large
generator and you can put
multiple chargers you could dump easily
a crazy amount of amperage
pretty much everything you can throw at
it the battery will start so they would
actually reduce your generator run time
now all those things are great right all
of them but they do come at a cost
and not all of us need those
requirements and that's what i always
we don't have to copy it's not because
someone wears a gold change that you
have to wear a gold chain right
maybe that person likes gold and you
like platinum it's
it's important not to compare too much
because all of us
have preferences and all of us have
requirements and so if those things
make sense to you but do you really need
that are you going to be going after are
you going to make use of those 5
000 cycles that's like 5 000 days on the
water are you going to make use of that
do you have the ability to recharge
those batteries at three times capacity
do you need do you have no space on
board and you need so much more
not all of us need those requirements
and so then it makes sense that some of
us still chew
lead acid like for example agm or
firefly agm lead acid
as a means to say well you know what
yeah they're great but i don't
need that and i'll spend some of my
project money on something else so we've
got some articles about that again
subscribe if you haven't done so check
out our website i've got
lots of articles and tech talks and
everything else we've got over
1300 web pages just on information on
all these different topics so great
and there's no simple answer yeah all
right this is sort of the same
ill jeff you mentioned that the internal
regulator on the inverter
limits the output to prevent overcharged
would that limited output prevent
lithium batteries from overheating the
yeah so now i'm not sure if i heard the
question right are we talking about an
alternator or an inverter charger sounds
like he said you mentioned that the
internal regulator on the inverter
limits but it should be the
probably the alternative yeah so first
of all let's talk about those two
concepts and by the way they're
interchanged all the time so um
alternators only function and it's
confusing because alternating
alternating current
right like it is confusing an alternator
only outputs power only when the engine
is turning that's it
shore power could never exist so an
alternator outputs power
when the engine is rotating that's how
that works all right an inverter charger
the charger function of the inverter
charger only works whenever it receives
alternating current from either a
or short power so an inverter charger um
is basically going to act very much like
an alternator
when they're running right so the
alternator runs when the engine runs the
inverter charger
i.e the charger function of it runs
whenever it senses
shore power or generator both of those
devices when they're now enabled from
their different sort of power source
both of them are going to be outputting
based on voltages
right it's all voltage regulated right
they're doing both of that
a lithium battery for most of them
especially the budget ones
are not communicating back to the
alternator or not communicating
back with the inverter charger they're
simply at one point
going to say the bms is going to say
enough pasta
spanish mean i can't do it can't do it
anymore i'm shutting down
and what that's going to happen is
they're going to actually disconnect the
period and that's where it gets
what happens when the bms decides that
it's being overcharged
and the budget lithium batteries don't
communicate they just protect
right there's no communication port
there's no can bus they're not talking
to other things
they're just saying at one point they
just go that's it enough and they pull
off not only charging
but also lows so that's the challenge
with putting a lithium battery on our
boats is well how do you have something
that maybe at one point is going to say
no more
well that's where it gets complicated
and agm batteries come in what are you
doing with those loads can you run those
off another battery if the lithium
battery decides to protect itself
and that's the challenge with lithium
you know a drop-in replacement is a
it's it's a fallacy there's no such
thing as easy on a boat
if someone tells you something is easy
on a boat just give it time
you'll find out there is nothing easy on
a boat and lithium isn't easy it
has great advantages but it also like
everything else has its pitfalls
and it's not to say lithium's not great
it's just like everything else
everything is nuanced there's good and
there's bad
so that's basically uh both the
alternator and the inverter charger will
not protect the lithium battery from
overcharging even though it might be a
lithium charge profile
absolutely but at one point if it's too
much and the lithium is full and it's
the battery will actually disconnect
itself from the charging and the loads
and what's going to happen when that
that's what worries all of us or should
all right we're going to change
directions because i think this is a
really good question
uh triangle mountain motors wants to
stop putting multiple screws in his boat
and wants to know some of your thoughts
on wire
management is there a product you
recommend yeah that's a great question
uh wire management putting screws on
boats is true it's hard
any hole in a boat it's hard doesn't
matter where it is
it's on a bulkhead for you know if it's
a deck it's even harder
you know there are companies out there
that sell uh
these sort of mounts that can actually
be affixed glued
with epoxy to different surfaces
obviously the surface has to be prepped
