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so we were engaged by the owner to come
and have a look at his boat because
there's some he fell there were some
problems with the electrical system and
as a first step we we often start with a
service called an electrical audit and
that's where we spend about an hour and
a half to two hours on a boat looking at
the electrical system and that means the
batteries the inverter the Chargers the
alternators the AC distribution the DC
distribution and that's how we started
with this boat owner we started with an
electrical audit we provide that as a
flat fee for about a hundred and eighty
nine dollars and with that it gives the
owner a report and a baseline as to
where they are and what are the critical
deficiencies and also recommendations
and so once we did this survey aboard
the boat we made some recommendations in
terms of things that should be done
immediately and so the scope of the
project was dealing with the way how the
batteries were wired putting proper DC
distribution switching ie separation of
the battery banks allow isolation of the
house and engine batteries and then also
installing a battery monitor on board so
the owner would know the depth of
discharge of his house bank and
replacing the inverter only model with
an inverter charger model so that the
house batteries well connected to show
up our concerns at a faster rate and
also integrating the inverter into the
main AC panel so that only some loads
are gonna be running off the inverter
not all the loads
English (auto-generated)