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[Music] good morning everyone good morning thank you for a blue water cruising association for hosting this event the word electronic and electrical are used interchangeably by a lot of people but they're different electrical is simpler right it's power right there's no computer there's no nothing i mean battery charges inverters yes but pretty straightforward electronics are for example um a radar chart plotter your depth sounder your ais it's basically a computer right that's what electronics are right phone is electronics the phone is not electrical there's electrical within the phone but it's a little bit more complicated than just electricity okay so for troubleshooting honestly you can't troubleshoot something without understanding how it works otherwise it's sort of being blind and leading the way it's not going to happen nothing's going to make sense and it's so random you're just going to get frustrated so that's why yesterday and part of this morning you've got to spend time caring about how conceptually something works and if you understand how conceptually works your chances of troubleshooting something are much higher if you don't understand how it works at all troubleshooting it is going to be so random you're going to get just frustrated and you're probably going to give up the only thing is first thing is understand how it works and once you understand how it works then you have a chance of solving it by troubleshooting the other one too is if you understand how it works then what are the parts part of that solution that could have failed because it's not a one thing right when we looked at the battery charger yesterday off a generator how many things power a battery charger from a generator there's a lot of different things that are part of that process you can't be random logic you got to start at the beginning you got to wait walk down you can't just start going everywhere you can't be haphazard you're going to waste your time your time is precious we talked about this earlier generally it's very rare that a device actually fails generally it's to do with the installation of that device it's possible but a lot of times actually believe it or not it's things around it okay so the next one is well you've got to start eliminating the obvious you can bring someone on board if you don't value money but the first thing would be is the battery switch turned on sounds silly but pretty common we get called out all the time a lot of panic someone turned the battery switch on or off they don't know where the battery switches are they come back on board their boat is dead they think their batteries are dead and their vacation is ruined they don't leave on friday night as they planned and the only problem is the mechanic turned off the battery switch off when they were doing the work and they didn't even know they had one and they don't know how to turn it on so i've had no seriously it happens all the time boaters miss a weekend miss nine day trip they're leaving on a friday can't get a hold of someone and then they come to the boat the boat don't start they cancel the holiday and they go back and the only thing that was wrong was the battery switch was off simple but you got to understand that you know and that's why you got to care because none of us and i remind this all the time to everyone none of us have enough summers in our lifetime i don't care if you have 70 summers left in your lifetime you have a hundred that is not enough time left to enjoy life every weekend is precious everything is precious and so if you missed a weekend because of the battery switch that kind of sucks right because your boat was ready you just didn't understand it next is the breaker panel that is super common most people don't even bother looking at their breaker panel how often am i called in that the fridge doesn't work and the breaker that says fridge on the breaker panel is not on you laugh but it happens all the time they don't look at it somebody accidentally touched it they were doing something else they turned it off they never look at it they don't even know it's there again it's not i'm not saying it's their fault it's just you know what it's boats are complicated and the breaker's off and now suddenly the fridge is off you turn the breaker on the fridge works it's embarrassing and it's frustrating look make sure that the breaker does your appliance have a breaker and if it does is it on the next one too is the branch breaker to the device so like for example in my case on my boat there's no breaker for radar or ais i have a breaker for navigation electronics now that's code word for a lot of different things on my boat it means char plotter radar ais vhf all these different things so you have to know what those breakers mean on your boat because you might see for example upper bridge electronics that breaker's off that breaker gives you tons of different things and it's often you know like my radar and sharp water don't work you're not understand that that's a key word for up flybridge electronics means navigation equipment running off of the flybridge so understanding what breakers do on your boat are gonna allow you to troubleshoot a little bit things and then you're not you can't get as much as frustrated and the other thing it's obvious but did you actually turn on the device and it sounds silly but again sometimes some device automatically turn on if they were left on the last time but if you turn them off and you turn the power back on they're still in off state so they have a memory of their state there you turn the power off and they were on next time you turn the power on they're still on you turn them off before turning the breaker off you turn the breaker on they're still in off state you need to change the state press the power button on the electronics to now