and everything and there's both builders
that do that they're actually
gluing mounts that in turn you can
zip tie cables to so that's a good one
on my boat i did you know i don't like
to be put anywhere but the flip side is
i do it you know i have mounts
everywhere on my boat like all
everywhere like i went
nuts i'm supporting the wires every
eight inches
six inches it looks like a lunar shuttle
you know i love it
you know there's no shave everything is
in a bundle it's neat if it's not
organized i notice it right away you
know i'm a functioning ocd
you know as my staff and my team would
remind me like i'm a little bit
so rao wire routing on your boat is
because remember chaos is natural and
order isn't
so the reason why you do that is you
prevent shave right it's orderly so that
when you look at stuff you can actually
obviously notice something that's out of
place that's what you want
and you can either glue those well
mounts right and the companies i think
it's actually
we buy them it's w-e-l-d
weld so whiskey echo lima delta
and they make a really good product
offering of various things that you can
glue to a hall
so that would be one way to avoid doing
putting fasteners or screws
in your boat so great question all right
here's an interesting one jeff can i use
during the day to run the inverter and
heat hot water
yeah so you in short
you can but you're missing an element
on boats we actually power
our inverters from batteries not from
solar so because we actually have
batteries so the solar would actually
come in to the battery bank
and that's how it is on my boat and
that's how it is on all the boats that
we do right
large solar array whatever it is it
doesn't matter solar array recharge the
battery bank
inverter running power from the battery
bank so solar is going in
inverters pulling out inverter creates
right from the battery and outputs to
run ac loads now
running a hot water heater from a
battery bank
is technically doable but let's put into
context that a hot
water like a a hot water tank
or hot or water heater is going to draw
like probably about
15 amps at 120.
that's a massive load right and it's not
going to do that for two minutes like a
microwave it's going to do that for like
30 minutes or 40 minutes
40 minutes of running a 15 amp at 120
is massive massive
it's like giving a black amex to me when
i was a 12 year old in new york city
watch me spend it would be crazy
right and nobody can afford it so how
many both have i had
wired a water tank or water heater
connected to an inverter connected to
battery bank
i think i've done less than five in my
whole lifetime because the battery banks
have to be huge
huge battery banks to be able to sustain
that load so yes
technically absolutely feasible but the
logistics of putting a large solar array
a huge battery bank huge inverter to do
is going to cost a serious
fortune and that's why it never happens
yeah or it does happen but it's very
all right we have a question from
christian i understand the minimum
charge rate for batteries
but what do i do if an anchor for
extended sailing and the batteries can
only be charged at 10 amps or so
does this damage the batteries over time
and the answer is yes
it does and you do what you can in life
right you don't do what you want you do
what you can
so when we're boating and we're in an
anchorage and we have a limited we don't
have a high
uh charge charging source right because
we don't we're not connected to shore
power we're not running an
engine well how are you going to do that
how are you going to minimum meet that
minimum charge rate well you're
not and that's okay you know it's it's
not to say it's the end of the world
but your battery life of course is not
going to be the same if it's chronically
especially if you have an agm battery or
even a lead acid battery but by the way
and lead acid are the same you have
flooded lead acid agm lead acid firefly
lead acid gel led acid they're all lead
acid batteries
it depends what the electrolyte how it
to be at an anchorage for extended
periods of time for imagine a year two
years three years
that's why cruisers would have to
actually equalize their battery a lot
more than people that get to connect
back to shore power
so you do what you can um and it's not
that means your battery life won't be as
good as you hoped
but that's okay you're out cruising
you're in the middle of nowhere
you're you know life is great yeah so
you might have to change your batteries
more frequently than if you were
connected to the dock
but hey you're on the water living in
paradise so it's okay
we have lots of people saying don't
forget to like and subscribe
so thank you yeah thank you thank you
thanks for the reminder missy um
here's an interesting question jeff i
would like to replace my propane
galley stove with an electric unit
what should i consider for this project
oh that's a great question
by the way this is a common uh challenge
new boat builders are facing they're
uh barbecues on the aft deck that are
they're installing electric stove tops
like for example
boston whaler is common a lot of those
conquests have no propane down below no
propane barbecue
the whole boat is electric and you can
buy that boat with a generator
or you can choose to have that boat not
buy a generator which a lot of boaters
here in british columbia will do because
we're not running air conditioning so a
generator is not
necessary and what they're going to do
is they're actually going to put a large
battery bank on board
and then they're going to have a good
size inverter so at least 3000 watt but
it's not just the inverters that's
