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hi Jeff Cote with Pacific cod systems
here we are talking about Garmin and
this time we're gonna be talking about
garments and we're talking about the
1242 you can buy the 1242 two different
flavors touch or with buttons come over
here this is a 12 42 this is probably
one of the most popular ones I'd say so
many boaters are choosing this some
boaters are uncomfortable with touch you
know there's different reasons but if
you're thinking about going with the
touchscreen this 1242 provides a lot of
punch this is an x sv model so it comes
with a built in sounder so you can
actually connect a chirp sounder and
you'll actually be able to see clear
view and side view with this device and
also traditional sounder looking images
all chirp right on this image on this
device and of course we'll do radar it's
gonna do cameras it's got two ethernet
ports really really handy and come over
here I want to show you the contrast
this is a 1242 with buttons you can see
the controls right all of this is done
here on the side and coming over here I
want to show you this is a now at 12:42
but now touch so this 1242 is more
compact on some instances we can't you
know the owner might want this device
but it can't fit it in you know they're
they're missing an inch right so if you
have very limited real estate sometimes
you're forced to go down the touch route
you might not really want to but on some
boats you know what it's not so much
what they want it's what they can fit so
here we've got a twelve inch touch so
this is a 12 42 touch screen again super
popular I would say those two devices
are probably the two most popular
devices that we sell we've done lots of
boats with these two devices at the
upper and lower helm Jeremy I would say
most people will touch will choose touch
on both displays so that they're used to
operating the device you know they don't
have to change the way they operated a
device again all these devices are gonna
do radar they're gonna help you know
integrate with autopilot they'll do
cameras they'll do a is overlay I mean
they'll do everything right I mean this
is it's got everything you want
really really handy device will
generally do those with a Garmin radar
and again this unit as well as an XS V
meaning it has a sounder built in so you
can actually connect a transducer right
into the vise the device you don't have
to go through a sound or black box this
is really handy and as we're talking
about this we might as well talk about
this is a GMI 20
it's a multifunctional instrument and
you can have that instrument as a way to
show any sort of data on your boat right
we've got a demo mode right here and
it's showing wind speed actual depth and
it's a really good convenient way
especially for people that are sailors
we all have these sort of instruments on
our boats and this is a way for you to
start tracking important information
besides charts but just sort of data
like depth speed wind all these things
in one place it might be on the brow of
your boat might be right beside your
helm really convenient
so anyways back to these 1200s you can
buy them with buttons or touch both
really popular great value and the inter
network really well this is again Jeff
coating with Pacific yacht systems feel
free to reach out to us or watch more of
our content on YouTube about Garmin
products thanks for watching
English (auto-generated)
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