turn it on again sounds silly but there a lot of electronics actually remember their state so if it was turned off when it was off it's going to be off when it's powered and then if you eliminate the obvious then you start the journey and that's where it gets interesting you start at the beginning first problem that is most common is there's not enough power or no power at the device common one is your char plotter works when you connect to shore power it works a little bit when you leave the dock and when you're sailing it doesn't work what's that problem is a problem with the radar or chart plotter or is it the problem that the batteries are getting low with voltage over time and that your batteries are either getting weak or the connections were not done well and it only works on shore power because your batteries are at 13.5 on shore power and as soon as you disconnect from shore power you're at 12.6 and then you're sailing you go down to 12 2 and that delta delta delta loss and loss makes that your sharp lot and radar stop working in the middle of the straight of georgia every single time is the radar coincidently knowing that it's in the middle of straight or georgia well it could happen but no it's a voltage drop problem voltage dropped because maybe the batteries are weak or maybe because the connection was badly weak it's badly done and it doesn't manifest itself when you've got lots of power battery voltage has dropped too low super popular happens all the time with nav lights how many times that we're called out to replace a nav light and the issue is that the nav light is on the bow of a boat it's exposed to salt water it's a very corroded connection right same thing on a mast how many i was on a boat just recently well not myself but one of our crew going up a mass changing a steaming light was the steaming light broken was the fixture broken not at all it was it hadn't been installed properly it leaked and the connections inside were corroded and corroded enough that none of it so we clean the connections read them them properly and the nav light and the fixture were working by the way the owner bought both the nav light and a replacement light because when you send someone up the mask time is money so just because of a bad connection that hardware was already purchased they already had it on their nav table ready for us because they assumed that it was the light or the fixture it was neither it was the connections corrosion on the terminal or connector oh my god welcome to a world of hurt that is any connections that are in an inhospitable environment are going to have corrosion on the terminal or the connector and that's the first place to look handoffs of energy through connections are the number one culprit and the chance of a broken wire loose connect a broken wire on your boat are one in a million one in a million how does a wire break if it's a flexible wire now solid core wiring oh yeah of course no problem no problem but a flexible wire that's broken now of course there's exceptions i had an owner had a uh for example on his radar arch had someone installed deck lights and when they installed the deck lights they drilled a hole and they drilled a hole and they hid the wire inside the tubing and it made their satellite dish not work they literally drilled a hole right through the coax of course then i always ask did someone do anything around there did anybody do anything oh no nothing we did nothing we just installed lights i'm like bingo where did they install them oh yeah well there you go sure enough you pull the cable and you see like a drill mark right through the cable so that can happen but if you're not drilling or playing on your boat what are the chances that you're going to have a wire that's severed i mean that's that's that's that's pretty crazy but a loose connector that is all the time boats vibrate vibration causes things to undo themselves i came on a boat once they had 12 guard 12 golf cart batteries and eight of the golf cart batteries were not part of the other four the connections had all undone themselves most of the nuts were not even on top of the battery they were in the bottom of the battery bank they had no idea this is about a 60 footer they had battery problems never went to look at the battery the batteries were not given it was unreasonable battery life and they were right definitely unreasonable and it's the same thing that you know once you do like with wheels or something you have to go and tighten it up again after three months right and if you just hand tighten it well then welcome to the world of magic welcome so a loose connector oh that happens all the time it's you got to start it there like either the bad crimp or it's a loose connection right now safe is real if you don't support your wire and your boat and your wires are simply loose and you think it's just an aesthetic desire to have things in bundles and they don't move over time not the first year not the second year now if you go offshore yes but if you're here in a marina 10 20 30 years of chafing absolutely will cost shafe i see it all the time the the jacket will actually be rubbed right through i've seen that on engines i've seen it all the time wires are just running loose and over time just enough rubbing causes the jacket to actually wear off and then eventually you'll have a positive wire shaved i saw that on a commercial tug once where one of the jackets had rubbed so much on the metal because it was an aluminum boat they had lost i mean the damage was like humbling and it was one of their wires was actually leaking into the hall but not enough to cause a short but enough to actually energize their underwater metals and it was massive amount of damage and it was because the bundle was not protected from the hull and it was loose it was chafing it's commercial boat used a lot this fuse may be hidden