important we're talking about a
significant battery bank like we're
talking at 12 volts it's got to be at
least 400
600 amp hours right so that would be
four or six
batteries like four golf cart batteries
agm or
six of them or six fireflies four
fireflies that sort of battery bank on a
30 foot 35 foot boat
running an inverter and then the
inverter would actually power
uh the stove top that's electric and it
would also maybe potentially
power a barbecue at the back but the
biggest problem there
is the battery bank and the other
challenge too lastly is it's one thing
to do this once but then what happens
when the battery bank is discharged
how do you recharge that battery bank
without a generator
to run the inverted charger well then
you would potentially do that
with solar or having high output
on the boat um so that when you are
underway you're making up for the time
that you
were using that power so it's
challenging to certainly run
large ac loads um on battery banks not
because you just need the battery bank
to be big but you also need to find a
way to recharge it
so great question and it's a common one
we face that all the time
with new boat builders all right
we have a question from phil he says i
have dual
shore power inputs that combine to a 50
shore power outlet i'd like extra
protection for my electrical system
will i need two isolation transformers
or just one well
yeah so good question um if your shore
power receptacle on your boat is
50 amp right it's 50 amp so it depends
do you have
two shore powers that are 30 amps on the
boat or a single 50 on the boat
if you have 230 amps on the boat then
you need
two isolation transformers or two
galvanic isolators
if you have a single 50 then you need
only one isolation transformer
and only one galvanic layer and i'm when
i say one
i don't mean you need both you need one
of either galvanic isolators are more
budget conscious right they're about two
three hundred dollars u.s probably
around there for a 30 amp
gavin geisler but even better than that
is an isolation transformer
big boats for example you know some
boats that are 60 70 feet
80 feet to me that's big you know uh
those boats actually will have literally
a short an isolation transformer on both
50 amps
they're going to be one of the bow one
on the stern because generally the 50
amps or maybe one more
forward and one more aft and both of
those ac outlets are going to have
a 50 amp isolation transformer as well
all right victor says should all
fittings be bonded none of our
bronze fittings are bonded despite
coming from a reputable builder
yeah bonding is almost like religion
um it's incredible how opinionated
people are on the topic and um
it gets it's almost yeah it's it's
there's a lot of uh contradiction
so now mind you this is you're asking me
so this is clearly my opinion and i'm
i'm not trying to offend because as soon
as i'm going to say my opinion
i know some people are not going to like
it i
researched this topic and after
my own conclusion of researching this
topic and having done a few votes
is that yes we do believe that you
should be bonding
all metal through halls on a boat
i've done that on my own boat now if you
have marlin
at through halls you don't need to do
that but if you have metal through halls
on your boat
we strongly suggest that you create a
bot that they should all be bonded i.e
they should all be the same potential
and that bonded system should be
connected to your dc negative at one
single point
remember one thing that they talk a lot
about with boating is
ground loops so when you're doing any
circuits on the grounding system on a
make sure there's only one path from any
one point think about a leaf on a tree
to a end point on a root of a tree
there's only one path
between that leaf and that single point
and on a root
there is no multiple paths the the sap
only has one path from that leaf all the
way to that end point of that route
so when you're thinking about a anything
related to dc negatives grounding
there can ever ever ever ever be only
one path
and yeah absolutely i would uh bond uh
the through halls on a boat and actually
most builders do
and we're talking about an incredible
to bond uh these boats that are 40 50
power boats
the expense to bond all of those
underwater fittings
is incredibly enormous and if the big
boat builders are doing it and these are
not small line items this didn't cost
them 500
or a thousand this must have cost them
ten thousand dollars in the build or
even more
to actually do that if they went through
that expense
trust me it's worth it so i would
jeff cote here would recommend bonding
through hulls
on a boat absolutely all right i have a
question here um
maybe you can clarify a little bit uh
jeff i'd like to ask can i charge a
battery bank by
solar panel through battery posts that
feed energy to my panel
yeah so let's back up so
actually it's a good question by the way
there's no such thing
it's great i'm glad because some of us
are thinking oh that's obvious well
enough actually you know what i've
answered enough questions long enough to
nothing is obvious and i remember when i
all my questions were unanswered and all
of them didn't make sense because what
i'm trying to do is i'm trying to
understand the concepts
right once you understand the concepts
then magic happens
so you've got a solar array right at the
that solar array is going to be
connected to the batteries but there
needs to be something in between
you need a brain you need something that
when it's time to charge that battery
and when it's time not to charge that
battery because remember that battery
