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[Music] hi jeff cote here with pacific yacht systems i'm here at the roton industries assistors company to pacific yacht systems that focuses on retail sales of marine electronics pacific outsystems is more on the installation and service of electronics and roton specializes in the sales and helping you choose the right electronics for your boat so here we have bng we've got the zeus 3 displays these 3 displays are really quite nice because what you've got here is you actually have and it comes in different sizes 7 9 and 12. and what you have is the ability of interfacing the whole unit with not only touch screens but also using the buttons on the side so we did a bunch of recently sail boaters that are going to use their boat in inclement weather meaning it's not always going to be sunny uh they're expecting spray in the cockpit we've done a few racers and they're going to find situations where you know things are not always you know dry in the cockpit and they want to make sure that they can interface the screen regardless of the weather conditions so the great thing about the bng zeus is that it gives you the ability to control the device via two different ways touch and buttons and the other thing too is pretty much the only software that is tailor-made uh just for a sailor experience so the b g zeus 3 makes a lot of sense it's compatible with their 4g radar and the new radars that are coming out and then it also has the ability of having a sounder plugged into the back and so you can actually see bottom profiles you can share it you can network it all the sort of benefits that you would assume but again built for sailors so worth considering if you're a sailor definitely you wouldn't see the bng and other any other boat than a sailing boat um but yeah it's very popular so if you've got any further questions or you're sort of himming and hung and wondering if it's the right choice for you reach out to pacific health systems or roton industries to have your questions answered thanks for watching
Boating Tech Talk
2020 Boat Show Presentations
2020 Boat Show Presentations