problem i brought that up earlier that's a world of hurt too you turn the circuit breaker on but you don't have power of the appliance because there's a fuse and the fuse is sort of hidden you know i'll remember that yeah it's midway in the pedestal because that's the length of wire and i didn't want to extend the wire and that's what it was it happened to be right in the pedestal between the lower helm and the upper helm and i'll remember next time if it blow that you just give it a little bit of slack and look yeah yeah sure yeah you remember that for a while what about the next owner i've seen fuses in places that defy all logic there is no logic it's actually evil is what it is and there's nothing wrong with the appliances everything's fine the fuse blew in a place that you can't find it and then it becomes it's a nightmare so make sure your fuses if there are there they're always accessible okay and then use a meter to test the entire the entire circuits in sequence okay with that we're going to kick off and we're going to talk about first we're going to start with navigation a little bit this is the way things used to be this is called naba0183 there there's a newer protocol today called enemy 8 2000 90 of us are going to have zero 183 on our boats it's going to take a long time for enemy 01 a3 to disappear and it's complicated hence why 2000 came up but look at a display for example a multi-functional display like this and look at the amount of connections that had to happen for that device to work and all of these are actually it's absolutely important to remember what is sending what to what the right polarity so this is right now sending information to the pilot and it's receiving information on the pilot this is truly a bi-directional conversation the pilot sends heading to the chart plotter the chart plotter sends tracking information routing information to the autopilot same thing with the is right you could have ais information going here you could have ai not ais but different information here going to the is and then you saw this like this looks a little bit like ctalk right like bust apology from raymarine and then you would have that and then everything would be daisy chained this doesn't look that bad but let's be honest the reason like in the past like five years ago the number of vhf radios that would just have two wires connected to the chart plotter for gps position which is essential essential for having a 9-1-1 feature the dsc feature on your vhf radio like we're talking about opting out from 9-1-1 that takes a lot of courage you have to have a serious level of confidence in yourself to say that i will never need a 9-1-1 in my life if you opt out into that like you have you're a much stronger man than i am i can't imagine 95 percent of all boats didn't have a vhf connected to their chart plotter or gps because the two wires that needed to be connected were so complicated because you needed to remember that a talker can only talk to a listener and a listener vice versa so you had to remember i'm a talker i have to connect to a listener that one now is a talker and needs to listen i need to listen to it so it's literally like you've got to talk on one side listen on the other and the other one talks to you you can't just go talk or to talk or listen to listener because you can't talk to another mouth i mean it's impossible and you can't listen to another ear so literally people would go talk talk listen listen they're thinking it's going to work no didn't work and that's if they were connected less than ten percent and it's probably closer to five percent of vhf radios were getting a gps position so that little dsc function on the radio was disabled useless no value everyone was opting out of 9-1-1 because it was too complicated okay and so it was very rare to actually see an nmea network that was fully utilized and that was sharing information between different pieces of electronics equipment on your boat so that for example you could have ais come in your chart plotter right or have maybe your chart plotter also chairing into a laptop okay and that's easy on the big boats we did a 115 115 footer it was crazy amount of work and that's what it looks like it was humbling literally every single of those devices we had on that boat we had multiplexers gateways converters bridges you had all these different devices and everything was context driven a talker talks only to listeners you can only have multiple amount listeners you can't have multiple talkers talking to one listener then you've got to have a multiplexer and this was the world up till recently like we did that boat in 2012 and we built it like this in 2012. so that's not that far and what happened is then the world came and you can't troubleshoot that this is your you're done i mean you're sort of like tap out and that's why people didn't like integration because honestly you couldn't get it to work and even if you could you can troubleshoot it because you needed to have a crazy understanding and then the world went to this and now this one we can help each other with this is called enemy a2000 if you've got a navigation equipment that is less than 5 probably even 10 years old 10 maybe depends garmin for sure raymarine has a rename they just call it c talk ng same same but different you're going to have what's called a can bus here which is the enemy 2000 backbone and then you're going to have a bunch of drops these are called drops the power needs to energize this backbone and then you can have instruments a char plotter another instrument a fuel sensor a transducer and on some boats like we did a 145 you know there's like 70 80 of those drops right i mean it's crazy but you could have a selena 60 foot saleen we did a 60 foot saline they've got about 40 drops 50 drops too yeah one backbone how do you know what you have well i actually you