might be full
and it might be sunny and it's in the
summer and it's sunny every day and it's
blue skies and the battery is
no loads on it and eventually it will be
full how do you prevent a battery that's
full from
being overcharged when it's sunny well
you have to have a device in between and
that is a controller and you can either
have a pwm controller or an mppt
we're big fans of mppt just because
they're more efficient and i can also do
a better charging curve
and some of them like victron you can
actually customize which i love
and i can give the batteries exactly
what they need so the question is yes
you can connect your solar
to your batteries to a battery post but
in between the two
you have to have a solar controller and
that's what is going to make sure that
your batteries don't ever get
overcharged but at the same time get
with solar hey we have just a comment
here from drew
hi drew uh just says uh thanks for
confirmation rebonding just had a system
installed several years ago and i really
wasn't sure it was all necessary
totally necessary i would have done it
and it's hard i did it on my boat it
wasn't easy
all right uh let's see hello from lisbon
hey eric
thank you for this great information uh
is it possible to install an inverter
220 volt and 110 volt ac
output yeah it is the question is can
you have a single inverter
that does both 220 loads and 120 yes
now you're not in the land of these
anymore uh we just did a bavaria
r40 um where we've done that
so it is absolutely absolutely possible
you're gonna need what's called an auto
transformer on the output
so victron has a product suite that does
that you can actually have
220 in with basically running both eight
120 loads and 220 loads on the output
um it is possible but it's not something
that's plug-and-play so
definitely doable not super easy
but some boats require it because some
boats are actually have both 220 and 120
loads and you want the inverter to do
so not crazy so yeah definitely doable
all right ray asked rather than
installing external regulators on our
alternators to deal with lithium
can we install dc to dc chargers
from our start battery and eliminate the
battery isolator
yeah you can so what you're suggesting
there is having the alternator
um be directly connected and only
connected to the starter battery which
most of us have
and then literally having the house
battery which is lithium
only charge via dc to dc charging
the challenges and it's not that it
can't be done is that they generally top
out about at about 30 amps
so if you've got a battery bank
and you've got a 200 amp alternator on
engine well that's a lot of dc to dc
charging converters
that are going to have to be connected
between your engine battery and your
lithium house battery so definitely
doable the challenge is that the lithium
needs the most amount of power
and you're charging an engine battery
and then you're taking that and
you're converting it to lithium so it's
the throughput
so that's why a battery isolator you're
not saving money by doing it that way
it's just a different way of doing it a
battery isolator
you don't have to have an external
regulator to have a battery isolated
right you can actually have an
alternator output to a battery isolator
that would output both to the lithium
and the agm starter battery
and you can do that and that would
prevent the alternator ever being
disconnected from
the battery which would never happen
because you have a battery isolator
that's connected to agm battery
so it's tricky and i'm not sure that's
the easiest way
and we rarely see that setup unless you
have a small lithium battery and it
doesn't really need a big charge
all right jeff i have a question from
rick's repairs he says
do i need an inline fuse near the
battery if my
inverter has fuses built in oh
absolutely yeah no shortcuts in life i
love it that you're asking by the way no
harm in asking
no because um you got to protect the
line right
so remember think about in our homes in
commercial right the reason why we have
these uh breaker boxes they're not in
one place because it happens to be
it's not the reason the reason is that
it's actually the start of the circuit
so you need to have every single
connection connected to a battery
and the only exception adby sees a
starter motor and on mine it's mine is
fuse but that's the only exception of
the code is that only a starter motor
doesn't have to be fused other than that
everything has to be fused an inverter
charger is going to be probably
that's 2 000 watt maybe 2 watt which is
pretty big 4 odd is the size of my thumb
right i mean it's significant it's it's
probably a centimeter in diameter
with the cable insulation so you
absolutely need to have a fuse
at the start of the circuit from the
batteries to the inverter
regardless of if the inverter has a fuse
or not because the wire
also needs to be protected so great
question thanks for asking all right
werner wants to know
excuse me jeff would your company design
the electrical system
uh or put together a professional
drawing for a 52 foot
blue water boat built in slovenia do you
do remote
yeah we do so we're doing about now
probably about
500 design engagements a year
which sounds crazy so we do this all the
time so both builders or yourself as a
voter a lot of you want to have some on
your court to me it was like i'm
imagining how hard it was for me when i
was doing this on my own and i was like
where am i going to have my questions
and i was doing what you're doing going
on forums reading stuff reading
everything youtube all of it i'm just
trying to get well let me try to get
those answers but sometimes
