[Music] [Music] you neck's alternators most of you so let's focus on this because that's what pretty much 99% of us have right it's an alternator circuit right your alternator is daisy chained to the starter solenoid police post coming through a battery switch connected to a battery pretty straightforward if you can start your engine you've confirmed that you have power up to here right you know thinking you can start your engine you have power up to here the chance of this wire failing it's possible if you've changed your alternator output they've got a bigger one and didn't change the wire or if you put an external regulator and then change that wire so that would be a clue but most of the time to be honest your alternator fails because it's so freakin hot in the engine room and there's not enough ventilation and it's a horrible place to work and alternators die all the time all the time and you take them off you bring them in an alternative shop they're like oh my god what happened to this alternator it had been living in hell you're like no it's just a boat because like what it kind of looks like hell because you know the dusting what happens is people have v-belt alignment issues right the dusting covers everything inside the alternator and imagine being covered well you've hardly eat right so all that dusting that you think is just an aesthetic displeasure is actually causing the covering of the whole all Tanner inside and for heat dissipation is a big problem and then it causes alternator failure right so alternators are pretty easy to diagnose in terms of problems it's generally the alternator that dies or if you have an alternator with an external regulator then what you want to do is you want to troubleshoot what's called the field voltage the field voltage is the device that actually puts applies sort of like an actuator right it's like you're petting on pressing on the gas the gas pedal in your car and so what we do when we troubleshoot that problem we actually do full full field meaning we actually short we go from 12 volt with a fuse right to field we're bypassing the external regulator were like screw the external right here let's bypass it altogether let's see if that alternator will work at full capacity if it works at full capacity what we've demonstrated is that the field voltage from the external regulator is not working now why is it not working and then it becomes not an alternator problem it becomes an external regulator problem but that's how you isolate if it's external regulator or an alternator problem but to be honest most of the time your alternator just simply failed hence why people that go further afield should have a spare alternator I have a spare alternator never used it but it's ready to be used it's on my boat and one day when my alternator will fail and it will fail I'll be able to tell someone it'd be very proud that I carried that alternator for 11 years for a reason because it's been 11 years I've been carrying that alternator any questions on alternators well then it's really easy yeah because if it's an internal regulator it doesn't matter it's the problem still and within the alternator they generally don't fail very rarely they're so simple super rare that I've seen an internal regulator fail the issue generally is the alternator itself right and that's it they just they just die they just kind of it's too hot well what you'll notice is yeah good question how did you notice your alternator is not charging remember there's no such thing as voltage being an indication it's like saying your heart rate there's a value for heart rate that's a good heart rate there isn't what's a good heart rate what depends on what you're doing but but here's the here's the dilemma right that's why I'm saying volts is not a a value that you look in itself you can't it's like heart rate nobody ever says what is your heart rate that's a good hard way never it's what is your heart rate depending on what you're doing so you start your engine your battery voltage could be eleven point five volts you start your engine your battery voltage is now twelve is that good or bad that's good is your alternator working yes is that what you would consider a charging voltage no someone would tell you are 12 volts your alternator is not working those are platitudes that's what people say they're not thinking they're just repeating information it's all about an incremental difference if your voltage your batteries were completely empty you have a fifteen amp alternator you have a four hundred amp hour battery bank an alternator it's like saying my swimming pool is empty you start putting a fire nozzle in it and you're like well it's not filling the pool obviously there's no flow and this thing is gushing it it's not gonna feel the pull of water in an instant it's going to take time it might take three hours four hours five hours for that battery bank to be full so what you'd look like what you look for when you look at volts is an incremental change what is the volts prior to running the alternator having the engine on and what is it afterwards if your engine you start your engine you see 11 volts or whatever it is or 11 and a half and it doesn't increase after you start your engine your alternator is not working if it increases and it's not as high as you'd like it it doesn't mean the alter is not working it means that your batteries were too empty or it means that your alternator is too small as a function of your battery bank size and that could be a common problem but never ever ever think that your voltage is this target value it isn't it's about a change what's a change that you see and I see that all the time and people blame things and they're not understanding that it's an increment is better than nothing there's no absolute question in the back yeah that's it is I think that's your absolutely right so that means that most likely to me it's a problem with your external regular your internal regulator there's also some alternators that need to be excited clearly there's a you turn the ignition Mun and they need to be excited you need to be sent 12 volts and that 12 volts can only happen sometimes they're all different there's not it's not an alternator and if that alternator is receiving that exciting voltage from your ignition panel when you turn it on and that that connection is intermittent that's what's gonna happen but what you described is a really good way you can hear your alternator turn on or off on a boat by the way the engine pitch changes I can hear it on my boat clearly you'll hear it you'll see the engine is actually going to work harder because suddenly there's a large load on the alternator I'm not in the alternate on the engine so that sounds to me like an exciter problem or an internal regulator problem yes you had a question on alternators yeah that's actually a good thing that's a feature you don't want belt slippage you want everything to be warmed up ballmart does the same thing they wait for about 45 seconds that's actually a good thing hey yeah it's edible absolutely there's a timer so that's a good thing that's a feature you don't want your alternator to kick in right away you don't want it to kick in right away I know you're like what no you want it to wait ballmart does it about 45 seconds some other people will do 92 minutes it's fine give it time let everything to warm up everything is set up the belt is everything you don't want to load over the engine too much right easier to start because now that alternator is not in another load like when it turns it's no load it's as you start exciting it and he started asking it to produce output like think about on my boat my boat I've got a 30 horsepower engine and I've got a 5 amp alternator effectively its draws like five horsepower not five am five horsepower what's better when I start my engine that I don't have another five house power load if I'm not under load like I don't start my engine and I'm in gear right I'm in neutral start my engine let the engine and then I wait a period of time right let everything warm up and then I put my engine in gear there's no load when I start my engine and less because I have a delay on my alternator kicking in on my boat as well through that balm our external regulator so that's a feature fantastic if the it's not even a problem any other questions on alternators yeah the question is there an advantage of having two alternators off one engine and I would say yes because then you have one for house one for engine and then you don't even have to worry about battery combiners or battery Isolators we talked about that yesterday totally agree to alternators way better and you see like Nigel Calder did that on his boat the question is how do you fit a second alternator on your engine I mean I want a lot of things in life there's a lot of things that just can't have I have a small engine I don't have a yanmar I can't put another one it would be like a mechanical challenge to fit one in there's just no space if I could I would for sure and you see both that do you see a lot of boats even power boats they'll actually have trawlers two two alternators for the engines and they'll have put a big freaking house alternator on one of the engines and that's pretty sweet that's really good because every single battery gets his own alternator alright other questions on alternators or we good