can actually believe it or not if they're all properly wired you would actually be able to in one of the displays like even on your chart plotter to actually see every single enemy 2000 device that you have on an mba 2000 backbone or you can also buy a diagnostic tool and you can plug it into one of the drops and you'll see every other device on the backbone well you'll see that actually on the chart bar will tell you like if you've got a char plotter you'll actually be able to see the com ports see communication ports enemy 2000 and you'll have literally they'll actually name you what they are they'll say fuel sensors carbon monoxide detectors they'll actually tell the name of what it is like on one big boat we did another 115 we had nine fuel not nine tanks right every tank had a fuel level sensor right bilgewater dark gray fuels hydraulic tank right all of them were enemy 2000. this wasn't invented by the marine industry it's basically like a lot of things good ideas come from other places um this was invented by bosch it's can bus it's control area network it's any to any there's no talker or listener everything can talk or listen and there's no intelligence you can take one device on you can take it off it doesn't matter it's basically auto learns how to prioritize information different items on the backbone have more priority than others a gps has more priority than say a fuel tank sender so even if the network is congested certain things will go through over other things you don't need to know where your fuel tank level is every second but you want to know where your position is every second so they'll actually they all have it's a protocol and they know when it's their time to speak if they speak too often and depending on their priority level they're going to be brought down you can have enemy a2000 compasses chart plotters now enemy 2000 not to be confused will not send video signal what's a video signal video signal is sounder image a radar image all those things that have a high amount of content cannot go over an me2000 they're going over an ethernet backbone we're going to talk about that in another slide enemy 2000 is a limited amount of data ais will go on there you can have depth but not a depth not a fish finder but depth as a number and that's why they call this an intelligent transducer this device actually calculates depth inside the device and outputs depth to the backbone it's common we do that on trawlers all the time we need an 80 footer we'll do you know the bottom they'll have normal depth fish finder and then we'll put in a secondary depth sounder just depth only just as a backup do that a lot even some boats 40 footers 50 50-footers some sailboaters i did on my boat you'll have depth as a fish finder and depth as a number you probably have that on your boat from one transducer two transducers yeah you'll want backup it's backup no but they'll do that it makes sense honestly it's not crazy there's a lot of gadgets in life depth is not a gadget if you think death is not important and i meet owners sometimes they tell me i don't need depth because the chart has depth i choose to not engage in a conversation because i don't have the time but that is an interesting choice i'll leave that at that i am not one to believe that they don't ask me what i think and so i don't share because i mean obviously we can't find middle ground on that but i am a huge believer that depth is not a gimmick i'm a huge fan of depth propulsion steering depth vhf yeah lead line led line works but depth is pretty important it's up there it's really up there so you can buy a transducer now like an enemy 2000 transducer that connects into a backbone and you can have depth at the front of the boat and you can depth at the back of the boat big boats could do that on a sailboat depth of the front of the keel death of the back of the queue you can do whatever you want and they're not expensive and so again they're not working with a big chart plotter you could actually see it directly onto an instrument right so a lot of depth sounders for example fish finders you need a big chart plotter to show that you're not going to see that on a small a fish finder is not going to work on a four inch let's say small instrument you see depth on that but you're not going to see a fish finder on a four inch instrument and so if you want to have for example on a boat you want to have some instruments showing depth on here you're either going to have to have that on or you're going to have to have intelligent transducer connected to that so that you don't need your big chart plotter to provide a fish finder which gives you depth to then in turn share that information with the little screen so we do that all the time on trawlers like 40 foot all the time i don't see a radar up there no and that's right why because i said radar is large image it's video can't be up on any 2000 and that is one of the biggest misconceptions there is people think that ma2000 can do everything no it can't it's a limited amount of bus right it's it has some throughput but it cannot do a video image you're not going to have video cameras on ma2000 you're not going to have a radar in ma2000 your radar doesn't take any me 2000 there's no such thing as a radar enemy 2000 port you'll do an autopilot yes your char plotter is going to be connected to it but again it's not going to be sharing any your chart data is not going to be sharing from one chart plotter to the other chart plotter over enemy 2000 that's way too much data that is going to happen over ethernet and we're going to talk about that in the next in the next few slides limited amount of data goes already may 2000 so when you're troubleshooting this sort of network and quite honestly this is not rare not anymore happens is generally is one of these little rings these little connectors gets loose through vibration so