some of us want to have somebody in a
corner we might have come up with an
idea pretty far
but we want to go okay how about you
help me figure it out be my sounding
board doesn't make sense
pros and cons and absolutely we have
actually a whole section on our website
just on that
you can reach us and we actually do
everything fixed price packages
so everything is known up front it
starts with a consultation and then
after that you know exactly what
different packages you can have
depending on the information you're
looking for so actually that's
a big part of our business is actually
doing design for both builders
and for do-it-yourselfers absolutely
yeah so we're having lots of questions
electric um motors and electric engines
i'm trying to get through all of them
have sort of one summary question but
here's one hello jeff
is there a way to monitor a 36 volt
trolling motor battery bank um
yeah actually victron's battery monitors
have a high input range voltage
so you could actually have a victron bmv
battery monitor voltage bmv
bravo mic victor and
their input voltage is huge so you
absolutely can monitor a 48 volt
36 volt put a bmv and put the 7 112
7 1 2 and that's bluetooth so you don't
even need
and then now victron even has even
better they have a smart shot you don't
even have a monitor everything is just a
little box a little black box and then
it outputs their phone
so the victron smart chun will do that
too so yeah
absolutely one of my favorite talk
topics of course is solar so here's a
good question from
jonathan how would i rig a couple of
solar panels mounted on the big
boat to switch between charging a house
bank and a small bank on my dinghy
oh yeah that's starting to get creative
um well you could put a source selector
right so you could put a switch that
actually goes from
you know output instead of actually
having normally source selector switches
are battery one battery two to an output
but you could actually use the output
you know the common post go to battery
one or battery two
so you actually bring the solar to your
common and then go to one or two
the only thing that's really essential
is that you cannot disconnect solar
panels whenever they're outputting right
like you should not stop a vacuum from
running from yanking the cord out of the
because you can actually have sparking
so you would need to make sure that you
change sources
and that you always have a make before
break meaning that
as you go from battery one to battery
two that both batteries are always
even as you connect so it would actually
go from one to both
to two so it's always important to have
a make
before break battery switch to do that
rare i've never seen it but yes
something that i thought about and it's
all right hayden says on a smaller boat
with an outboard
engine and no metal below the water line
what is the best way to ground the
yeah that's a tough question because you
know if you don't have
no underwater metals some people are
actually going to have grounding plates
otherwise you're what's calling your
floating dc system right so your
dc between your positive and your
negative posts is a voltage differential
right clearly you put a multimeter one
you know the difference between the two
on a 12-volt battery is going to be
about 12 volts
but that doesn't make the dc negative
what makes ground is actually a
connection to ground which is what
you're looking for
some of them are going to actually have
grounding plates just so that they can
have a common reference point
so effectively they're putting a piece
of metal in the water and they're using
that piece of metal to connect
the boat so that their dc negative is
actually grounded
and that's how you would do it pretty
rare most of the boats that i deal with
don't have this sort of scenario but
it's a i hear about it on the internet
quite a lot and i think that's how you
would do it
by the way if if you have a boat with
that i'd like to hear how you do it uh
because it's actually not that common
and i'd like to get more input on how
it's done
out in the field so thanks great
question uh just a follow-up question on
your schematics what software do you use
so we use microsoft vizio uh old school
i used to work in network and telecom um
and that's what we used in the telecom
world doing
uh lan networks in the internet so we
were using microsoft visio so that's
what's familiar but i bet there's
probably really cool tools out there
that are much easier to use but we use
microsoft video is what we do we have a
and we have a bunch of our technicians
that have that license again
other people that have tools on drawing
or doing conceptual schematics please
uh post what you're using i'd be curious
to see because i'm always looking to
maybe do things better
great question all right uh jeff hello
from sweden
installing a new diesel in my minor 29
with 12 volt system the motor has a 150
amp generator
do i really need that big yeah so
um we would call that an alternator um
but get the point 150 amp it depends now
first of all remember an alternator when
it's rated
all of that is what i call sort of like
it's hopeful okay
so an alternator the first thing you got
to realize is that's a actually the
cold rated output so as soon as it
becomes hot you derate by 15
so you take your 150 d rated by 15 15
right that's significant that's about 22
amps so now you've got 150
down to 130. now your internal regulator
an internal regulator is overly cautious
right because it's not that smart
so then you de-rate probably by another
two-thirds so now your 120 or
130 is now two-thirds of that so now
you're at 80.
