Transcript is auto-generated.
hi everyone jeff cote here with
uh here we have a product box
opening and i'm sort of excited
voila yes uh
this is a kvh's latest v1
lte range mobile internet a lot of big
words here
many of us not all of us but many of us
would like to have connectivity
on our boats while we are doing coastal
and we do it for various reasons no
judging you know some people
like to surf the internet some people
want to download netflix some people
need to get an email so they can respond
to an email and keep cruising
you know what the reasons are many and
some of us don't need it at all this is
not a video about if you need it or not
this is a question that's a question for
you to answer
um this video is about a product that
many of us are looking for how do we get
better connectivity
to a cellular network and this is
important this is not satellite right
from kvh because kvh does absolutely do
connectivity and communications both for
sat tv and for satcom
this is separate this is actually kvh is
sort of foray into
cellular connectivity uh for some of us
that are within you know
close to cell towers and a lot of us on
the coast
even here in british columbia washington
are sometimes just too far away from a
cell tower to have a really good
connectivity on our phones
so the purpose of this device is it
actually has believe it or not a sim
card inside and we'll look at that
and so you're actually terminating a
cellular connection
within this device and what that means
is that you can then start
propagating that signal not as a cell
signal but as
actually as a data signal over ethernet
inside the boat if you want and that's
the trick
is having really good high gain antennas
above as high as possible converting
that cell signal
and then converting it to data signal
that you can actually propagate within
the boat
so um i have to say this is a sort of
new product that just got released and
we're actually excited and this is
actually going to go on my sailboat
that's right
that's the perk of the job getting to
try new things and i can't wait
um connectivity is pretty important i
every day and so this is a way for me
even on the water to have connectivity
all right so what we're going to do is
we're going to start opening this box a
little bit so
it might eclipse the sun here okay
so i'm gonna open this up a little bit
first thing that you see is the manual
front and center
right here so we'll take that away
and we'll put it off side and we'll have
a look a little bit later
the next thing that we're going to take
out and it's hard to see is sort of like
all the different sort of connectors and
stuff like that we'll take that away
we'll put that off to the side as well
and now you can see the dome
inside this box
again i have to say well protected which
is really good
all right and now you can even see the
handles to lift us out so what we're
going to do is because i'm going to hit
the camera this is simply too big
i'm going to move this off to the side
and suddenly we're gonna have
uh the just the dome right on the table
so bear with me as i do that all right
we did it
we totally did it honestly
boating is like being a kid at christmas
it just never stops giving
i love it absolutely love it
um all right look at this
i'm not even sure okay slowly nice and
yeah okay got it intuitive you got to
like that
i was like how the hell am i going to
open this figure it up
all right again notice i mean
the amount of cardboard on these it's
um this is expensive right this is not
you know
a uh this is an incredible solution
so i'm removing the cardboard
and i'm gonna take away the wrapper this
is the first time i've ever opened this
uh for some of you here that are
watching i've i literally this is gonna
go on my boat and this is the first time
for me to open it
you can see i can't even control my sort
of happiness
connectivity while on the water mix
uh my two pleasures of life boating and
working i know it sounds silly but i do
love my job
i get to do this for a living this is
pretty neat so this is
actually not that heavy um it's
reasonably i i don't know how much i'd
say but maybe about 10 pounds so this is
going to be installed
you know maybe on a radar pole at the
back of a boat it might be installed on
top of a radar arch
right for power boaters it might be
installed even on top of spreaders
so who knows it really depends on your
it's not as big as some of the bigger
satellite domes remember there is no
satellite connectivity in this it does
look like it looks like a dome for sat
but this is just sort of the
nice look and feel of the dome but
inside you've got these dual
lte antennas that give you way better
connectivity obviously than a cell phone
let's look at this slowly from
i'm going to take that and you can
actually even what i like here is that
there's almost practically no
connectivity no wires
right this is neat notice how just right
that's all that's that only connection
that's going to be on the outside of
this box so you would actually
this to actually do the connection route
the cable right through here
and uh you'd be know very well that
everything that's going to be nice and
inside so again
lte this is effectively a cell booster
this is why i'm excited it's it does
have obviously it terminates a cellular
connectivity inside
so you do need a sim card this will not
work with your phone
your phone will effectively be able to
to this wi-fi but will not have you'll
not be using the cell connectivity off
your phone you will definitely need a
sim card
to do that
kvh is offering a different data plans
and you have to go to their website to
see what the data plans are
here we are in canada but you know
there's data plans that actually
work around the world so you're gonna
