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[Music] you [Music] okay troubleshooting quickly a generator and this is a good one and I'm not I'm not gonna spend - not everyone has a generator but what's really interesting is a generator has a breaker on the output side of the generator right here that breaker is not always an easy to reach place and if you have a generator you might not realize that you have it there so your generators running I'm not talking about the generator not running if it's not running you're not gonna be running your ECU loads that's a mechanical problem right clearly so there's two sides to it - a AC generator problem there's like it doesn't start which could be an electrical problem or doesn't run properly that's a mechanical problem if it doesn't start at all it's probably electrical and then it's just a starter problem that's pretty easy but if it's running and you don't have output then the problem is potentially right here on the breaker your source selector switch believe it enough will die then I see them fail all the time especially older boats 30 years old boat we see them fail all the time so this device over here fails and you generally when they're out there I say throw the switch Hartley literally move it like aggressively so you're trying to move the contacts over move the contacts really hard and I've done that in a couple Vikings you know older boats really gorgeous boats but you know they're older and that source selector switch is kind of like the contacts are kind of giving away so you throw it hard throw it hard again and then it eventually goes and they say next time you're in town let's go through the pain when these things are expensive on the big boats you can be grand two grand so that's source selector switch and then the other issue could be then especially if you have a good AC panel and you want a good AC panel you want to see what the volts coming in are you want to see that the volts stay steady as you load up the generator right because that's part of the regulator inside of this device is that as you load up more things it's actually meeting demand right and you'll be able to see that by looking at the voltage on this device so on your AC panel this tells you what the output of their generator is right because it's looking at voltage from this device so that's basically you troubleshoot your little well not your little your generate doesn't matter the size it could be five k-dub or it could be a twenty-eight k-dubb kW doesn't matter but the big issue what do we see with generators is generally around here on the AC output or the source selector switch that magic wand from Home Depot that's ten dollars would be a great tool besides this you don't even need to because I mean AC you got to start like freak out if you're not freaking out it's because ignorance is bliss and it's not bliss like you're running decided generator it's maybe outputting to twenty like you are not disabling and playing with this live right so what you could do at least is if you have a magic wand you could go your generator and you go go five four feet from the generator and see if you have output on the AC wire if you do write you didn't even have to dissemble anything everything is still completely shielded everything is you're not disconnecting anything you're going holy yeah I got output here and then you go here and you go on the output of this and you go I don't have anything here oh the problem is my source selector switch right because with AC you got to tread lightly right it's very dangerous DC generators look how easy it is right there's nothing in between there's a lot of moving parts on a generator before it gets to a battery right a lot of different parts but on a DC generator it's pretty straightforward gentleman in the back right here yeah so you notice that you had a switch on your output side right it's probably for servicing to be honest I was thinking about it earlier he has a switch here right and that switch is probably for servicing if you're ever working on the generator you want to disconnect the generator from power you can either disconnect the fuse or probably for serviceability they put a switch in there but that's what should never ever ever ever be disconnected when the generator is running so it can be off when you start won't break anything because it's just simply not going to do anything but you can't disconnect the generator from the battery when it's working it's funny in Australia when I talked to our technicians that are Aussie I'm using the word switch they never used the word switch which I kind of like they're telling me what the purpose is like I'm like I want you to install a switch between the battery and the panel oh they're like oh you mean a service disconnect they don't even use the word switch and they're actually naming what they're doing with the device all the time right which is great because then you're not Eve everything oh I don't need a switch like people say well I don't need a switch on my inverter because I have one on the panel like oh no you need a service disconnect okay sure right and so they're actually naming all the devices with the appropriate name and I kind of like that so that's any questions on generators on in terms of troubleshooting I'm not talking about the mechanical side I am definitely no mechanic all right