okay now you remember you were 150 now
you're 80. now your output
of your engine is a function of its
rotation so at low rpm you're not
outputting 80 you're outputting maybe
only 20 or 30.
and you're not going to most likely
going to be wide open throttle at you
let's say 31 or 3200 rpm on a diesel
when you're motoring so you take all
all those and you start from 150 and
then you end up being about
probably about 75 apps maybe depending
also on the voltage drop
right that's what you're going to get as
an output and
75 amps would be for a flooded lead acid
you don't ever want to charge them more
than 20 percent so
you know your you can have a reasonable
size battery bank with that probably
about a 400 amp hour battery bank
would be well charged with an 80 amp
effective alternator output so it
doesn't look
it sounds like an overkill but it
actually isn't because of all the
derating that happened from a
theoretical alternate output
to a reality alternating output
all right we have a question from doug
do i need a two bank
charger for a two battery house bank
uh oh that's a great question doug no
the answer is no you don't need that
so when we talk about and i use this
term constantly
battery or battery bank remember even
even a 12 volt battery is actually made
of 12
of six different batteries right each a
lead acid
battery is actually a two point volt 2.1
cell so that's why you see a 12 12-volt
battery has six
battery caps so that's six batteries in
series to make a 12-volt battery
and that's why a golf cart battery is
six volts is only three of those battery
so those battery when we buy a six volt
12 volt battery we're actually buying
a series of batteries wired in series
together to make 6 or 12 volts
so all right so if you've got 6 or 12 so
that's one thing what about putting
battery banks in parallel what about
to 12 volt batteries or having five 12
volt i did a boat we had 28
12 volt batteries in parallel that would
be called a bank and when it's a bank
you only need one charger lead only one
charger lead to do
that bank you don't need to have a
charger lead on each battery of a bank
you only need one lead going to a bank
so on my boat for example i have six
firefly batteries
wired in parallel because i've got a 12
volt boat so
those six batteries are wired as a bank
and that bank gets one charger lead and
one charger lead
only great question and they're looking
for your
recommendations again this week like
they did a couple weeks ago
uh what's your opinion on the waterproof
connectors used in the automotive
waterproof connectors in the automotive
um i don't even know what those are
because i live in the marine world
we use uh definitely
connections i wouldn't call them
they're never meant to go beneath the
water but they're
they're heat shrink terminals so what
that means is that
once you remove a portion of the
insulation of the wire
and we have videos by the way just on
this topic uh 30 minute views on how to
do an electrical connection
we remove the insulation we crimp a
connector and then we apply heat to
basically have that connection be sealed
it's not waterproof but it's to remove
any potential of corrosion on the wire
itself over time because as we know a
marine environment is a pretty harsh
and corrosion at connectors cause
voltage drop
and sources of heat so um
i've never i'm not sure about waterproof
connectors we use heat shrink terminals
all of our jobs because i believe that
time is the most valuable thing in life
even more than money
and i figure if i'm going to do
something on your boat or my boat i want
to do it
once and i don't want to have to do it
again not in my lifetime
so that's why we use heat shrink
terminals uh on all our connections
um on boats another one here is
liquid tape have you heard of liquid
tape like
amp super seal yeah
i've heard of that i've never used that
again we
we buy a heat shrink a dual wall heat
shrink for the lugs so
any cable above basically around eight
and i know i i speak in american in that
way because it's just
america's just south of us and i mean
they influence everything
so from a number eight gauge wire to a
four ought wire
um we use basically
lugs right so they're like they're metal
and we'll crimp them
on the wire and then we'll apply a
two two inches so about maybe about four
centimeters five centimeters of heat
that's going to be shrunk down to make
sure that that lug is completely
sealed onto the wire or the insulation
on the the jacket of the wire and that's
how we do it so i've never used liquid
and i don't like liquid stuff because
it's messy and
i like again ocd i like my whole
workspace to be as clean
as humanly possible because it's just
the way that i
am here's just a comment hi jeff thanks
for sharing all of your knowledge i've
learned so much from your videos
coming from cape horn in chile really
oh god i would love to go to chile one
day what is the s
um question dc generator to feed
48 volt lithium battery bank
yeah i don't know if they actually make
a dc generator as 48 volts
maybe there's nothing wrong with that
again nothing wrong
the only question is that dc generator
cannot be disconnected when it's
outputting remember right it can't
so there needs to be a way to actually
tell the generator
stop charging the lithium battery bank
you you cannot
absolutely not disconnect a dc generator
suddenly from the only load
that is there which is the lithium
battery bank suddenly
you can't disconnect the battery from
the generator you have to
