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hi youtubers jeff cote here with uh pacific yacht systems all right we've got a question from isaac isaac asks a question that is actually pertinent to all of us he asks should the engine ignition switch glow plugs engages be connected to the engine battery or house and do i make sure the keys are not left on and flatten the start battery two questions here um we're trying to meet this within their kind of a little time allotted so anything that's related to starting an engine or running an engine should be running off your engine battery the reason i do that is i i think it's important to have isolation or separation between what i consider mission critical loads and also house loads anything related to your engine and you're right isaac like engine gauges uh fuel pump uh blowers all these things that are essential to running your engine should be running off your engine battery and not out the house because you don't want to have to worry about a depleted house not being able to run those essential loads like gauges while you're running your engine so that'd be the first reason so yeah keep it all on the engine battery much simpler and that way you always know that your engine battery is there just to do one purpose which is run all engine related loads the sub question there which is actually a really good one is how do i make sure the keys are not left on and flatten the start key so a moment ago i realized how beautiful uh the no oral pressure sender is i remember this uh looking at my own gauges on my boat and i was trying to figure all this out looking at the back of my instrument panel and i'm so confused all these wires and i'm looking at like every time i turn my ignition key on if my engine is not running i have this loud buzzing sound that buzzing sound serves two purposes one it tells me that my engine key is turned on and that there is no oil pressure right on my engine and i know that because there's a sensor that is there waiting to sense some sort of oil pressure now what it also tells me it tells me obviously that my engine is not running and that my key is on but it also reminds me and this is really powerful it reminds me that my no oil pressure sender is working every time i'm about to start my engine it's telling me that whenever i'm going to lose oil pressure which can happen on a boat and it's definitely catastrophic not sure if i pronounced it right but pretty close that basically i'm going to get an alarm so if on your boat all of us when you turn the ignition key on not to start but just on so the instrument panel is energized you want to make sure that your oil pressure sender is actually giving you an alarm and telling you that your engine is not sensing oil pressure and therefore is alarming and the moment that you start the engine and the oil pressure builds up then the alarm is going to go away and then you're going to stop having that annoying sound which reminds you that obviously you have oil pressure and also that your engine is running and at the moment you stop your engine you should hear that no oil pressure alarm ring again reminding you that your oil pressure sender is working and then you turn off the key and then you have perfect silence and that is how modern engine panels run thank you for watching this pys video if you've got further questions ask them down below or go on our website to fill one of the forms don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching