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hi everyone jeff cote here with
another session of dock talk with jeff
cote today i'm honored to have
tim charles with me tim and i met years
when i was still a young pup um and i
was invited to work on some of his
at one of his many companies tim is a
big time boat affectionato you're into
voting basically
uh tim has multiple companies some
companies that do
large stuff like crescent yachts and
we've had the pleasure of working on
some of his projects
and then also he has another company
called a tactical
and they do boats right now that we've
worked on
uh 40 feet and these are basically just
beasts is the way i would describe it
they're amazing boats
tim also has another company that does
repair on refits
platinum marine and then he's got a
boathouse company
you've got a wrapping company you're
involved in marinas
uh and even servicing boats at another
marina i mean i'm probably missing some
i feel it's it's i don't know where you
get all the time and thank you by the
way for being here today
with us to share a little bit about your
passion about marine electrical
with us and marine boating in general
all systems
you you really take it from a to z over
here at pys we're more focused on
certain elements of voting
uh but thank you for joining me today on
this podcast
super happy to be here it's fun let's do
it let's do it
all right excellent so tell me uh did
you always know
on your side that you always wanted to
be in this industry
uh the marine industry i know you it's
part of your hobbies
and you're on your free time you're also
i like myself but did you always know
that was gonna be your calling
i think that most people maybe relate to
this comment that you know
once you're around the marine world once
you get a taste of it whether it's
you know on a river on a lake or on the
ocean it's hard to get it out
and it's hard to get away from it and
everybody develops a passion so
i can't say that yeah you know i was
always into it but i was lucky enough to
have a family that was involved in
boating and
i was from an early age and it just
becomes part of you i think it was a
natural thing
to get more and more time in the water i
live in a community that is close to the
um there's a marina close to my house so
it was natural one of my first jobs was
uh pumping gas and sand
i so
uh yeah i'd say from an early age it was
it was probably uh bred into a little
yeah same i mean for me and that's what
brought me to vancouver with voting
you know i always wanted i mean it's a
dream come true to be able to
not only spend your weekends on boats
but when you're working
you either can be on a boat or you can
dream about voting or solving voting
um i have to bring up this your title by
the way
everyone always gets a chuckle on your
emails you know a lot of
people put different titles that are
sort of their education
you know mba cma but yours
is sort of like principal marine problem
solver and builder of cool stuff
i love it tell me more about how you
came up with that title for yourself
i love it i would say uh you get to a
point where you wear a lot of hats when
you're an entrepreneur
and i've worn everything from room
to build payer to physical doer
everything in between
and uh over the years get to a point
things change a bit so lucky for me i
have a very good
group of loyal and capable staff and
individuals and it's allowed me to step
back a little
bit and take a better look so most of my
time spent
by uh trying to solve problems you know
i don't get a lot of phone calls of all
the you know great things going on it's
you know what's uh upside down what
needs to be dealt with you know we need
a creative solution and that's where
experience and being creative and maybe
sometimes a little aggressive finding
solutions so
you know and then just the cool stuff
came from a factor of uh
i wanted to call it cool but uh
maybe that's not as professional as it
could be
so no it wouldn't be bald though i can
relate yeah
it's um that's that's the one privilege
i think
we all have working in the marine world
is when you realize that our clients are
enabling us
to really be creative at finding
solutions to
common problems that we all face on the
water and to make our experience better
and to be part of that in delivering
that service for that end product
is extremely gratifying and
uh right you know for me on my side you
know the paycheck's nice and yeah of
course it gives you the toys but really
the sense of satisfaction comes from
when you do have those rare phone calls
of course they don't always tell you how
happy they are
but that's what we seek right that that
sort of like hey this is amazing this is
great this is what i was looking for
finally i'm doing what i want to be
doing you know thank you
those are the most gratifying um and
this is what actually
i don't know about you certainly drives
me to keep working harder at solving
more problems so that we can
have voters enjoy their time on the
water whatever that may be
what kind of boating do you do uh
personally on your side
so we're i'm based on the pacific
northwest vancouver area
we have a lot of great salmon fishing
you know crab
prawns things like that so love to spend
some time with friends and family
uh out trolling for salmon you know i've
got a grady white
and like to be out there on the water as
much as possible
um do some family boating we're actually
in the midst of building ourselves a new
family boat right now one of the
and uh be on the water of you know
island hopping cruising
um you know i'd love to say we go away
weeks at a time but we're very busy so
we have to make the most of our time in
the water
um but it's a passion industry like you
just said a minute ago and uh
you know the passion for being on the
water you know those who know
know and uh you know there's different
levels of elevation
of when you think about being on the
water and i think that the more time you
spend on the water the more good days
you can have
and the more that you realize that it's
a magical place
it's a place for you know recuperating
and it's just a special place it's a
different world and even through this
covid period
um one of the only places in the world
that's made sense is being on the water
and uh where we can you know there's
restrictions and following the rules but
you know a lot of things make sense in
the water so for us and our family
it's a big part of our lifestyle and
what we do and we've been lucky enough
you know uh build a business around
i feel the same way i honestly something
people ask me
like what would you do else if you
weren't doing this i'm like what do you
mean something else
to me it's sort of you know it's like
the golfer that golf's
um you know and for a living you know
it's uh the hockey player that plays
hockey for a living you know there's
that get to do and every day be
passionate about their work and
are eager and yeah in the boating world
the time on the water
it makes all the efforts that we all put
on the land
to get out there so worth it there's
there's just no replacing
in terms of um let's let's pivot a
little bit because you brought that up
and i want to spend a little bit of time
talking about your um
one of your companies tactical um and
we've got involved and you invited us to
work on that project but i mean tell us
a little bit
about that boat and what was
the what did you feel the market needed
in terms of delivering a 40-foot
with outboards what was your sort of
drive and
where do you think the need is on that
yeah so you know this this is a project
that truly originated out of passion
um you know building larger custom
yachts over the years doing complex
refits all sorts of things
you come to a point of of knowing what
you want or how you want to vote so
one of the goals um that i had is i had
access to world-class people in our
industry and still do
so i went to a designer greg marshall
which is quite a famous
uh vancouver baseball island designer
does projects all around the world
i said look let's build the boat that
everybody wants to vote on now let's
build the relatable boat that we can
make swiss army knife we can go fishing
we can go adventuring
we can get somewhere quick and
comfortable we can entertain we can do
all of those things let's build that oh
let's make it tough let's make it you
know yacht caliber super durable
let's put crazy ideas into it let's go
over the top and let's not follow any
and that's how tactical started we
wanted to build something so
you know the the first boat we built um
we sold to some
excellent clients they had a very
similar vision they helped get it over
the goal line what it was
your company was heavily involved in
that and you know we went to people that
were passionate and knew what they
wanted to do
and uh you know the systems in that boat
are just
overkill they're awesome they're just
still unbelievable
um you know the boat is a supercar and
um so the second one we're building
right now
is a different version of that it's very
unique in the fact that
even more focused on being maybe not the
best term but a
swiss army knife you know a little of
everything but doing everything well not
just a good fishing boat
not just a good you know cruising boat
but a boat you can truly you know depend
on and some unique things with
you know diesel outboards we're putting
triple diesel outboards on this next
we wanted something that was going to be
reliable something that
could go to long um you know and and
somewhat economical but still have the
you know the torque and the horsepower
to cruise at 30 knots all day long
yeah that's that's the big to me when i
look at that boat
you know getting somewhere especially
being blessed of living in a place like
british columbia or even washington
is that you have endless places to go
and if you can get there fast enough
you can see a lot of it in a summer and
you can have
you know basically top-notch world-class
every weekend um and you can see them
because you're flying at 30 knots um of
course you're gonna have to pay the fuel
bill for that but if time is precious
you might be able to take a weekend or
three days and have something that is
absolutely extraordinary and it's almost
like magically being there you know
otherwise you know if you go slow and
you're a sailboat at five or six knots
you're a trawler at eight or ten there's
certain destinations you just can't do
it in a weekend
so that opens up i think that's a great
thing about that vote is it opens up
so many destinations starting from
an urban center and yet you can enjoy
them all in a weekend or three-day
yeah for sure and you know one of the
maybe misconceptions of the boat or the
design looking at it was
speed and speed wasn't really our
concern you know we know we can talk
about it 40 knots but it wasn't about
going 40 knots there's a lot of debris
in the water of the pacific northwest
it's not always comfortable for the
guests on board at those sorts of speeds
so at the end of the day it was about
being able to go at reasonable cruise
uh in rough seas and the boat was really
designed and focused around being
comfortable so
everything we've done was focused on
optimizing crew speed you know a lot of
companies will say that but we truly
didn't care
if we got excuse me those last couple
high-end knots of the boat it really
wasn't important to us was all about
you know what could we do at cruise
speed um what's the ride quality of the
boat and that was the focus of the whole
design and
you know continues what we've learned in
the first one moving to the next one so
it's a very semi-production type
situation they're very custom boats
we'll never be in full production of
um they're unique machines and uh you
know that's that's our niche you know
we're not looking to pump out you know
10 15 a year plus or more that's just
not what we do
the skill sets the amount of man hours
required in the detail these boats is
it's a lot so being realistic about it
is where we're at what are the when
you're doing this iteration
what were the things that you thought
that and i know you're trying to
really capture the essence you're
building a boat that you think i mean
i'm paraphrasing but
you're building version two a boat that
really fits what you're looking for it
sounds like
and your your tastes uh in the sense of
your preferences for systems tell me
how did you go about deciding what you
were going to build
in hall number two like how do you go
about deciding
you know you know are you going to put a
generator on that are you going to put a
water maker
like what are the things that what was
the sort of the design philosophy
in the systems on this boat what was
your approach yeah so
you know at the end of the day we want
to take advantage of technology where we
can where it makes sense
um you know we build quality products
for everything we do but i hate being
the guinea pig
you know we've been the guinea pig
before and you know hopefully people can
understand you know being the first is
not always the best
i love seeing other companies do things
and then being able to improve on that
and that was one of the focuses this
boat is we didn't have to have the most
you know cutting hull design we didn't
have to have
the number one battery bank system ever
done before that's never been done
we wanted proven things and so you know
dealing with your company we back and
that was one of the requests you know
let's put some great you know features
in this boat let's take advantage of
what systems are out there
let's look at the proven stuff let's use
the materials that don't have big
warranty recalls and things like that
let us let's get a boat that is bullet
and let's work through and fine-tune a
bulletproof one so
that was one of the focuses on this boat
is um you know the configuration
systems what's truly required what's not
what's opulent what's not what's just
fun to have you know those sorts of
things so
working through all of that we've come
to expect on this on this next build
that uh you know i'm really proud of and
i think the boat is
is truly a multitasking machine
that has as much dock appeal as anything
that will be down there that's
that's bigger than it or you know
shinier looking
it's a very unique vessel yeah for sure
i mean being involved again i'm always
grateful to be working on everyone's
boats including yours the ones that you
create and make happen
um the system's on that boat you're
right i mean you look at it
and there you pay a price to be at the
forefront of innovation oh yeah look at
that that's gorgeous
yeah just saying it's something look at
those inspiration
oh that is just amazing look at that
back deck it's just crazy
that's lovely absolutely lovely um
yeah the i i'm always saying the same
thing people come to me they're like oh
here's the latest and the greatest i'm
like latest and greatest is something
you have in your pocket
uh and if it fails you just go get
another one on a boat
when you're in the middle of nowhere
there is nothing more disappointing
disconcerting maybe not for yourself but
if you have a partner
and things are failing and they're
failing more than they have to for
the cool factor you're really gonna
doubting the boat you know like there's
a price to be at the forefront of
and certainly some clients are willing
and they're going in there knowing that
they want to be that early adopter they
want to be able to say
that they figured out the kinks and they
they were able to overcome these
sort of growing pains but the majority
of voters
certainly on our side i'm always leaning
i'm like you
don't want to be the first you don't
want you to want to be the second
because reliability
and simplicity on the water most of us
aren't techs
or we don't have an techs working for
us and when we're on the boat you want
to be
able to either resolve it yourself or
maybe potentially someone at the marina
or in the anchorage
be able to help you a little bit to
figure out if something does go wrong so
yeah i'm a big fan i like cool i like
you and i like
fancy and gadgets and geeking out but
you've got to be make sure you're the
right voter if you're going to do that
right because not everyone can handle
the problems don't don't get me wrong
you know we push the limits on certain
things in that side of it
maybe just not to the you know the
pinnacle of what's the latest and
greatest but there's some pretty cool
products in this boat i mean
we've got pop-down tvs that you can see
from the back deck that end up having
connection points to go to uh underwater
drones going on the boat we've got
air drones going in that hook into hdmi
you can see on the big screen
you know just a gambit of different
systems going throughout the boat and
you know we we elected to not go with
the generator in this boat and that was
you know a little bit about that but it
was one of the features that you know i
think opulence is quiet in peace and
when you can be on the water and have
you know a good amount of uh
time that you can spend operating all
your systems being in a silent mode and
me that was opulent and peaceful and you
know why you want to go
boating and quiet time and you know even
just the neighbors around you that may
be anchored to enjoy that and have that
part of you know those remote locations
so not having a generator was uh
a pretty big decision on a boat this
size would normally have it so
you know going to a proven battery bank
system and what that looks like and
some advisement of your company and you
know helping the specs of those products
you know i'm happy with those sorts of
decisions and proof will be in the
pudding when we get out in the next
month or two to test it
yeah the um the concept as a reminder
here in british columbia we don't have
great or crazy amount of heat in the
it's pretty rare to have days that are
over 30 degrees or
100 degrees fahrenheit so
over here in the summer we don't have to
have a generator to run air conditioning
so that gives us the option of really
having battery banks
to power lights refrigeration yeah of
course nav
systems you know you could have
obviously water pump all this sort of
daily things but you don't need and it's
definitely possible
on a 40-foot boat and we're doing a
60-foot boat 70-foot boat
you know where you've got a boat that
can actually operate off of an inverter
off of a large battery
we even did an 80 0a that only has to
run the generators for
four hours between three and four hours
a day and then 20 hours of the day
they're just running off the batteries
so yeah i think that is
a little bit i agree i think it is to me
there's something neat about being in an
having the creature comforts from home
you'll be able to run a microwave you
can even
run potentially i know again some people
are running induction stove tops from
from batteries through an inverter being
able to do that
without the sound of a generator mind
you there are generators that are very
quiet so i'm not gonna
not all generators are very for sure for
sure uh
but it's pretty neat to be in an
anchorage and to be able to
have a coffee at five a.m in the morning
on a beautiful
sunny summer day and then have your
nespresso running
and pouring yourself a cup of coffee
without having to run a generator
that is pretty neat yeah that's that's
pretty special and that uh
that just goes back to the passion of
being on the water and being able to
take things to the next level so
yeah yeah so tell me a little bit about
one of your other companies that's
interesting and um i certainly partake
in this
uh you've got another one of your
company that does and for some of the
listeners they might
again there's more adoption i think in
for this but this is wrap boat so this
is a concept where you're not only
wrapping the exterior but you're also
certain items inside a boat to improve
finish with having the look it's
a veneer effectively is what i would
think uh
can you tell me a little bit more about
your experience with wrapping boats i
know that
you're at the forefront here locally for
sure and uh
tell us more a little bit about wrapping
boats why you got into that space and
what do you
see as the benefits to everyday voters
yeah no that's a great it's probably a
you know probably my most fun business
to be honest but
uh you know five six years ago we got to
a point where
um you know painting prices and labor to
paint traditionally
is labor some inexpensive and there's no
way around it that you know there's a
commitment whether you're repainting or
painting a new boat or whatever it may
it's a very laborious thing when and
labor you know across north america just
continues to go up so
it doesn't feel good to give people a
price to paint the boat you look at it
and they have sticker shock in it and it
makes you want to have options and find
ways so we looked at what was going on
around the world
and i would be lying if i didn't say
that europe was ahead of us a bit in
marine vinyl wrapping just maybe for
volume and acceptance and things like
so we looked around and we saw that you
know there's just there's another way
so we decided to get involved with
marine vinyl wrapping and you know the
couple years there was a lot of people
very hesitant about you know you know is
it lasting is it going to be strong is
it going to work and
well there's there's a whole separate
conversation that could be had in detail
about that but
what we've proved over about you know
going into our sixth year is we've
wrapped votes from
you know jet skis all the way up to 120
foot dots
uh we've done unique things on 150 foot
plus yachts
um you know we we are doing stuff that
you know we never would have thought
possible years ago and
it just makes sense you know it's it's
not something that is for absolutely
everything and once you understand
that there's places where vinyl works
well and it doesn't and you and you're
able to
you know truly understand how it applies
where it's going to work well where it's
not and you can draw a line between that
and tie in the rest of the marine trades
you know with regular painting and
different traditional techniques of
repair and everything else
um we've come to a happy place now where
it just makes a lot of sense
so you know i would say we're in an
acceptance phase now for sure it's past
the fad in the pacific northwest
and it's now into we're seeing more
companies pop up more companies getting
into it
it's definitely a great product for
someone to
try at home in some small areas sure
yeah the
you know having had your company i wrap
my own boat i can tell you you know
the one thing about a boat is it's it's
not just like and i'm not saying cars
completely different because i'm not a
car nut but
in our industry people have very fond
memories of their experiences on a boat
and sometimes
you know you choose to stay with the
boat you have because it's the boat you
it's the boat you love and it's sort of
like almost in some ways becomes you
know the family cabin
it's it's the the place where the best
memories of your life potentially have
and you know speaking for myself you
know my boat is
yeah i could you know potentially sell
it and get a bigger one
you know because you know the budget i
had when i was 30 when i bought my first
boat which i still have
and my budget now would be different you
know it's it's almost it's over 15 years
but i can't park from it you know i love
that boat
i just love the memories i
know the boat it's the boat that i know
and i think what's amazing about
that product that you have you know the
the end result of wrapping a boat is
it allows you to invest in your boat and
make it feel new again but still
feel familiar um
and that's pretty powerful you feel like
you're giving back you know it's
you're not letting it look you know run
down because as we know sir you know the
sun is not very friendly to gel coat
and not all boats over time especially
my boat was over 30 years
you know a 30 year old boat is not going
to look you know if it wasn't well taken
care of throughout its life which you
know i'm guilty i didn't really
how you needed to cut and polish the
more frequently than i i should have
done it more frequently than i did