tell the generator stop outputting so
what i would do is get a more
lithium battery with a bms that can
communicate and
do relays and say hey by the way i'm
getting charged
i want to disconnect something a little
bit more sophisticated in the signaling
and in the integration as opposed to a
lithium battery that just says when i
have enough
i'm just going to shut down and you
figure out what happens
so probably doable i'm just not i've
never seen a generator it's 48 volts and
again if anybody has
please you know we're all learning here
right i'm learning too so if any one of
you know a 48 volt generator
dc please uh chime in
all right we're coming to the close
we've got about four or five minutes
left i know there were a lot of
questions today some good questions
uh that we didn't get to so please visit
our website
at we have lots of
contact forms there to ask your
and they're good questions so we'll
share them again on our next live stream
um let's see what do we have here uh
is there a fire hazard concern with lipo
yeah so uh that's a lithium battery for
the rest of us
uh lithium
ferrous iron i don't know what it is i
can spell
it out at the lifepo4
um yes there is
and that's the job of the bms the bms is
there to protect the battery
battery management system on a lithium
um and yeah absolutely there's been fire
hazards and that's the thing that
causes a lot of fear in a lot of us
because on a boat you just can't walk
away from your boat
and if there's an electrical fire and a
battery it would be pretty
end of the world sort of situation so
that's why all
a lot of us that are technical have
hesitations with lithium because we
worry about
things that's our job to worry right and
make sure you choose a battery
manufacturer that has a reputable
history of making good bmss that make
the battery
safe and that they've got a hell of a
track record and not causing fires
so absolutely very important and that's
the job of the bms to prevent those
fires from
when the batteries are overcharging yeah
all right this has been a very popular
topic so i'm going to ask
all right let's do it yeah can you
explain the purpose of a dc
circuit grounded to seawater through the
engine block
yeah wow okay
so we do this in our homes um
when we get shore power not sure about
when we get lines coming in from
a substation we there's there might be
three lines coming in a hot and neutral
and a ground let's say
there's actually going to be a stake at
every one of our residences every one of
our commercial buildings every
single place is going to put a stake in
the ground and they're going to do
basically a ground tie
the ground's coming from the substation
but we're also grounding because what we
want to have is everything be at the
same potential
so in life sometimes when you're inter
and we are on boats going from dc
to ac everything has to be a common
reference point
right and the common reference point is
so when we talk about a 12 volt battery
a battery in itself is not grounded
it's not at zero it's a voltage
differential same thing with shore power
it's a voltage differential it's a
difference between 120 and zero
220 and zero right but what is zero
if it's just a battery it's not grounded
and so you want everything to be
grounded to have the same common
reference point
right so that when you talk from dc to
ac you're not
actually having voltage differentials
what should be common and that's why
it's called common grounds
and it's really useful for bonding uh
it's really useful for safety right
because you want the shortest path
on an ac system to go back to the water
and for dc
you don't want to have floating ground
you want everything to be at zero
and the way to do that is to do it for
most of us is via the engine block and
that's how that's done
by the way i could do a two-hour video
on grounds it's insane
i'm working on it and for some of you
you're going to totally be king out with
me and for others you'll be like no
that's it jeff i'm tapped out i can't i
can't i'm going
i got something else to do but yeah good
question uh here's just a recommendation
for a topic in the future how about a
uh on espar heat do you uh what does it
say here i hear your dealers for that
now is that correct
yeah so we acquired a company uh called
roton industries
uh that's been in the business for 45
years uh
it was a big big big big deal for me uh
to bring this company on board with
pacific yacht system
and yes uh we sell a crazy amount of
heaters uh
s bar heaters out of germany uh both
forced air and hydronic and that's
actually a big part of our business
is actually both selling these heaters
to other businesses that get them
because here in the pacific northwest
it's never too hot or rarely too hot and
often it's
just a little cold enough that you
wouldn't mind having a little bit of
and a hydronic heating system is a good
way to
create heat from a diesel source you can
do it also from kerosene but diesel
and then you can keep the cabin warm so
for example that's why i can boat in the
winter time
even when it's only maybe five degrees
outside or zero i'll have a diesel
heater keeping via hydronic
keeping the whole boat warm even though
is relatively very cold and we we're
still not connected to shore power
and or don't have a generator running so
yeah i'm not crazy
maybe we'll do something about that next
time good suggestion
all right we're gonna take one more
question uh i'm purchasing a yacht
originally built
in europe so it uses 230 and 50.
