foreign we've got a question from a fellow boater asking about how to safely wire a battery combiner like an ACR automatic combiner relay but it's just a marketing term for a battery combiner on your boat so the question goes on and says Jeff if I wire an ACR the correct way how do I add a two bank battery charger to the batteries without interfering with ACR um valid question realistically here's how you're going to make it if you've got two battery Banks you're going to want to have both the ACR battery charger to have its own dedicated circuit to the battery with its own dedicated fuse at the battery there are no advantages that are worth it in terms of leveraging one link and then having one segment do both battery charging and combiner the problem is if that fuse ever blows on that circuit you lose both your battery charging and your combiner so putting all your eggs in one basket sounds like trouble and in electrical it absolutely is so what we want to do is we want to have a battery charger connected directly to the positive and negative post or you can go through obviously a distribution that's done well and the distribution is going to have to have adequate fusing for the battery charger leads the battery combiner completely different size of wiring and it's also going to have to have fusing between add the batteries between each battery so that's how I would do it now of course in an ideal world that you might you know a battery combiner and a battery charger might be doing the same thing and there might be a little bit of a what you know I wouldn't call it a loop but there you might not need the other when one of them is on board so if your battery charging is working you might not need a battery combiner but there's really no way of easily disabling it and it won't hurt because effectively you're saying I want both your battery charger is going to try to Output the same charging voltage to each battery and the battery combiner shares the battery voltage so conceptually maybe you don't want it to be on the same time but there's really no negative implications or is there an easy alternative to the situation I would say in this situation not to worry about it other than wiring both devices directly to the battery and not trying to be creative and saving wire and having one segment power both your battery charger and your battery combiner because nuisance tripping is a real problem with battery converters a real problem and so don't lose your battery charger because your battery combiner would be my advice so thanks for asking the question thanks for listening and to all of you safe boating so if you're curious again go on our website and find out more answers and solutions with this sort of setup and thanks for asking and thanks for all of you for listening and tuning in