and uh eventually it gets wise your boat
is awesome but cosmetically it wasn't
quite there's what you're saying
yeah i think we can all relate to that
for you yeah and i think that's what's
so amazing about is you can
really make a boat very unique
and you can make it feel
i don't you can personalize it it's uh
without having and i mean certainly the
paint jobs would do certain aspects
but you couldn't do everything the wraps
are really the color schemes are pretty
and some of those wraps are are hard to
reproduce by paint i think i think for
you're totally right it's about falling
in love with your boat again and
you know just like a home renovation you
know you watch the shows where
you know the husband and wife they
renovate the house and they decide
whether they're gonna sell it or they're
gonna you know
keep it and a lot of times they keep it
because they fall back in love with
something that they already have when
it's cleaned up and there's a lot of
comfort and sentimental value and uh and
value in general there to do that so
vinyl wrappings like that you know if
it's used properly and correctly
and um you know and done right and done
it's tremendous value in a very quick
yeah that's how i felt about it too uh
absolutely i think
falling in love with the vote again or i
don't know for me i feel like
my vote is sort of a dependent you know
it's it's uh it's you know it's almost
it's something that you feel that you
need to care for
you you're responsible to for upkeep
you're responsible for the system you're
responsible for
all of it and uh there's something
i don't know it feels weird but it feels
good to know that you're not giving up
on her
you know that you're going you're like
yeah you know what you've done a lot for
and i want to reciprocate um you know
and again you can do that at a fraction
of what you know an all grip
uh paint job would be right because i
mean those are great and i've seen them
but i mean
like you say it with the labor costs
it's hard
it's not everyone can justify you know
they're showing arguments for doing it
but not everyone can
swallow the cost of an auger paint job
on their boat don't
don't get me wrong um you know i make my
making sure we do refits and paint jobs
on on many
different size vessels um and we still
sell more paint than we do vinyl but
i've watched final you know creep up
over the last five years and
i would say we're at about uh 60 40
split right now between projects and
you know it wasn't how it started and i
would say maybe a year or two from now
will be well over 50
50. wow that's really interesting that's
that's a big change and we're talking
about boats that you know range from 30
feet up to 150 feet so
yeah yeah the coast it has its place and
you know it's got its limitations but if
you understand that
and you're able to use that properly
it's the best of both worlds
yeah and some people it's funny i get it
all the time because i um
people say oh what happens when it
scratches and surprisingly you know i've
screwed up
it hurts of course you scratch it but
the repairs actually
are not 100 perfect if you're looking
for it
but if you're not looking for the repair
and you're just looking at the hall
and i'm not talking about looking away
from 100 feet i'm looking away from even
five feet
you're not gonna see it you've gotta
look for it you have to know that it's
you gotta seek it um and i've screwed up
a few times where i've scratched it and
i'm like oh god
that docking is not perfect
and i'm like it hurts and then i
generally what i do is i leave it there
for a period of time just to remind me
how stupid i was
and i'm like no no you need to suffer
you need to see that you need to see
that scratch for a while just just every
time it bothers you
it's good it's going to remind you to
talk better next time
be more in control of your vessel and
then i'm like okay now i'm ready to
repair it because i feel like i've
suffered enough from the consequences
of having done that scratch it's all
value and everybody perceives value
differently and like i said
you know vinyl's a great product but not
for all applications
and there's times where painting makes
sense completely over vinyl
and just understanding that and
depending on the value depending on the
life of the boat
um you know there may be someone that
has a boat that you know it's got a
value of under ten thousand dollars and
the day to go and get a pink you know
quote from a company that could be five
to ten thousand dollars to paint that
it doesn't make any sense it's not any
value so you know looking for options
looking for reasons um
it has its place and so i love the
product and it's
it's something that customers are happy
with the quick results end of the day
you don't want to see those
uh you know little repairs well you can
always pay the price and take the time
and and pay to vote
but it all comes down to value and how
you appreciate what you have and what
you're saying
yeah and it's good too i mean the end of
the day is it's all about having a
bigger toolkit
yeah for sure options giving people
yeah and uh i mean thank god you know i
hear it all the time in the voting world
people are like oh i have this it's the
you know i'm like it's it's great
because it's for you but
you know that's a great thing about
boating there's there are so many
over the years so many different boats
different ways and then we take those
boats and there's thousands upon
thousands of different models and then
we customize
then we enhance them then we make them
our own and i think that has got to be
one of the satisfactions of being a boat
owner is to be able to take
a boat that you find a gem for you and
then take that boat
and again through time you've got to do
it through time
personalize that boat and tailor it to
the way that
one boats and so i'm always big with
clients too i'm saying i'm like
you know there's no there's no need to
compare yourself to another neighbor
another boater
you know it's what are they doing with
their boat is going to have different
requirements not all of us vote the same
way not all of us
take the same amount of time on the
water not all of us have the same budget
right you know it's all different and if
you take that into consideration there
is a lot
of not i wouldn't say control but you're
able to influence
and really change the vessel and
and you can make something that feels
personal uh as opposed to a cookie
and that's something that we do through
you know upgrades
but again the rap boat thing is another
way to differentiate your boat from
another boat
and it makes it feel like there's no
other one like it which is
i certainly feel like my vote i'm
speaking for myself here but i always
like to feel it
my catalina has there is no other boat
like it i like that feeling
it's been personalized for over 15 years
now 16 years
of enhancements that are things that i
thought i wanted
and that i found out over time so
in terms of trends like when you're
thinking about you know
um what you're doing with tactical or
any other vote actually
what are sort of the general trends that
you're seeing over the near future in
the voting world
i mean you must get a lot of different
questions from potential buyers
people are dreaming what are the things
that you foresee happening
uh maybe first in the sort of the medium
size you know like let's call it 30 to
70 30 to 80 feet
what are the things that you see in that
realm happening
from um your connection with the marine
world what are the trends that you think
are kind of up and coming yeah that's a
great question
so i think probably one of the biggest
obvious ones is is layout you know
and i'll relate it to open kitchen you
know you go back
you know 10 or 15 years to a house and
having the open kitchen
great room type layout wasn't really in
existence and
people have grown to expect that now
that you know common space common rooms
not a lot of walls or bulkheads between
things so
open layouts you know in general boat
is expected now you know it's just
and if you look a lot of designs coming