i'm converting to 240 and 60.
will the current refrigerator and
freezer need to be replaced
most likely yes uh
the voltage is not the issue right
because your boat was 220 before now
it's going to be 240 the voltage is fine
the challenge is most appliances most
ac appliances are very specific
in their frequency requirements so they
are literally going to say i need 50 220
i need 60 220 and very few of them
very few of them can actually work at
both 50 and 60.
an exception to that would be a battery
charger battery chargers are actually
good to take a huge input voltage range
like from 80 volts to 250
and from 50 hertz to 60 hertz so a
battery charger could actually run off
of both
most of them do 60 and 50 hertz but most
ac appliances including a hot water tank
right we've got boats coming from europe
all the time we're changing the heating
within the hot water heater we're
changing the microwave we're changing
all these ac
appliances so that they can actually run
your inverter most likely won't so if
you have an
inverter it's either built for 50 or 60
that's going to be changed if there was
one on board
so yeah you've got to look at every
single ac appliance
and please don't hope you've got to go
through it you've got to make sure that
it's actually able to run
at 60 hertz because some appliances are
specifically made to only run off
50 hertz even though they're both the
same voltage there is a difference
between 50 and 60 hertz
absolutely good question all right i
said that was the end but we're going to
do one bonus question
all right bonus round good good question
that we haven't had before
all right um when bundling wires neatly
are there any issues with a 12 volt wire
next to 120 volt wire
yeah there is in an ideal world believe
it or not the code says
that ac wiring should not run parallel
to dc wiring
okay now that's easier said than done in
most of our boats
and in an ideal way you would actually
want to run them actually perpendicular
to each other
so on my boat i actually went through
the hassle of doing that i actually have
ac wiring running separate and i have dc
wiring running separate
now i'm a super geek right i'm chasing
perfection all the time
so yes given a choice run your ac wiring
completely separate from your dc wiring
and if they have to intersect run them
or even better you see this on ships you
see these wiring trays and you heat
these wires
going mixing right so yes you should in
an ideal world have your dc and your ac
separated but think about it in a lot of
boats those come together in
some places you just try to as much as
possible as of
to avoid them having being in the same
yeah so great question actually it's
hard to do though
easy to ask for but really hard to do
all right all right thank you everyone
for joining us this has been a lot of
fun any last words jeff before we sign
i want to thank everyone for joining me
honestly this is one of the most
energizing things i can do in a week
i love it um this is awesome thanks
everyone for being here
uh it's super cool uh further questions
you know where you can find us make sure
if you're asking questions and you're
wondering keep them
concise the longer the question the more
it becomes a consultation so
short and precise questions i can hammer
if it's going to take me 20 minutes to
read your question 20 minute for an
the likelihood of being able to answer
considering i work 100 hours a week is
low i'm just going to be honest keep
your questions short and then if it's
short to the point
i'll answer them as fast as i can and
don't forget to subscribe
thanks everyone for watching
and uh safe boating all right
have a great afternoon evening wherever
you are in the world
thanks for watching ciao bye
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Boating Tech Talk
Boating Tech Talk
Boating Tech Talk