you need to know where every single t is on your boat this is called an ma2000t because it has three sides right and that little nut there could get loose and if it get loose then you're going to lose the backbone half the backbone is going to work the other half backbone's going to work but both of two halves of your backbone if they were powered independently would be working but not talking or you might have one that's energized the other one's not energizing the other one's dead because you see how here this needs power if that fuse blows or is disconnected and i get this all the time my enemy 2000 is doesn't work i lost it and honestly as simple as the circuit breaker labeled enemy a2000 on the dash is not energized this is why it's so important as boaters to be curious you're not curious until you have a problem the chances of you being able to ride a bike or ski if you've never skied before are pretty low you might have a high level of confidence in yourself but if you've never practiced and you don't know where things are when things don't work it's upsetting it really is and then you're depending on people like myself to either help you remotely if i'm available or what happens sometimes some of my technicians get on flow planes this morning you're going on an airplane you're going in the middle of nowhere and you're going to go rescue someone and that's what you end up doing and some of those rescues are worth the time to go and some of them sometimes aren't and they're simple little things so understand your boat so that when things do go wrong you know why and that circuit breaker here because you see how you have to have an inline switch or ignition that inline switch if it's off then your intelligent transducer is not going to work your fuel flow sensors are not going to work your autopilot's not going to be even energized all these systems are going to be down and you're going to be driving yourself crazy for just simply a switch on the dash that you didn't know existed as simple as that now here's the bad news this looks simple right it's pretty simple the bad news is the macgyver technician or the mcviver owner that looks at this and thinks he can do whatever he wants and does not educate themselves i've seen it even production boats after the fact or the manufacturer does normally this and the owner decided to emphasize strongly to the manufacturer that they should do more but they're not really competent at that and so they do it but they shouldn't do it and i've seen boats that are worth quarter million dollars 750 i saw a power boat like a high-end powerboat seven hundred thousand dollar powerboat like it was 35 feet so you can imagine what kind of powerboat that is it's not size that they bought it's a lot of gear and the enemy a2000 backbone it took us three days to fix it because they just thought it was plug and play they didn't follow the protocol they could only be one resistor on one end and another resistor on the other end there's you can't have it's it needs to be one backbone and then individual drops i have a youtube video just on the backbone you have to follow the code and most people remember what i said nobody likes reading thank god for youtube at least now people can watch but without that you have to follow the code and if you don't if you don't then welcome into the world of magic question i don't remember something like it's 64 or something like that or it could be 128 i don't there's all these lengths there's math i don't remember but there's a limitation there's a limitation on the number of drops the number of cabling there's apps that actually measure all that meritron is a great app like we don't chance it we'll design it and we'll actually plug it we'll actually do a design and then execute and it's a software and they'll tell us if there's errors but yeah don't take the chance everything's simple until you do it question in the back one question is how essential are the termination resistors on a backbone utterly critical if you don't have them it won't work or it's going to work it might work sometimes but it's going to work intermittently you could actually remove a connection and still have the t there but have no connection at that point so like oftentimes we'll be running a cable through the boat and we'll have spare t's in different location as we're leaving the engine room going up to the fly bridge we might put a t in a few different places so they can add stuff as they go along under no circumstances the question is can you tur put a cap at the end of a tee right here a cap here is not protection against moisture or anything it actually is essential for the communication bus you can never have more than two t's and the two t's have to be at the end of the backbone you no one shall ever ever put a third tee anywhere on a backbone the backbone has a start and it has an end and nothing else correct you will shall never put a resistor or anything on that that is a resistor on a t there are caps if you want like cheap little caps if you want to protect the pins but a termination resistor is not a cap and if you do welcome to the world of magic it's five wires in that cable the can bus cable has five wires two for signaling two for power and one for ground oh yeah 100 proprietary 100 proprietary cable and that's why raymarine of course decided to give it a different name and they called it ctalk ng and they changed the pin configurations and the connector configurations to make it more complicated but it's c talking g there's just they're it's sort of like me calling english kinglish i don't know just making it up a different word but i don't change anything i don't make any difference it's just i re-label it it's just to confuse the marketplace that's all it is confuse the marketplace and it works i mean there's a reason to do it but yeah so you can talk from ctalk and g