out from you know 25 feet
up to let's say 75 feet it's all about
windows and being open and connected
with your outdoor environment and
outside of it so
i would say layout um with open spaces
finding ways to use
uh structure to be able to have more
windows in place more visibility more
natural light
um that's been a lot of commonplace and
been pushed
the other thing is you know power
packages you know as we've all seen the
outboard trend
you know run here for the last 10 years
you know more and more big big
outboards in the back now we're getting
to a point where you know a company like
mercury just launched their new 600
series if you haven't seen that you
should look it up
but you know they're putting 600
horsepower outboards from a company
that's going to mass produce these on
the back
with the dual prop setup and some great
technology and it's going to completely
change again
how people are designing boats and you
know what you're able to do
is you're moving that traditional power
that was in the boat diesel power
and things like that that had to be
there to push a larger boat the weight
of it
and you're freeing up space and when
you're freeing up space you're giving
opportunity and options
and you're getting you know creative
designers that are coming up ways to use
the space adding extra cabins unique
pop up build-ups all sorts of stuff so
the the outboard
revolution if you want to call it that
is leading and has been leading to
unique layouts and abilities so you know
wild designs are
are here to stay and i think the the use
of open spaces and being able to connect
um just makes a lot of sense yeah
there's a triple package of mercury 600s
and uh you know you've got
triple 600s in the back of the boat
it's wild i mean it's it's pretty
impressive and you know
pretty wild what you can do with it all
that extra space i mean
systems and things that you're seeing
you're having more options for battery
banks you're having things like
gyro stabilizers that now have room
below the deck that didn't have it
there's just multiples of options of
what people can do with the usage of
by pushing out they're able to carry
more toys under deck you know more
unique features
um you know you're seeing tenders now
start to go under decks with technology
um electric outboards and you know all
sorts of things so
there's a lot of advancement in that
area i see that you know i'm sure
there's a lot that you could go into
from electrical but from a design
um you know motoring options are really
layouts i would say yeah outboards are
i have to agree it's um you know
not have that leg inboard outboard
in the water all the time is already
there something to not have to worry
yeah i mean not having running gear
under the boat you know just the the
safety factor the get home ability
you know if you were to strike ground
hit a log something was to happen
you know if you have more than one
outboard it's a safety factor as well
and you know just you're you're draft
under the water um you know there's so
many different
reasons it's a benefit and uh you know
maintenance and the end of the day
you've got to bolt one off and bolt one
on i mean it's it's impressive so
i think it's here to stay and seeing
things move to that level of dual prop
and 600 horsepower motors um you're
gonna see more of that you know electric
uh hybrid stuff coming in diesel
technology going into outboards
um just see more of it going that
direction so
i definitely want to talk about the
diesel outboards that you're putting in
the tactical
um but before i go there i i want to
echo a little bit what you're saying you
know for me
what i'm thinking about outboards is you
can go to anchorages
that maybe you would have never gone to
before where the water shall
even in british columbia where the water
is really deep there's a lot of
really amazing lagoons anchorages that
off limits to cell boaters or even power
motors that
can't lift up the engine and sometimes
you don't need a lot of water to be
and if you're you know want to push the
envelope a little bit and you want to go
someplace where nobody else can kind of
come and reach you
and you want to have quiet time uh these
outboards are
amazing in terms of our ability to go to
anchorages that otherwise you know as a
sailboat owner i would have never even
dreamt of going
and now with an outboard you can do that
and you're right and then the
maintenance costs are easier and it's
the space
that's the big thing too you're
absolutely right you look at some of
those boats that have
you know those big engines you know
you're losing a
massive amount of space um on board
for those engines and then the
maintenance of those engines is really
crowded we work in those areas
definitely not a mechanic but working in
those spaces as a systems guy
you know sometimes it make it makes it
for you it's really i mean it's almost
some boats it's a nightmare scenario
where you have no space at all
you're almost hanging upside down and
you're doing work not for
10 minutes but for hours on end of
trying to maintain a system installing a
new system
so having these outboards outside and
aesthetically too now i mean you have to
i mean they're very pleasing to look at
nobody i personally i look at an
outboard engine and
they i mean the the way that they've
actually done the outside shell
they're very very pretty to look at yeah
so tell me how did you end up choosing
uh for this tactical the diesel
outboards i mean
we don't see them all too often uh but i
mean it's sort of this
holy grail of
people have been talking and wanting it
so tell me a little bit about your
journey in
choosing uh the product and what were
your hesitations
um pros and cons tell us a little bit
about how you went about
doing that for for the tactical so i can
go back to what i said
beginning of this uh this webinar
being a guinea pig well i don't like to
be the guinea pig but i was careful
because you know
diesels uh in an outboard package uh as
you know they've been around for a fair
amount of time but in a mass production
and a large horsepower
scenario it's relatively new to the
world and there's several companies out
there doing it
um we found hawks diesel outboards out
of uh
london in england to be the best fit for
what we want to do
um there's enough of them proven at this
point they're relatively new to market
company but been around for 10 plus
years in terms of design technology
uh what they're doing and there's quite
a backing behind it so you know we did
our homework thoroughly and i thought
that you know
if i can carry a large amount of fuel
and in our boat we're carrying
650 us gallons of fuel of diesel
uh which is a lot for its class and the
goal was to have range
and if i can take that to the next level
and you know have a diesel outboard
that's going to be anywhere between
20 to 30 percent you know more efficient
you know we're running at low
lower rpms each one of these 300
horsepower outboards is producing close
to 500 foot-pounds of torque um
you know when we ran the numbers and
went through the tech and the
naval architecture on our project
um it was a great fit and you know we're
we're about to prove it shortly
you know we'll be one of the first
setups of a triple outboard package
um you know we could have done with
a dual package but at the same point um
you know we want to push the limits we
want to have some more speed
capabilities and things like that
and we you know there's some unique
configurations so when we looked at it
that we could be running um in theory uh
triple engines get up on a plane and
shut down the center engine
and raise the leg and be cruising more
at a certain speed and burning less fuel
um that was appealing
and then going one step farther let's
say that you were wanting to go
you know up to alaska or coastal
cruising and it wasn't about speed it
was about you know
making anywhere between six and nine
knots we can lift up the two outboard
engines and run on a single
at an appropriate rpm and massively
increase the range of this boat and turn
it into a trawler mode
