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hi youtubers jeff cote here from pacific yacht systems we've got a question from richard richard asks i'm rewiring my ranger 23 when i tried to replace an instrument i found a tangle of wires behind the dash not uncommon i've watched all of your videos on marine wiring and you always suggest crimping connections is there a reason you do not solder them richer well richard that's a really good question and to be honest in the marine world we're really worried not only about a good connection but a good connection under all conditions which includes vibration and a soldered connection can get undone when the conditions are just right and you've got this perfect little vibration at a single point on your boat and the connection should could be broken so yes you can solder your connection if you need to but to be honest all the high-end builders ourselves we don't actually solder any of our connections we just do a really good mechanical crimp and we make sure that we use heat shrink terminals and we've got a good connection and we definitely do a pull test but there's really no reason or no requirement to do soldering in a marine environment so it's certainly going to make your life easier while you're fixing that mess under your dash if you've got further questions or you want some clarification on a marine electrical send them our way thanks for watching