to ma2000 you just need a pigtail it's just a wire there's not even a box in between it's just going from one proprietary connector to a non-proprietary connector it's it's a marketing decision it doesn't really make any difference this is a bigger backbone right again bunch of t's a drop for power and then you can start seeing like this is an ma2000 to usb gateway larger char plot not a char plot a larger instrument solid compass this is a weather station with a gps like not this one is gps but you can buy weather stations this is a dst-100 this is a smart intelligent transducer gives you depth speed and temp and then you can have some we did a boat about two years ago uh we digitized the whole boat so all the circuits on the boat could be turned on from a chart plotter right the whole boat was wired like that like from scratch the boat and that's we did that with c-zone so we were doing that you seen that like for example boston whaler does that too they're doing c-zone so you can actually turn on every circuit you want on a chartplotter you can do anything you don't even have a panel on the boat anymore the panel your screens or your panels right and you can say here's the mode i'm on the mode at anchor then a bunch of switches automatically get turned on and off i'm underway navigating a bunch of switches get turned on and off i'm going to bed a bunch of switches get turned on and off i'm going to leave the boat for extended period time bunch of switches get on it so you have different modes and you're able to do that via these digital switching modules which are connected believe it or not over enemy 2000 the point is when you're doing enemy a2000 or anything on your boat first of all create a schematic okay that's first point don't just do it like write it down because you're gonna forget what you did even on your own boat so make a plan right think about building a house with a plan that would be sort of crazy right the house would not look normal nobody's ever built anything that looks pretty or looks pretty impressive without a plan like the plan is the first part and i even remind this to my own technicians i'm like no no like we're not going to do anything you're talking a lot of words great yeah sure take a picture of your plan send it to me on it i want to see it let's look at a plan and let's build to a plan and when you're doing enemy a2000 if you have one start creating a diagram a little bit like a wiring diagram we wrote an article in pacific yachting i think about a year ago about if you don't have a wiring diagram on your boat create one right be curious because again when you're going to need to troubleshoot your bow it's going to be really helpful if you've got a wiring diagram you can do a lot of magic and a lot of troubleshooting with a wiring diagram if everything is just buried and you don't know where things are it makes it quasi-impossible well unless you have lots of time or money but it becomes very frustrating so even on my bone boat that i love my boat i have a wiring diagram of where all my tees are what they do where are they on the boat so if i ever want to troubleshoot i know where all the devices are and if you don't have one it's a great rainy day project question is can you start integrating zero and a three to two thousand right like how do and absolutely there are gateways that are zero one eight three to two thousand and you can start having a hybrid system you don't have to go all in you can start creating an ma2000 backbone have a legacy system and have the legacy and then you sort of talk over what are called zero one eight three to two thousand and we do that all the time even on like crazy navigation systems where someone's dropping a hundred thousand dollars believe me or believe it or not some gear is still staying that doesn't change everything you know the autopilot might be zero and a three and we're not gonna change it and we're gonna have a gateway from that to enemy 2000 because at one point you can't do it all and on a normal boat the same thing we might keep the instruments c talk which is not zero it's not even zero and a three we might take the instruments raymarine sea talk leave them there and put a c talk to enemy 2000 gateway or see talk in g and then c talking g to ma2000 and we'll put a new navigation suite and leave the instruments there so it's not an all or nothing you can integrate okay now this is an example of look at they've got blue is for enemy 2000 instruments sharp plotters satellite that's xm radio vhf that's enemy 2000 and then look at the red the red here is ethernet so they've got an ethernet cable and notice there's a little one there too that's hard to see but it's important a little red here so the char plotter sharp sharpener chart plotter the sounderbox right here the radar are connected over ethernet okay and that's how really modern navigation systems are done you've got always two protocols one ethernet nma 2000 or any a03 but you have both because you can't share a radar image or a sounder image on enemy 2000 there's just too much data okay question a char plotter would have an me 2000 and ethernet and enemy a0183 some of them actually will have all three they'll be able to integrate enemy 2000 0183 and ethernet on the same port i'm not saying port but the back of the device that's why there's so many ports at the back of those things and some of them will actually even take like coax for video cameras question is ethernet wire is a solid wire no marine grade ethernet wire that you would buy from the manufacturer because they have proprietary ends to actually lock them in place they're still rj45s right those wires are actually they're ethernet wires not solid right they're going to be like well i mean they're tiny but they're not big solid they're going to be marine grade ethernet wires on those rj45s but now they're tiny little wires