so those things for us were super
appealing to do some unique stuff and
proof will be in the pudding you know
we'll prove shortly what we can do good
and bad
and we'll modify if need be but like i
said all the numbers made a lot of sense
um they're an expensive engine but at
the end of the day what we're getting
out of it
service intervals life expectancy uh
safety factor of carrying 650 us gallons
of diesel versus gasoline in the boat
really like that factor um you know it
made a lot of sense so
really optimistic about it and um you
know excited to you know get on the
water as much as i've ever been for
something and improve the package
so tell me has this been done before
where i it's the first time i hear about
it i think it's pretty neat so you're
you take off with three of course
getting onto planes the hardest
um and then are you manually disengaging
one engine
and actually then turning it off lifting
the leg for drag
and then you're having the boat
basically stay on plane which is
less hard than getting onto plane with
only two engines has that been done
so not that i know of but uh we're gonna
make it happen
i'm confident that we can have the
ability to do it based on all the
numbers the weight of the boat
like i said uh looking at the
tech of it we're confident we'll
make it happen
you know the the proof will be in how
efficient we are and how much fuel we're
and what you know we what the cruise
speed comes down to
and so you know we'll have all those
numbers and we'll know what it's going
to look like and we'll know the optimal
ranges so
for us once again it's not always about
you know getting there the fastest
we're confident we might get there the
first of our faster votes because we can
rougher water more comfortably in the
way we've set this boat up
what's the displacement of the boat for
for the listeners
about so this this boat you put in
perspective if we want to call
um you know let's call it a 40-foot uh
sea ray tierra things like that could be
anywhere between
13 to 18 000 pounds in that ballpark
this boat is somewhere between you know
and 28 000 pounds so um
similar sizes uh but it's a heavier boat
you know we we named the boat tank so
it's already been named tank
uh but fun name just because that was
the focus is
you know getting their efficiency that's
actually a a 30-foot model that's on the
screen they're another tactical
different than
the one we're building now but just
something else to look at just another
future potential design
you um i don't think we mentioned so
aluminum hall
and and talk a little bit about what
you're doing with the finishing inside i
think it's pretty neat what your
what your approach is on the finishing
on the inside yeah so
seeing that it's you know we have some
companies as we've talked about with
vinyl wraps and wrap boats and
history of yacht construction with our
primary company crescent yachts
um we are going to push some envelopes
so this boat is
100 zero and that sounds you know
uh you know not like a big thing but you
know most aluminum boats or metal boats
wood throughout in all different areas
whether it's listings whether it's
cabinetry furniture
installations parts and pieces and one
of the goals of this project was
is to go a hundred percent on the boat
to prove that we could do it
um by using man-made products things
that are water and permeable
for rot reasons you know in theory uh
this boat
you could open up the salon and we'll be
able to hit it with a hose and we might
just do a video where we
literally walk into what looks like a
completely finished uh
teak interior and hit it with a hose and
just hose it down
um you know just some unique things so
the boat's going to be entirely vinyl up
it's a full aluminum grade construction
uh military standard plus navy standard
plus in terms of the structure and the
ribbing and the makeup
unit uh and then the whole boat has a
sound deadening and anti-vibration spray
foam throughout to help the sweating and
all those things uh far beyond what you
know a lot of traditional builders would
be doing
just to kind of take us to the next
level so there's a lot of time in the
details of this boat with anti-vibration
and sound
yeah the one thing too tim i like what
you're doing there i remember
uh talking to you just before christmas
is sort of that because obviously
there's no engines uh inside the hall
we've got
all this area for systems you know and a
place where
everything can be really well laid out
you know that there is not
it's you're not almost stepping on
yourself a lot of boats
unfortunately the systems are the last
thing to be thought about
and they're important because that's
what gives us a lot of creature comforts
and on this one you know you open that
hatch and with
you know the lighting and everything
else it to me it's going to make it you
know a dream to service
it's a place where yeah of course you've
got a you know
you're not going to be standing room but
it's a place where you can actually
access all the different components
that give you the benefits of being on
you know
being connected to a power grid and have
all this you know inverters and again
like that all that stuff
batteries and all the combiners and
chargers all that stuff
is now easily accessible uh and would
you call that space on that boat
i don't want to come up with a name but
you probably have one what do you call
that's a good we'll work on a marketing
term for it because
we need one but but in theory you know
that's exactly what we did is we took a
space that was the engine bay
that is designed for the boat and we
took out what would be traditionally
you know two twin 500 horsepower diesel
remove those out of that area and then
came up with the plan to use 360 degrees
of the vertical
space to install all the equipment and
free up all of the horizontal space in
the deck
so what we're able to do right now is
you know the amount of things that we
can keep below deck
and toys and equipment and storage and
unique things
it's endless for this size boat so
you know it's another video we should
probably do in the future is how much
stuff we can cram under deck and keep
pulling out and pulling out is
it'll be ridiculous so it was definitely
a focus of the design is to
to do that and the serviceability you
know being able to get down there easily
and see visually and service everything
in a well-lit area
it's definitely part of what's fun
yeah what uh what do you think the range
is at cruising speeds on that boat do
you have a sense of what that's going to
be um
at losing speeds we have some ideas but
you know those are hesitant
numbers that i like to put you know not
a lot of weight to until we actually
prove it
you know in theory this is going to be
anywhere between uh 500 to 700 nautical
range boat um there's a bunch of room in
there and you know going into trawler
mode we could be well over a thousand
nautical miles on this boat
so um you know we'll look and see what
it is but i mean we're pushing a big
um you know we've got 900 horsepower
over you know just around 1500 foot
pounds of torque out of the back of this
boat on oversized props
and um you know it is called tank for
reason as part of the ride quality so
you know the end of the day um you know
are you going to find more efficient
boats yes but is it going to be very
efficient and very comfortable and very
quiet and have a very good
ride quality to it absolutely because
that's where we're putting our time and
money and energy yeah
yeah it's a hard way to put your finger
on and you know you know
any car can get you down the road but if
you've ever driven in a well-built
vehicle and you know there's just a
difference in a level of comfort and
that's really what we're pushing for is
a general comfort feeling and safety on
the water
yeah so for the listeners out here in
british columbia here we have
a lot of because of the narrow passages
in between all the islands
and the inlets we have a situation that
we get a lot of currents around here
related to the tides and wind over tide
around here is you can get some crazy