have to look for the specifics and the
it's actually not that bad when you're
considering what they're doing and the
data plans i was kind of like
yeah it's not free but you know what if
you want data connectivity on your boat
and you really need it
this might make sense a lot of us are
still working and want a boat
this might be the solution all right so
this is the tracfone
lte1 so the next thing we're going to do
is we're going to open this box and find
what's inside all right
i can't tell you how happy i am about
this product okay
all right okay okay
so what we're going to do let me scoot
over here a little bit
excellent excellent
oh wow they're doing a good job i love
i absolutely love it notice
how they're giving you instructions easy
all the parts the material list please
you know this we have excitement when we
open a new product
don't get too caught up in installing
read read read
you know i always tell people educate
educate educate
you know empower yourself with knowledge
and then do right don't get to the doing
so this would be sort of uh bedtime
reading for me
figuring out what i need to do before i
install this product i'm a geek i'll
highlight i'll put notes
i'll ask questions there's nothing wrong
with asking questions you know if we
prepare ourselves then we don't have to
do it later
so that's a kind of i like this this
this this tells me this is real right
uh the next thing you've got this
as you can see that comes with the unit
this is an rj45 it's basically ethernet
that we'll find um basically on ethernet
you know like
and even inside homes and businesses we
use ethernet
okay so basically this is what it looks
and remember there's only one connection
going in there right so which is really
really cool
so that's pretty neat
we've got over here all the different
and you can see obviously gasket which
is nice all the different fittings in a
right i don't even know what all this
you can see these are the studs
again you've got to read the
instructions okay
and then probably this is the power
adapter to power this this is going to
probably have
poe power over ethernet it's a little
and there you go a little device right
right here
again you can see the ethernet goes on
one side
power again goes uh on the other side
and again another lan port
so different ports for different
purposes again pretty neat
compact uh i like it it looks sort of
you know
i don't know it looks to me like it's
it's made for being on a boat
it looks sort of weatherproof it's not
meant to be outside but it looks
like a good seal i like it and it's
compact so this is probably a little
compact poe injector
right which is neat because think about
it you're actually powering this device
via power on an ethernet cable we do
that with ip cameras
it's possible and when we do bigger
bigger boats we're running ip cameras
and those ip cameras actually are
powered by the ethernet cable
which is really handy and then you have
these little feet
right here on the side
and obviously this is
these anti-seizing compound that you
apply to the boats because you know
some of this stuff when we put it on our
boats we're not just putting in for a
day or two days
it's going to be on there for maybe five
years ten years before you take that off
so again read the instructions this is
what i took off at first this is the
little sort of the packaging that came
with the unit
again i kind of like it it it feels like
you're getting something of
substance you've got the installation
guide which you're going to read
in detail right highlighting this is
pretty good
and then you basically have a little bit
of sort of at a glance
what's going on and you also have the
user kit in here so
all of that is really useful
so why is it that we do this well we do
this because going with satcom
is not everyone's first choice right
using satellite communication
as a means to get data on board our
boats is not necessarily
inexpensive some of us certainly do it
because we need to
but for some of us that are doing sort
of light duty use
um it might make sense to consider this
you can of course even though your cell
phone is not connected to this device
you can actually enable wi-fi calling
from your phone to connect to this
device which then would connect to a
cell network
so you can actually use your phone on
this network which is worth
considering you can have connectivity to
multiple devices
so it's not just one device you could
have a computer a tablet you can have
multiple people actually using this
it's effectively a gateway right a
via cell to the internet so that's
pretty good
you can have flexible data plans they'll
even do a data plan where you're
in use and then there's a sort of
off-season data plan where it's just a
nominal fee to keep your subscription
but you're actually not paying the full
rate which i like
that's really good it includes this cat
double shielded which is really good 15
cable included you'll definitely want a
sim card that's the little cards that go
in our cell phones and sell your devices
so you'll definitely need one of those
and it will need a subscription so this
is not
again a cell booster only this is
actually a cell booster that
terminates the cellular connection in
here and then propagates it
over ethernet to inside the boat even
has even wi-fi as well
so if you're curious about more of this
product i'm sure the documentation is
going to tell you more we're almost at
you know 12 13 minutes here
so i'm going to leave you with that and
thanks for watching
thank you for watching this pys video if
you've got further questions
ask them down below or go on our website
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and thanks for watching
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