they're super flexible even wire you could almost coil in something this big right this is another example of the same picture you see this switch over here this switch is doing ethernet to a radar to a sounder to a chart plot or a chart plotter switch like at home right it's ethernet and then you have an ama2000 bus doing an instrument an autopilot a vhf an ais transponder enemy 2000 and it's also talking to a char plotter and another char plotter and then you have a basically a mult a panel that is powering each device right the radar the char plotters the switch the sounder and also the backbone this is a very typical nav system not hard just pretty vanilla that's how they work ama2000 ethernet and then power everywhere and then it gets more complicated when you have legacy systems that are zero one a3 question that seems redundant to have two cabling to do one thing uh there's going to be yes there's a new protocol called onenet i think that's the name it's in the works right now redundancy though is a good thing you know personally uh i like to me i don't know if i'm ever gonna ditch my new a2000 i'm going to do it unwillingly i like depth certain information to be stand alone i don't want to have all my eggs in one basket remember this is nativigation this is not your loss you can't watch cnn anymore and your day's really off because your football is not coming in right you're talking i want everything to be on one cable in one system so much so that i'm willing to learn depth ais gps everything about everything i want to be blind i want so much simplicity geeks are going to love that honestly people that are geeky are going to love that i'm a little cautious i like to have two separation and on the big boats guess how many backbones i do i don't do one backbone i do multiple backbones and on the big big boats do i do even one backbone i have a big backbone two of them and then i have redundant backbones right beside right just in case because remember this is not a gimmick a lot of us are going further afield to places that we would never go if we didn't have charts or if we didn't have depth and without that there's a lot of places that we wouldn't go there's places that are pretty tricky they're pretty damn tricky and if you didn't have a char plotter or an i.e a lot of us only have a char plotter there's a lot of places on vancouver island like i spent all the summer on the outside of vancouver island this summer and let me tell you it is pepper sprayed it's like an evil joke it's like rocks everywhere and if you don't know where they are you're going down there's no other way around it it's not predictable you're not only going to hit shore you know and you're going to sink there are rocks where you would never expect them and i don't think that a lot of people are going to be comfortable putting everything all their eggs in one basket it's going to happen but it's going to be a it's going to be an interesting adoption rate i think there's going to be unwillingly there's going to be some people that are going to sort of hold on for a long time okay question yeah so the question is if you have a char plotter you know or there's a note that you also are in a lot of countries legally responsible have paper charts and that's true and on my boat i do you know i had paper charts before i bought my chart plotters and i have a lot of paper charts but there's also a reality that we get comfortable with char plotters and i think if one day somebody removed my chart plotter on my boat and i was in a really tricky place like in the browns or outside of vancouver island it would be it would be scary honestly it wouldn't be the same i wouldn't have been there in the first place if i didn't have a char plot and i have charts but there's something to be said about a radar overlay a char plotter a good depth sounder and if i didn't have any of that and i just had a compass i probably would not do a lot of things that i do right now i would not be gunk-holding in a lot of the areas i go i just wouldn't i wouldn't be comfortable i would risk tolerance i would be like you know what let's just keep it in sort of familiar waters where i know most of the things and there's not a lot of things to worry about question redundancy how can you achieve render redundancy like i have you buy like for example i have an avionics app on my iphone great idea i have it on my ipad i mean you want redundancy absolutely but iphones and ipads are great absolutely but then you can't do radar overlay on an ipad right now so you can do radar on an ipad but you can't do radar overlay on an ipad so that's why i think it's good to have both radar overlay gives a high level of positional accuracy i mean there's radars doesn't lie radar is only the truth they only see i mean it's there or not there there's nothing and that's why all the big ships and commercial operators run their boats by nothing else than radar radar is the truth everything else is sort of trying to make it easier for ourselves this is an example of a typical raymarine network i mean this was brought in about 2005 2007. so you see that a lot of boats you got enemies zero and a3 you got ctalk they both had those ports sea ctalk hs is ethernet going to a switch going to sounder other network displays the radar effectively here is coming up at the top but it's not really true it's actually going at the back of the switch you had remote cameras going in so you could have coax feeds you could do a remote monitor and then you had a gps which was either enemy 0183 or ctalk but that's basically what it looked like that was 2005. and things haven't changed that much from there you still have the network you might not have ctalk you'll have 0183 you'll have enemy a2000 and you'll also be able to bring either now ip cameras or coax cameras but things are pretty much the same this is an example of a modern