steep shot at
chop it can be humbling
um you know the waves are almost
in certain places in around vancouver
and you know having speed is one thing
and it's one thing that you have a boat
when it's relatively flat
and that's of course always pleasant and
feels like a walk in the park
but it's being able to handle the
that mother nature throws at us with
wind over current
it can uh you know i it
it can get pretty rough out here
obviously it's not the outside it's not
crazy seas but you're going to have a c
that can be pretty steep
and uncomfortable have you done the same
thing on this one for the seats what's
what's going on at the helm on this boat
on the
on the tactical i know it's a good
question so
there is quite a few companies building
some really excellent pneumatic seating
these days it's becoming a little more
um we're using a company that's also
from from british columbia called
marine seating so we're using on this
uh their s5 units that you know some of
the viewers probably
seen in different pads and things like
that really nice compact little unit
with their corbin custom seats over top
so you know it's not the highest level
of um pneumatic you know shock absorbing
seating but it's something that will
take it to the next level in this boat
and in the first one that we did we went
over the top
and we did full you know navy grade uh
100 crazy 20 000 type seats
you know per seat set up over the top
and it was awesome but that goes back to
the whole thing about maybe a little
excessive and
so we've looked at what what makes sense
and this is kind of finding that value
proposition of in between where
we're really happy with the results and
the value makes a lot of sense for the
so you are you uh can we talk a little
bit about the nav system that you chose
for that boat
um yeah so talk to us a little bit about
your decisions how did you go about
choosing the navigation package for this
boat for the listeners out there how did
you decide for that 40-footer what you
were gonna go with
so i like where garmin's gone with a lot
of their stuff over the years
and you know when they first got into
the marine industry
i think a lot of people just went uh
they're you know they're a car
you know situation they're you know
they're not gonna make it
and they made some big waves pretty
quick in the industry and where they've
got to
so what i like is it's very intuitive
and you know if you went back five years
uh you know there'd be a lot of captains
and owners that would turn their nose up
some of the garmin stuff and they would
have to be stuck on certain brands and
things like that and
i won't go into that whole debate
because that's just a whole separate
um but i really i decided i wanted
something that was user-friendly and
and you know whether it's myself at the
helm or whether it is
you know a customer or a newer voter
you know comfort and being able to make
um you know quick decisions based on
information that's in front of you
so the largest screens possible for good
visibility because when it's hairy out
or like you mentioned rough in the water
being able to make smart choices the
more comfortable you are and how easy it
is to use a system
is just how much better your voting
experience is and for me
the garmin package was a very good value
for what you've got for a user interface
without having to go to a whole school
learning how to use the system
what kind of radar did you end up
choosing on that boat did you guys end
up doing a radome or an open array yeah
so we ended up going with the radome
we've used the open array before um for
our needs
on this goal and this product uh
you know radon made sense value-wise
um it was one of those ones that uh
it was more about functionality and
value than it was about
you know having something that was maybe
you know overkill or bigger visual or
more impressive so
i i think we went a little more
economical but i'm really happy with
what we're going to be capable of doing
with just the radon
did you end up with the phantom line uh
for the radar do you know
the reason that is a great question
someone that works at our company
knows that answer yeah i think you ended
up with the phantom line by the way
that's the recommendation
speaking with your team that's i think
where you ended which is
pretty uh i mean garmin makes great
radars there's no doubt
uh yep that's what we used right there
yeah exactly phantom radar honestly i
i i had sold a lot of those radars
before i tried it on my own boat
and uh i can't believe how
the crazy thing about them is the
automatic acquisition of targets
so they're actually identifying targets
that are coming near you or away from
you and they're color coding them
and this is without even a user so you
can literally now start using your radar
without having to be a pro about radar
you can actually turn it on
do a radar overlay or have it on one
and then you can literally have because
there's certain places in british
columbia again where
there's a lot of different little
islands and islets and you don't even
you know it's hard to memorize
everything when you're going fast
and to know that an object is moving and
it's not stationary
and to have to see that target be color
coded differently depending if it's
moving away from you or closer to you
is really a good way especially at speed
to discern
objects of interest versus objects
that you know they're going away from
you there's not really a problem
you know there you're you know and i
think that radar packs a lot of punch
and i tried it on my own boat and i had
the original one i had a
18 and i think it was an hd plus and i
upgraded to the phantom i was like
wow i was like okay i get it now
okay and the price difference is nominal
too which is great uh it's all about
confidence on the water and those are
just factors that give you more
confidence and
you know the more confidence you have
with cruising whether it's with your
family or with friends and things
going on with distractions just enhances
your experience in the water
and you know you're going boating
because you want to relax you want to
and if you're nerving and upset and
cautious about everything going on
because you don't have good information
and you don't have reliable systems
then it's going to be a negative effect
on your weekends away so once again
having some of those products just makes
it you know
hang on worth it so another thing too
that i think is worth talking and you
mentioned this about the open concept
tell us a little bit and i think it's
i've seen this um on other boats as well
tell us about the the way that how are
the aft deck
and the main the salon and the galley
separate how does one access the other
can you tell us a little bit about
now we're talking more interior sort of
layout but tell us a little bit about
how you went about designing the
interior layout of this boat
yeah you know that's a it's a great
thing i mean i i believe that
um you know good food good drinks you
good friends make for good times and and
when you're there
when you get to that location where
we're going to be whether you're on
you're tied to a dock um and you're
wanting to entertain
you know being in one common space you
know you know you don't want to have
whoever's doing the cooking
separating from everyone else you don't
want to have you know a disjointed boat
you don't want to have upper levels and
lower levels where
the primary time you spend other than
sleeping is in these main areas so
the focus was is to to make you know a
40ish foot
boat feel bigger and how we did that is
um an opening bulkhead so the
traditional bulkhead
uh where you would go into the cabin is
set up on
a full opening window with an opening
door that opens up the space and right
to that area
um you know you have your working space
of your galley you have your sink your
cooktop your prep area uh you know all
your refrigeration equipment everything
right there
so that you know what whoever is cooking
whatever is going out just like having a
kitchen party you're right there
and the key is just having everybody
