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[Music] hi Jeff Cote here with Pacific gout systems what we're going to talk about next is Sounders ultimately probably one of the most important things beside a VHF radio on your boat is knowing the depth under your book so at its most essential that's what a sounder or transducer does for your boat and needs to be inter connected to either an instrument that converts that data and actually shows you a number that makes sense or it could be a display or an MFD that has a built in transducer sounder box inside that can translate directly and take a transducer directly plugged into the back of the display there's so much innovation happening on the sounder field right now there's Sounders that look directly down there's now Sounders that actually start fishfinders have been out for at least 20 years even longer you've got now Sounders that are looking on the side of the boat you've got Sounders you've got chirp you've got Sounders now that look forward on the boat we're tackling your project on a sailboat in about a month where the owner is putting a sound or looking forward so there's a lot of different choices with transducers and Sounders as a boater you've got to make a decision am i only looking for depth as a number would I like to see a bottom profile which I think there's merits even if you're not a fish into fishing you could actually have a bottom profile for anchoring knowing what does the bottom of the ocean look like so that's really nice and then also side view if you're anchoring in really technical places do you want to see a little bit of what's on either side of you or even even more is looking forward of you the nice thing about Sounders now is they come in different frequency so you can actually have and I've done that a lot of boats that are going further afield and we're depth is really important we'll have one transducer at one frequency and another transducer in a different frequency and they can both operate concurrently and so you can have actually backup systems here I've got an example of a transducer that is a through Hall you've got transducers that are in hall meaning there's no hole in the bottom of the boat you've got transducers that are actually they go in and out you can take them out for servicing without having to have them re-- bedded there is honestly on some websites a hundred different transducers that are available from multiple manufacturers so there's a lot of choice out there a lot of different price points in terms of wattage you know how deep you want to see how fast you're going to be going when you're going to be going through there's some fairing block options right if this transducer is out of the hall if you've got any further questions or you're kind of wondering what's the best transducer for my boat and what I intend to do feel free to reach out to pacific yacht systems and let us know how we can be of assistance Thanks