hi jeff cote here with pacific yacht systems we are doing a series on ask pys where boaters ask us questions about their boats and we try to demystify all of the crazy choices that we've had about that so we've got a question from robert robert's got a 32 grady white uh lovely boat by the way and he's asking how many solar panels do i need to run my fridge so instead of actually ask answering with how many solar panels let's think about how much how much watts because watts is really the end result that we're looking for and you can get to the end result by one panel two panels three panels it all depends on the space available on your boat so a typical refrigerator on a 32 foot grady white is probably going to draw probably about 75 amp hours i would say now listen some of you might know the number exactly and if you are a 32 foot grady white owner and you know exactly what your amp hour consumption is on that boat per day for the fridge please post it down below for all of us to know but i'm going to take a guess i'm going to say about 75 amp hours a day so if you want to offset a 75 amp hour a day fridge depending on obviously the climate where you are which is basically what latitude are you and also when are you boating but let's here in the pacific northwest in the summer from may to september you can pretty much the rule of thumb is a factor of four so what does that mean so if you're wanting to run 75 amp hours a day from solar you take 75 amp hours and you multiply it times four that gives us 300. i know the units are not working out but this is a short formula if you want a long formula go on my website and geek the long formula is there but for the rest of us that just simply want to get this done you take 75 you multiply times 4 equals 300. 300 watts is your target size array and if you can fit you could fit that with three 100 watt panels you could fit that with two 150 watt panels right you can slice and dice you can have a 200 and 100 it doesn't matter how you get to 300 but the important thing is you need 300 watts of solar array to run a 75 amp hours a day refrigerator which is what we would expect on a 32 foot grading plate thank you for watching this video if you've got further questions and you're wondering about your own boat please ask questions below or send us an email with your questions and we'll get to them hopefully as soon as possible if you haven't done so please subscribe to our youtube and get our weekly updates we're posting about four videos a week right now and also thanks for watching