right there hanging out together what do
you do when you're voting
you're cooking you're eating you're
having a good time and that's what it's
all about so
the focus of this boat was around all
those sorts of things of just
entertaining and hanging out
yeah and so you're you're actually i
love it too i mean i
i remember seeing the seeing the
original number one
and even with number two i mean i think
the layout
that open concept is a game changer
you're absolutely right growing up in a
french canadian family where all the
parties happen in the kitchen
and the living room was almost empty and
everybody was standing room sitting on
counters around
you know there's something there's some
the magic happens in the kitchen or
around the kitchen
and to have the galley be not like you
say tucked away too far
is especially when the weather is nice
that is that's a great great picture
there so that's looking through
the aft bulkhead so there's no mullions
or anything between there
the first boat was a powered window so
the window went down the door opened
and that space is completely open in the
next model we're building right now we
we changed the city layout and where
you'd be looking at the outside of that
city that's now
part of the galley and other side so
it's a little bit different setup so it
relates a little bit more to the indoor
outdoor better
um and it probably takes that open
concept kind of to the next level
yeah and you're right it's a great way
to you know when you start putting walls
everywhere i remember visiting an
apartment in vancouver
i think it was a three bedroom two
bathroom and a den
and like 900 square feet every room felt
like a closet
and the whole thing felt like a dungeon
and i i know it met all the boxes
you know you could bring raise a family
there but the challenge was every single
space was your own
but it was tiny and i think with an open
yeah you might not have you know
dedicated spaces for certain things but
the reality is we generally when you're
voting especially on a boat of this size
you're choosing
who's on board i mean these are for
certainly for myself when i'm voting
i'm with loved ones these are people
that i care about these are people i
want to spend time with
you know i i'm not going there to have
my own space when i have guests on board
the boat
i'm going there to live you know it's
it's a party that almost never ends
it's uh it's a weekend that you know
you're making memories
from morning to night and then it just
repeats and so be having that common
space is a great way to just
yeah create the memories um and nobody
feels isolated because everybody wants
to be in it i think when we're voting
you know you don't want to be on your
own and i've seen boats where the galley
is literally tucked away
down below multiple steps no windows
yeah that's i mean that's harder i mean
of course i understand that some voters
have to have that but if you're given a
choice of not having it
certainly some of us are going to
appreciate that open concept yeah
tell me a little bit about the tv we had
spoken about that what did you end up
with the tv setup because i thought that
was pretty neat when we were
dreaming on the back deck of that boat
just before christmas
tell me where you landed on that maybe
just one thing before that i'll mention
you know if you don't have a setup where
you know you can't have an open concept
you got an existing boat you have the
galley below
you're disconnected a great easy way to
be able to bring that up is
you know buy a better barbecue buy a
better green barbecue
and design some meal plans that really
are focused around barbecuing
all your meal plans bring some of your
prep station outside
buy a cool cutting board that fits for
your boat bring your body to the back
deck you know bring bring it out there
don't focus on a stove down below and uh
like i said for
several hundred bucks you can upgrade
your barbecue change your meal plan you
can change the whole feeling of how
you're boating that weekend
yeah that's a good point yeah well
uh the tv yeah you know a little opulent
over the top
so you know maximizing the size you know
we have a city inside where on a
you know cold rainy day or whatever it
may be you want to sit there with a
couple you know pillows and cuddle up
with some kids or hang out with a loved
flip it down watch a movie but on the
other side we can open the
back book head window split that tv uh
180 degrees
and we've got you know a 47 inch tv
right on the back deck of the boat which
is completely oversized for a 40-foot
boat in that space
and then we've got it set up with hdmi
and different outputs where we can plug
uh an air drone we have on the boat an
underwater submarine that's going to be
on there
and just you know have some fun things
to do let's just take the next level
let's get creative hey you're bored well
let's send over the sub and go check out
the bottom of the ocean yeah the kids i
mean kids have got to love that who
doesn't want to be jacques cousteau
we went with the track vision uh
satellite system on this boat
and uh your company helped us sort that
out and you know we could be back there
and you know one of my dreams an
opulence would be
you know cruising trolling for salmon
while watching you know a seahawks game
on sunday
you know or nhl you know hockey game or
something in the back deck or
maybe even watching a golf match that
doesn't take you too much off your
fishing game but
you know that to me was over the top and
probably one of the biggest splurges
on this design just something fun yeah
the great thing about voting like this
especially when you get to dream and
is it's it's almost like to me i
describe it as
i remember visiting all these amazing
castles in europe um
and all these beautiful homes that you
know were museums
i think we're doing that in some way
with voting it's
it's where now people are dreaming about
you know it's not just the science it's
about this sort of
you know the way that my psychologist
told me it's
you can you can imagine perfection and
you're chasing it you know because it's
there's boundaries it's not it's not
like land you
there are distinctions of that boat and
you can keep
finding ways of improving it making it
sort of resonate with what boating
you're doing and
when you're on board i'm smiling just
thinking about it
you just feel like it's almost like a
you know it's like
the way that i imagine my world would be
more often than it is
especially on the water i've never been
on the water and said oh you know what i
wish i was somewhere else
it's it's always the place i'd rather be
yeah well you said it before about loved
ones and who you go boating with then
you know you can have as much fun on a
17-foot you know fishing boat
if you count on 150 foot yacht and you
can make memories that last just as long
if not longer and better
so it's who you go it's the mindset it's
about getting on the water
getting those special spots whether
that's out on a you know a fishing hole
you've got or whether it's
special anchorage that you're gonna drop
a kayak in the water you know just
get on the water get on the water and
you will have a better life because of
exactly so i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna wrap
it up i think we're almost at one hour
at this point i wanna thank you tim for
joining me on our podcast i'm really
about you sharing your passion about not
only voting but actually
making voting dreams come true for other
voters as well
and uh with that i'm going to say a big
shout out to everyone for watching
if you've got further questions or
comments please post them down below
uh you know where you can find us and if
you need to be in contact
with tim from one or many of his
companies let us know
and we'll also put a link down on the
section on the website so you can also
many of the companies that tim is sort
of leading the way with
all right awesome thanks tim for joining
us thank you it's a fun chat thanks a
lot for doing it
thank you
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