equivalent not that modern i mean this is probably three years old now four years old but you can actually see there's no switch here because this device has like two or three ethernet ports it's a switch in itself so you got a radar connected to it another display you've got wi-fi going to a tablet you've got cameras vhf going off enemy 2000 and then you've got your instruments your control head for your autopilot you've got an ais and even your autopilot the reactor is actually working on enemy 2000 for communication and then you've got a smart transducer or a transducer plugged into the back of this one because this one is called xsv so it actually this one is not smart it is actually a transitional transducer and that transducer goes on a transducer port so nowadays a lot of depth fish finder functionalities are actually built into the screens you can actually have a transducer plug directly into the back of the screen and so this is not just raymarine garmin for runo simrad bng lorance they're all doing this and so now instead of having before we had char plotter and depth sounder like a black box now the black box and the display are built in together but you have to buy it like that you have to know that you need it and so they'll that's the differentiating for raymarine for example they'll either have it as xs or xsv the v means side view you know the good news about electronics and the bad news about electronics is that there's a lot of choice and there's a lot of choice it's good or bad right it goes either way this is a firono we were on a 90-footer just recently and this is not unusual you know but the trick is to draw it out you know even if i have a technician living on a boat for four weeks eight weeks 12 weeks and it's their life that's it that's all they get to know is that boat eventually it gets even too much information to remember while you're working on the boat right it's too big you got to work from a plan and it's a really good habit to work from a plan it's really good you can always go back to that it's like the habit of taking notes right and now look at this i mean you're actually seeing all these ethernets everywhere junction box between all these enemy 2000s look at all these instruments our me 2000 all this stuff and ethernet hub that is ethernet radar sat compass so the only hope in health to troubleshoot your nav system is to have a diagram for it to be honest if you don't have one and you're not a pro you're in a world of hurt you're just in a world of hurt so i can't emphasize enough for people to be curious and to start creating a diagram for their nav system now when things are working then waiting for things not to be working and it's one thing if you're having an electrical electronic problem at the dock it's easy you can call in a tech but if you are away from the dock and it's happening in a far away place and you can't even there's no road that even leads there and you can only get there by float plane and you've got to come back days of journey to get back into civilization where someone can even come and meet you you'll never regret having that diagram because any technician can help you troubleshoot something if they know what they're looking at question question is do i know of any apps that make it easy to do diagrams no i use professionally vizio or autocad some of my technicians use autocad because they know it i use visio because it's easier but that's not easy i say you can even do it on a piece of paper you know honestly don't find reasons not to do a diagram it's like not going to the gym here's the list of the million reasons why i'm not going to do any exercise this week and we're all really good at selling it to ourselves and how about finding the only reason why you should go right like there is no reason not to have a diagram just put it on a piece of paper pencil and and honestly make it it doesn't have to be pretty just start by putting pen on paper pencil something and over time add to it and then at least it's you're not gonna forget it because you're even gonna forget the things you know about your boat i do as an owner and i never thought that would happen it's like forgetting something about my child it's like how do i not know everything that's ever happened i love her and yet i've over time like what did i do i'm like oh thank god i got a notebook and i go back i'm like i totally forgot about that it's right here question is if i have manuals is that a good replacement or sufficient for knowing how things work and the answer is no because honestly uh the devils are in the details everything's easy in a manual by the way i if if you've ever worked with anything technical the manufacturer makes everything sound so easy everything always works the technician whoever installed it found out a lot of problems on the install and they're going to have junction boxes in certain places there's going to be things hidden in other places there's gateways they're not going to talk about it's the devils are in the details and a manual is not sufficient it's good to troubleshoot an individual item absolutely like i have this thick of binders on my boat for every single piece of electronic gear and gear on my boat i have literally it's like takes this amount of space like this deep there's it's crazy of every single physical piece of equipment that's inside my boat but that is not a replacement for how you ended up installing it especially when things are networked that would be my advice but hey it's our boat hr way right it's just an opinion
Boating Tech Talk
Understand and Wire Your Boat’s Electrical System
How To: Marine Electrical Seminar - Batteries – Episode 1 of 12
Understand and Wire Your Boat’s Electrical System
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Understand and Wire Your Boat’s Electrical System
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