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hi youtubers
jeff cote here we've got another ask pys
from richard
richards from maryland and he's got a
calendar 36
i also have a catalina 36 this happens
to be in 1989 mine is in 1990 so
lovely boat by the way now that i'm
um so this uh boater is asking jeff i'm
changing my alternator from a 50 amp
alternator to 105 amp alternator
how will this affect my agm batteries oh
great question well first of all
your alternator charging changing
the size of an alternator can affect
really the speed at which you're going
to recharge your batteries
but it's not really going to change the
charging profile
so an alternator most alternators are
going to have what are called an
internal regulator and they're going to
14.4 volts okay so you've got 14.4 volts
and that's not necessarily what your agm
battery wants
so if you want to worry about your agm
batteries what you end up doing is
getting what's called an external
you basically make your alternator smart
and then you can actually dial it in and
say i want you to charge an agm profile
firefly profile
gel profile lithium profile whatever it
is but then you can start tweaking it
if you don't have an external regulator
you can't do any of that and you're just
getting vanilla
14.4 volts on a 12 volt alternator
and that's what it's and that's what our
cars are doing that's why when we start
our cars we look at
the nominal voltage is around 14. that's
because we're actually measuring
the output of the alternator we're not
actually measuring the battery we're
measuring the output of the alternator
so by changing from a 50 amp to 100 amp
it's not so much that it's going to
affect your agm batteries right
mind you agm have a higher charge
acceptance rate which is called
car so they're going to be able to take
a better faster charge than a flooded
lead acid battery bank
but the key is now here's the things i
look for a is my wire size going to be
able to handle
now 100 amps coming from my alternator
right that's the first thing because
remember most of us have
the alternator connected directly to the
starter solenoid post
so there's a little wire it's probably
two feet three feet four feet
and that positive post on the alternator
is just connected to the starter
but if that wire is made for handling a
50 amp alternator
i can guarantee you that the engine
manufacturer never ever
oversized that wire they chose that wire
exactly for that 50 amp alternator so
when you choose your alternator you go
from 50 to 100
that wire now is half the size it should
be so make sure that that wire can
handle the 100 amps
and if you're worried about the agm
batteries having the right charge
then the way to do that would be by
installing an external
regulator that you can customize or
or choose a charge profile and that will
give your agm batteries
exactly what they need from the
alternator effectively
transforming your alternator into a
battery charger that is powered from
your engine
and not shore power so that was a great
question richard and thanks for asking
thank you for watching this pys video if
you've got further questions please ask
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